Looking for an e-trike

She's feeling okay & has been icing her leg. She's excited to get back up on the horse. I'm thinking a large open parking lot in an industrial area might be the ticket. The road we live on is pretty good too - - it's a large circle ~3/4 mile. It has a fairly steeply-sloped parabolic camber in some spots but as long as she sticks to the middle of the road it is nice, flat level surface. There's very little traffic... and so far any cars that have been on the road at the same time as the trike have all slowed down or stopped to watch the trike, lol. (one observer at the mail box exclaimed "What a Beast!" ...I think they liked it, LoL)

Glad to hear it wasn't a serious injury and that she is excited to ride again. It sounds like you have plenty of places to ride. Unless you still have that truck to haul your etrike to a large open parking lot you may have to travel some distance to get there which would be a learning experience itself. Well, at least, now you can ride together.
Glad to hear it wasn't a serious injury and that she is excited to ride again. It sounds like you have plenty of places to ride. Unless you still have that truck to haul your etrike to a large open parking lot you may have to travel some distance to get there which would be a learning experience itself. Well, at least, now you can ride together.

The truck is still stranded 5.5hrs. away. Should be repaired by Monday. (tack it onto the 'savings' I had on the trike, lol). We're actually still contemplating what we're going to do as far as transporting it around goes. Some of the places we'd like to bring it are not really that far from home (ie. there's a couple of nice provincial parks where we take our RV camping and they'd be great for the trike (fresh pavement, nice & flat). I was wondering about something like this (posted on a Facebook page) as I heard the 'Hollywood bike rack' won't hold these trikes (but will hold the Evolo trikes). The RV has a hitch assembly already on the back.... maybe I could get one for the car too (although I'm thinking the bike on the rack would be too wide to have on the back of the car). Hmm... might need 'another' vehicle (I'm just in the process of getting rid of a few that broke down on us).
61332481_10216093848271572_8429805055720292352_n (1).jpg
It's some aluminum channel added to a carrier rack. (I believe he's also got ramps for it and is working on a hinge assembly for them). With some help I think it would be pretty easy to get the trike up o
designed carrier for Trike.jpg
nto this rack though).
It's some aluminum channel added to a carrier rack. (I believe he's also got ramps for it and is working on a hinge assembly for them). With some help I think it would be pretty easy to get the trike up oView attachment 34171nto this rack though).

The Hollywood racks will only hold 3" tires so our 4" trikes won't work unless they come out with something new. I would think that with all the 4" wide etrikes someone would be innovative enough to come up with something.
The Hollywood racks will only hold 3" tires so our 4" trikes won't work unless they come out with something new. I would think that with all the 4" wide etrikes someone would be innovative enough to come up with something.

Hi Dave & all others.
Wanted to thank you all for your input in helping us to purchase an e-trike. I'm pretty sure we picked the right one for our needs & with a few minor adjustments it should be good (ie. swapping out the handlebars as the ones it came with are the same as the emojo caddy and are really swept back which I actually find to be a bit awkward & feel I have less control. I picked up another set of handlebars that have ~5" rise, ~22" wide with just a minor sweep to them. Haven't put them on yet but plan on doing so tomorrow.

I'm also still looking for a bike rack. My wife found a Hollywood rack today that apparently works for the fat bikes & fat e-trikes. I'm just looking into it now. Here's a pic.


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FANTASTIC information here!! Thanks Dave!

There's a trike up here (Canada) for sale that is also same (very similar) to the Admotor trike. It is called Volt Bike 'Trio'. It's the M-350 but with a slightly different frame (same design but is aluminium and the down tube is sort of flat-sided, rectangular-shaped. Another called the 'Kasen' trike is sold on Amazon. All of them are the M-350 model... which is actually the one I was first interested in (saw an ad. for it on 'kijiji'.. which is a buy& sell type of site in Canada). The M-330 would be much more suitable for my wife with it's smaller wheels and with the frame appearing to be much lower to the ground by the cranks & front sprocket. I don't even think she'd be able to get onto the M-350.
Now the question for me is.... where to get it from????

