Hi, I'm Joe from Massachusetts, US. Years ago, I was given a broken Ford Thinkbike, which had been used by Leominster Police Department. I bought a generic controller and built and programmed a PIC microcontroller board to handle the throttle input, pedal torque sensor and brake cutoff. It was functional, but ancient and heavy and I replaced it with a Hollandia from electricbikecity. dot.com. That was pretty good until I needed to get a new rear wheel, damaged by a pot hole. In springtime, 2000 while the wheel was at the bike shop, the rest of the bike (minus the rear wheel and 36V battery) was stolen the indoor stairway it was lock up in. A niece donated this Walmart Granite Peak bike, and I bought a Bafang kit, re-using the Hollandia battery. This pic is last July, shortly after it got running. The Wald baskets are great, and I've since gotten a bottle battery. It's pretty reliable with about 1000 miles on it now.
Now, I'm repairing a Raleigh ebike for my brother, and I've got a question I'll post in the appropriate section.
Now, I'm repairing a Raleigh ebike for my brother, and I've got a question I'll post in the appropriate section.