Looks like the X1 is only available through WW now.


Well-Known Member
I know technically only WW had it in North America all along.
But the X1 is a Innotrace controller that Exess used to have, but their new Ebike doesn't have it anymore, in fact they switched to a Bosch motor.

As this used to be the Travelanche, we can see why WW had change out of the platform.

As that was an excellent Ebike I would guess they want to sell more Ebikes into Europe that are legal and this is the change they had to make.
The new Ebike is called the Ecross

I wonder if somebody really wanted it, if Pushkar could bring it in, since he already had contact with these guys?
Something like $7500 Euro's
The Mother company is S-Tech.
I have a Bosch motor on a Trek, sitting collecting dust waiting to be sold , less then a year old as soon as I get my Helioses (or is it Heliosi.) . It is my emergency bike when my BH daily rider finally dies so I can have something till the new ones are ready. I can’t imagine these two different motors in the same bike...
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Whew glad I was able to get my Exess frame from Pushkar last year to build up my present bike. Looks like the newer model's drive unit is different. Rear geometry and rear shock is different too. Also having the battery access slot on the bottom of the downtube would of been a deal breaker for me. Got about 7 months on my ride so far and it's working out great. Have zero complaints. Another friend of mine was able to get the same frame a month or so after I had mine up and running. Not sure how many of them made it to our shores but I'm glad at least 2 of them did.
Whew glad I was able to get my Exess frame from Pushkar last year to build up my present bike. Looks like the newer model's drive unit is different. Rear geometry and rear shock is different too. Also having the battery access slot on the bottom of the downtube would of been a deal breaker for me. Got about 7 months on my ride so far and it's working out great. Have zero complaints. Another friend of mine was able to get the same frame a month or so after I had mine up and running. Not sure how many of them made it to our shores but I'm glad at least 2 of them did.
It's a nice Ebike, BUT I think they actually made some downgrades to it, for example they went to a 36V battery from a 52V and the Bosch motor no throttle from an Ultra with throttle.
For € 7,590 which is about $9200 USD the Hydra is a better Ebike for less money.
Pushkar must have known this was coming last year, so decided to make his own.
Pushkars a smart guy. Maybe he only carried the Exess brand for access to the innotrace controller? I dont think he sold alot of the Exess bikes but I could be wrong. Like a good business you need to try different things and build on what is the best for your needs. If he’s exclusive on the controller in N. America he’s really smart. Lets see, got the best controller check, build my own bikes check, have a good rep check, yeah, smart as a fox! Good for him.
Pushkar I just got a notice on an update for the Archon X1 controller.
Before I download the Zip file and install could you tell me a bit on what it's going to improve on?
Either publicly on here or a PM is fine.
Thanks Mike
Pushkar you there?? As I mentioned above I received a notice for an update for my X1 and wanted to know what it addresses before I install it. Care to comment? 13 days should be enough time for a response. I tried your site also and got nada. I know your busy, understatement probably, but like I said before you need to take care of your past clients if you intend to have any in the future. Just a quick answer is all I need. Thanks Mike
Am I talking to you? Stay in your lane. Lets see he doesn't answer e-mails directly from his site. In the past the only response I could get from him was to mention his name in a thread, which Im sure he gets dinged on when his name is mentioned, or it seems to. Speak positive about the man and I get a friken "like" on my post but ask for a informative response...crikets... Maybe I'll start a new"thread" Just to ask him a question? I'll figure it out myself.
Whoa, no need to jump down the throat of someone merely trying to help. I don’t completely blame you though. I can’t be the only one noticing a deterioration of mood of WW supporters/followers—myself included—proportionate to the increased duration of silence from our leader. How things have changed from a state of hope and anticipation to one of despair and fear…so very tragic.
Last post on EBR was on Friday afternoon, as this is odd for him, he might either be super busy or sick...lets hope it's super busy.
New Facebook posted picture from yesterday so stuff is happening.
The new cheaper Hydra Black for 4K


Are you sure that is a Hydra Black Ebike33?

Isn't the rear shocks extra reservoir indicative of a pro model shock? And...surprised if the Black would ship with that tall of a steer tube. Uncut?

I would like to know exact specs of the Black. I'm tempted to transfer money from a different interim ebike purchase over to getting one of those.
Good I Merle. The Black mes with rockshox monarch which does not have any extra resevoi, on further inspection that one also has a triple crown front which is also not correct. I clicked on the post and there are 2 pics of this bike and 4 of the more stripped down Black. I hope Pushkar straightens it out