Losing Tire Pressure


New Member
Just bought a couple Rad City STs a few months ago. I try to keep the air pressure at 55#, but I've noticed that over the course of a week, all tires will lose anywhere from about 5-15# of pressure, which seems odd. Anyone else have this issue? Should I get a Schrader valve wrench and see if the valve itself is a little loose? Pump some SlimeTM into the tubes? Any ideas on where my air is going? Thanks in advance.
You can just spit on your finger and rub it over the valve or put a little soapy water on it... if it bubbles you need to tighten it or maybe replace it.
I have an older Currie that has thicker, thorn resistant tubes will hold most of it's air for over a year. I also have a newer Como that can lose 30 pounds in front and back in a week... go figure.
Oh Boy, been here.....
Short story is added Slime to the tubes and ended the problem. Now go months between fills.

Long story is I tried several different tubes, standard and supposed "heavy duty". Cheap tubes and supposedly the best you can buy, and they ALL leaked air at about the same rate - weekly fills required.
I even asked dealers (2) about adding something like Slime, and they both said it was a bad plan.

Lesson learned: It's a bad plan because it reduces their chances of making money off me.......

Add the Slime. If you are still loosing pressure over a week's time, add some more. You didn't get enough in the first time.....
Just bought a couple Rad City STs a few months ago. I try to keep the air pressure at 55#, but I've noticed that over the course of a week, all tires will lose anywhere from about 5-15# of pressure, which seems odd. Anyone else have this issue? Should I get a Schrader valve wrench and see if the valve itself is a little loose? Pump some SlimeTM into the tubes? Any ideas on where my air is going? Thanks in advance.
All tubes leak air through the tube walls. A couple of lbs, maybe up to 5#, is what I see. 15# of loss in a week is excessive so you may have a valve issue as well. Without a tire sealant, you should plan on a weekly tire pump-up.
I put a little pressure in my tires every month. A few PSI, something like 5 at the most but I'm running tubeless but I wouldn't check the pressure of any given tires more than once every two weeks except if I'm a heavy rider (more than 300 miles/week, in than case, I would check the pressure weekly).