By chance do you keep the tires inflated to ~15psi? Have you gone over PAS2? (Yes, I'm reading your review on the Addmotor page right now, lol. It was just a fluke that I was reading that page & this one at the same time. Question, how many levels of Pedal assist are there?

More questions....
My wife is very heavy. Could the trike handle 300lbs. okay?
About how high off the ground do you need to lift your foot when getting onto the trike?
I'm aware of how great the tires are... I've just grabbed a 'Moose FatBike 2' and it comes with 4" wide tires which make it possible to ride the thing in the snow! But I'm thinking I'm going to need a motor added to mine if I hope to keep up to the wife. (add motor.... ah ha! lol). She was more sold on the looks of the Pedego & wanted me to grab it immediately (umm.. yes she is a compulsive shopper... and yah.. I am the exact opposite, lol). But it just didn't seem like it would be powerful enough to me. I mentioned to her that the big tires would help to cushion the ride and would make it likely that she could ride it down the trail here to the river right behind our place and there's another fantastic spot just down the end of our street (we just moved here last month) with an amazing fishing spot. There's almost nobody there as a car won't make it down the path but I'm thinking that one of these admotor trikes could.

If I can't get the trike delivered to my place here in B.C. I could make an arrangement to have it shipped to Spokane Wash. & then just drive down, pick it up & bring it back home (duty at the border I believe is ~12%).

Thanks for your help Dave! Addmotor should be paying you as I think you've just made a sale for them here (hmm.... maybe they are paying you??? Dave?? just kidding).
My grandparents lived most of their lives in Florida. They lived in Margate for awhile and then by the time I was 5yrs. old they were up at Satellite Beach. Huge highlites of my childhood going to visit with them down there (we were up in Toronto).

thanks again,

I'd like some info. on the seat too please! That was one of the things we liked about the Pedego trike. Can you tell me where I can find it at please? Thanks.
I checked out that site you sent me for the Electric Fat Trike. It looks great! But I need the M-330.
Instead of shipping a bike to Spokane, WA, consider https://inoutparcel.com/
I have bought two ebikes for shipment there and it’s very convenient to get to Point Roberts, WA, just across the border from Tsawwassen, from Vancouver, BC
Instead of shipping a bike to Spokane, WA, consider https://inoutparcel.com/
I have bought two ebikes for shipment there and it’s very convenient to get to Point Roberts, WA, just across the border from Tsawwassen, from Vancouver, BC

I'm not sure how that would be more convenient for myself? I'm 2hrs. north of Spokane & 7hrs. east of Vancouver BC. I was planning to have a trike shipped to Northport WA (just a few minutes across the border). I ended up purchasing one from a guy in the Interior of BC.
Any suggestions on handlebar alternatives? I bought a set from Amazon but am not too thrilled with them (not quite long enough to fit the grips, brakes, gears, bell, etc. onto them). The ones I picked up have a slighter higher rise than the ones the bike came with, but much less sweep (the orignal ones are like the ones found on the beach cruiser bikes & I find them lacking a bit in the control dept..... also not comfortable for the wife's seating position).
Considering some other alterations now as well...
a new seat? (any suggestions?) needing something VERY sturdy!
new cranks? (the ones the bike comes with are a bit too long for the frame of the bike and riding position as they bottom out while riding the bike on the grass. Even while on a flat, paved surface, they come VERY close to the ground.
Needed to remove the front fender as well as it was coming into contact with the front tire while riding the bike.
We were out riding today but haven't been out on it much yet. She loves the freedom of being out on the trike! ... but is actually a bit too heavy for the bike and not that comfortable to be on it for any length of time. Baby steps I say!
Thanks again for all the help!
Grabbing a new car trunk organizer to fit into the back cargo space. Found one on Amazon that actually fits exactly to the dimensions (20" x 15.75", x 13"). Almost as if it were made for it... and.. it's PINK! (& grey)