Looking for an e-trike

Make that Wednesday & Thursday. Tried to rent a truck in my area today and there weren't any available until July!!!! I was shocked! Managed to borrow a truck tonight and heading out in the morning.
Any tips on what I should be looking for as I take this for a test drive? (I won't be picking up the trike til' Thurs. morning so any tips before then would be awesome!).
thanks again :)

I have to agree with gfmucci, this looks just like a emoji caddy which is a 7 speed: https://electricitycycles.com/products/emojo-caddy-fat-tire-500w-48v-electric-tricycle?variant=13908293156917&utm_medium=cpc&utm_source=google&utm_campaign=Google Shopping

There is a user manual on that page as well plus some videos which could be helpful. The emoji has a 24" front tire and from the pictures you provided I couldn't tell if it is 24". There are differences of course because the company emoji probably upgraded some things such as the display since emoji is more like Addmotor's display. However, battery and motor are the same as well as the frame. It's difficult to tell if the one you are going to buy has a Shimano Tourney or Altus derailleur system but in any case that is probably not a major issue. There should be 5 pedal assists (PAS) which would show up on the display. You can always change the seat but obviously, you and your wife will need to ride it and if it works for you and doesn't fall apart then it is a go. I would think anything around $1500 would be a very good deal. Considering the fact you would not be paying for shipping or putting it together even $2000 would probably be good. Any paperwork he would be willing to provide you so you could replace the battery or motor if they failed might be helpful.

Good luck and keep us informed. Dave
I have to agree with gfmucci, this looks just like a emoji caddy which is a 7 speed: https://electricitycycles.com/products/emojo-caddy-fat-tire-500w-48v-electric-tricycle?variant=13908293156917&utm_medium=cpc&utm_source=google&utm_campaign=Google Shopping

There is a user manual on that page as well plus some videos which could be helpful. The emoji has a 24" front tire and from the pictures you provided I couldn't tell if it is 24". There are differences of course because the company emoji probably upgraded some things such as the display since emoji is more like Addmotor's display. However, battery and motor are the same as well as the frame. It's difficult to tell if the one you are going to buy has a Shimano Tourney or Altus derailleur system but in any case that is probably not a major issue. There should be 5 pedal assists (PAS) which would show up on the display. You can always change the seat but obviously, you and your wife will need to ride it and if it works for you and doesn't fall apart then it is a go. I would think anything around $1500 would be a very good deal. Considering the fact you would not be paying for shipping or putting it together even $2000 would probably be good. Any paperwork he would be willing to provide you so you could replace the battery or motor if they failed might be helpful.

Good luck and keep us informed. Dave

I noticed this too Dave... frame looks like the Caddy... except the front forks look like the m-330
You've been extremely helpful!

It's been YEARS (decades... 4 decades (WOW.. where has the time gone?)) since I've done any wrenching on bikes and they certainly didn't have any motors in them. My older sister is an avid cyclist, having raced with the provincial team here at one point, coaches triathletes, etc. A good friend of her's (for decades) owns the local bike shop in town. Might need to use this resource at some point (but here's hoping I don't). I'm also hoping to continue my drive to my recently deceased brother's house (another 3hrs. down the road), to pick up a few things there, including a couple of bicycles. I'm sure he'll have the tools I'll be needing too. (I don't own a spoke wrench today... well I probably do come to think of it but I've just moved & my stuff has not been sorted thru).

I'm getting nervous & excited! Be back soon!
Regarding the Emojo: It used to be 7 speeds, but they went down to one because of "issues".

Here is an email I received from Emojo:

"The current model has no gear, is single speed, the earlier model had 7 gears but turned out to be troublesome due to the geometry of the trike, the derrailleur in some cases rubbed the wheel so we ended up getting rid of the geats.
The Caddy has front and disc brakes, single disc on the front wheel and dual disc at the rear wheels, in addition to that we are upgrading all the trikes by adding front suspension instead of a rigid fork."
Regarding the Emojo: It used to be 7 speeds, but they went down to one because of "issues".

Here is an email I received from Emojo:

"The current model has no gear, is single speed, the earlier model had 7 gears but turned out to be troublesome due to the geometry of the trike, the derrailleur in some cases rubbed the wheel so we ended up getting rid of the geats.
The Caddy has front and disc brakes, single disc on the front wheel and dual disc at the rear wheels, in addition to that we are upgrading all the trikes by adding front suspension instead of a rigid fork."

The one advertised on Electric City Cycles which is linked above does not have any travel suspension on the front fork but it does have 7 speeds. In looking at the one selling at Electric City Cycles I can't figure out how the derailleur could rub the tire. The trike Colin was looking at has a derailleur but I don't know how many speeds it has but obviously more than one. Maybe the ones Emojo is manufacturing now have 1 speed but the ones available to the public have more up to this point. Anyway, we will find out more once Colin picks up his trike if he ends up liking it or as long as his wife likes it.
Yeah, it seems like that sort of problem could have been resolved short of getting rid of the entire enchilada. It seems anyone half mechanically inclined could resolve the rubbing. But I guess they know what they're doing. I guess they just didn't want to mess with the necessary adjustments.
I noticed this too Dave... frame looks like the Caddy... except the front forks look like the m-330
You've been extremely helpful!

It's been YEARS (decades... 4 decades (WOW.. where has the time gone?)) since I've done any wrenching on bikes and they certainly didn't have any motors in them. My older sister is an avid cyclist, having raced with the provincial team here at one point, coaches triathletes, etc. A good friend of her's (for decades) owns the local bike shop in town. Might need to use this resource at some point (but here's hoping I don't). I'm also hoping to continue my drive to my recently deceased brother's house (another 3hrs. down the road), to pick up a few things there, including a couple of bicycles. I'm sure he'll have the tools I'll be needing too. (I don't own a spoke wrench today... well I probably do come to think of it but I've just moved & my stuff has not been sorted thru).

I'm getting nervous & excited! Be back soon!

Have you had a chance to pick up the etrike? If so, more details when you get a chance since I realize you went to your deceased brother's house to obtain tools etc.
Thanks. Dave
Have you had a chance to pick up the etrike? If so, more details when you get a chance since I realize you went to your deceased brother's house to obtain tools etc.
Thanks. Dave

Got home late last night.
Son's truck broke down. 2 extra nights in Hotel. Couldn't find a rental truck to get home (5hrs. drive!). Only truck I could rent was a 26' UHaul... but would be okay to use at my brother's place. Left truck for repairs (clutch.. sigh). Went to brother's... his tenant had driveway entrance blocked off with large RV & some broken down cars. I couldn't drive up onto the property and it wasn't safe to park on side of the highway there. On top of this it was pouring rain. I drove away & got home at ~2am. Exhausted. Trike is still in the back of the truck now.
will update soon!
Got home late last night.
Son's truck broke down. 2 extra nights in Hotel. Couldn't find a rental truck to get home (5hrs. drive!). Only truck I could rent was a 26' UHaul... but would be okay to use at my brother's place. Left truck for repairs (clutch.. sigh). Went to brother's... his tenant had driveway entrance blocked off with large RV & some broken down cars. I couldn't drive up onto the property and it wasn't safe to park on side of the highway there. On top of this it was pouring rain. I drove away & got home at ~2am. Exhausted. Trike is still in the back of the truck now.
will update soon!

Sorry to hear about your unbelievable difficult road trip. Hopefully, you'll get some rest and be able to try out the etrike. Let us know when things settle down and you're able to take a closer look at your etrike. Take care. dave
Sorry to hear about your unbelievable difficult road trip. Hopefully, you'll get some rest and be able to try out the etrike. Let us know when things settle down and you're able to take a closer look at your etrike. Take care. dave

Thanks Dave.
Got the trike out & checked it over, tightening up a few things & noticing he'd put a few pieces together incorrectly :( Wife was getting impatient but I insisted I go over it thoroughly (it's really the story of our lives... I'm too thorough, she's headstrong & just surges forward). I take it out for the first test spin. The end of our driveway is a bit dicey but I power up it while standing on the pedals, get out onto the street & away I go. On the second pass I'm doing 20.1 mph (32.5 km/h), while on PA '2'. Wow! It's pretty fast!.... & FUN!
I pull back into the yard & do a few circles in the field. I then suggest to my wife that I help her to the end of the driveway and she takes it for a spin once she's up on the road (flat road... although it's actually not very flat at all). She insists it's not a problem and she's just going to blast down the driveway on it. I TRIED TO GET HER TO LISTEN TO ME.... sigh. She crashed it on her first ride down the driveway and hurt her leg :( The trike is okay.... but she is not.
I have a few more questions (soon). I want to look into getting some different handlebars. Pretty sure these ones are the same as the emojo caddy & I think we'd like ones like the m-330. My brother has a bunch of bike parts at his place (that I'm sure we'll find once we go there... 'soon') so I might be able to make use of some stuff.
Here's the trike.
Here's me coming back from my first spin on the trike in my yard.
And here's me coming bike from my test ride View attachment 34157

Great pictures. Looks like a perfect bike for what you wanted especially if you purchased it at a discount. Sorry to hear about your wife. Hope it is only a minor spill. I'm sure she was excited about riding it...it was a new adventure. Of course, you have to be careful...you might fall in love with it since it is so much fun and then your wife will wonder...when can I ride it?

I think you bought the right type of etrike for your terrain. It takes time to get used to it although it sounds like you're picking up riding it fast. It will just take your wife a little bit longer and of course there is a learning curve like anything else. It will be interesting to see the changes you make. Keep in touch.
Sorry about your wife’s accident, hope she heals quickly. Watching the trike review videos it’s apparent an upright trike is no ATV and will flip quite easily unless you’re going really slowly in a turn. Some level of operator training is needed before taking it out on the open roads, but I hope the accident does not put off your wife from trying again.
Sorry about your wife’s accident, hope she heals quickly. Watching the trike review videos it’s apparent an upright trike is no ATV and will flip quite easily unless you’re going really slowly in a turn. Some level of operator training is needed before taking it out on the open roads, but I hope the accident does not put off your wife from trying again.

In 1988 the federal government banned 3 wheel ATVs because of deaths and injuries and since then 4 wheel ATVs have caused over 6000 deaths. You can't compare riding an electric 3 wheel trike to an ATV in addition to the fact that there is no pedaling with an ATV. Implying ATVs are safer than an electric trike in regards to flipping is misleading.

Of course with any bike/trike safety is first and foremost and I have always worn a helmet while riding. It doesn't matter if you are riding a two-wheel bike or a three-wheel trike you need to be careful whether you are on a paved road or difficult terrain. I would add that I have ridden etrikes over 2000 miles in dirt, sand and pavement and never came close to flipping it. Colin's wife just needs to take it easy at first until she is comfortable riding it even though she is excited about the prospect of riding it and being able to exercise without using a walker to go down the driveway. Colin tried to warn her but her enthusiasm took over and she fell as a result. Hopefully Colin's wife's injury isn't serious and she has learned her lesson albeit the hard way.
If you watch Brent's review of the Addmotor M-350 when he gets into difficult terrain he carefully maneuvers the 3 wheel trike with a 24 inch front tire which is what Colin is working with. It's a good idea of what you can do and of course Brent is seasoned in riding bikes/trikes but again he is still careful. Here is the short version of his review:
In 1988 the federal government banned 3 wheel ATVs because of deaths and injuries and since then 4 wheel ATVs have caused over 6000 deaths. You can't compare riding an electric 3 wheel trike to an ATV in addition to the fact that there is no pedaling with an ATV. Implying ATVs are safer than an electric trike in regards to flipping is misleading.

Of course with any bike/trike safety is first and foremost and I have always worn a helmet while riding. It doesn't matter if you are riding a two-wheel bike or a three-wheel trike you need to be careful whether you are on a paved road or difficult terrain. I would add that I have ridden etrikes over 2000 miles in dirt, sand and pavement and never came close to flipping it. Colin's wife just needs to take it easy at first until she is comfortable riding it even though she is excited about the prospect of riding it and being able to exercise without using a walker to go down the driveway. Colin tried to warn her but her enthusiasm took over and she fell as a result. Hopefully Colin's wife's injury isn't serious and she has learned her lesson albeit the hard way.
Not just a matter of experience with these trikes. From what I read, a very high percentage of buyers have some sort of physical impairment. Many start their story talking about balance issues, or knee issues that require throttle only operation. Now with all these trikes having all the speed available, it’s a recipe for disaster.
Not just a matter of experience with these trikes. From what I read, a very high percentage of buyers have some sort of physical impairment. Many start their story talking about balance issues, or knee issues that require throttle only operation. Now with all these trikes having all the speed available, it’s a recipe for disaster.

I have severe neuropathy of the lower extremities (especially right) and I use a cane or walker since I have significant balance issues. 2000+ miles and never had an issue of tipping or falling over with an etrike. If people start out slow and learn how to ride these etrikes they will minimize their problems. But it is like any bike/trike...ride carefully and be aware of your surroundings...don't go crazy unless you are a professional.
I agree Dave. Same goes for any vehicle. If you don't learn and adapt to its limits, bad stuff will happen. Our brains and common sense are part of Darwin's "survival of the fittest" observation.

Those who just rely on laws and consumer safety regulations are begging for their lives to be regulated into becoming an unthinking robot.
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Sorry about your wife’s accident, hope she heals quickly. Watching the trike review videos it’s apparent an upright trike is no ATV and will flip quite easily unless you’re going really slowly in a turn. Some level of operator training is needed before taking it out on the open roads, but I hope the accident does not put off your wife from trying again.
we're well aware of the potential for tipping over. In this particular case, the problem was that she wasn't going fast enough to have the momentum carry her up the last part of the driveway (which is a short, steep section with ruts & rocks). Actually the problem was attempting to ride up that portion period... especially on a first ride experience. But she'd just seen me do it... and it looked so easy (& Fun!). She doesn't always like to listen to my 'suggestions'... I've been learning to make less of them (or at least trying to). Perhaps she'll listen a bit more to the ones I do still make??
She's feeling okay & has been icing her leg. She's excited to get back up on the horse. I'm thinking a large open parking lot in an industrial area might be the ticket. The road we live on is pretty good too - - it's a large circle ~3/4 mile. It has a fairly steeply-sloped parabolic camber in some spots but as long as she sticks to the middle of the road it is nice, flat level surface. There's very little traffic... and so far any cars that have been on the road at the same time as the trike have all slowed down or stopped to watch the trike, lol. (one observer at the mail box exclaimed "What a Beast!" ...I think they liked it, LoL)