Lectric XP Ride and Range Reports


Active Member
Thought I'd start a thread for ride and range reports for the Lectric XP. Since I don't have my bike yet I've nothing to add. But as people get their XPs and would like to inform other members of the community about their experiences, this might serve as a good place to collect such reports in one area.
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Thought I'd start a thread for ride and range reports. Since I don't have my bike yet I've nothing to add. But as people get their bikes and would like to inform other members of the community about their experiences, this might serve as a good place to collect such reports in one area.
I rode 24 km yesterday mainly pas 2 but set up on the higher speed class 3. I used up 1/4 of my battery...
My personal best so far is 61 miles with a 15 AH, 48 V battery and 500 W rear hub motor. There was still some charge left so I likely could have gone 70. I did this under ideal conditions on a mostly level paved trail keeping my speed under 12 MPH.
My personal best so far is 61 miles with a 15 AH, 48 V battery and 500 W rear hub motor. There was still some charge left so I likely could have gone 70. I did this under ideal conditions on a mostly level paved trail keeping my speed under 12 MPH.
Is this a lectric xp? Is this for all ebikes on this thread or just Lectric?
I suspect mine will travel thousands of miles on the first charge. The second charge will likely be less miles, but more fun ;)
I'd guestimate 10-60 miles, depending on how you use it.
So I'm using the ful seven gears on my XP and finding with the level 3 or class 3 setting on the bike even in seventh gear I would like taller gearing. I have the 52 tooth front gear. Also when on a hill or trail that's a bit steep it's hard to start out without using the throttle to get moving. Consequently I have ordered this freewheel. The gears should work great as second through sixth gear are near the same as original. I do find though that I am using no power assist as much as 25% of the time and the rest of the time one and two and rarely third.


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Just got back from my longest ride so far on the XP. Kept it in PAS1 and did not use the twist throttle. This was on a couple of bike paths with mileage posts every 1/4 mile. The odometer is off by 25%! 3 miles indicated is actually 4 miles. The 20 miles indicated would be a 25 mile trip in reality. I included pics from the end of the ride showing battery level as well as voltage. Ended up with 7 bars showing at rest. The first bar disappeared at 11.4 miles indicated. Another ride I did a few days ago, i noticed once the gauge started dropping, It did so very quickly. I am unable to change the tire size on my bike as earlier bike owner's were able to. Forgot to compare the speed with my GPS so that will have to wait for another check-in. I suspect it will be grossly off as well.


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So far just over 9 miles. Down 3 bars. Mostly flat with my 195 # on it. Mostly pas 2. But maybe a mile or so throttle only at full tilt slightly uphill doing rad mini side by side. Switch bikes back and forth on acceleration test with my 145# son. Rad mini won easily. Fyi. This one beter top speed tho
Im not sure but i think i read somewhere that these batteries need a few Cycles charged full to run almost all the way down to get to their full capacity. Has anybody else heard anything like this. Kind of like a break-in period.
Hey guys took my bike out tonight, I cannot change the tire size, I'm one of the guys that just got theirs this week. I rode to my father-in-law's house. On my phone I turned on "map my ride" it showed 4.9 miles. The bike showed 3.7 miles. I immediately downloaded a new speedo app and reset the trip odometer. Set off again. Stopped when bike odo showed 3.7 miles and checked my new app. Guess what 4.9 miles. I live in an area where the main roads are exactly 1 mile apart so I checked my new speedo app and it was correct. So then rode the bike for one mile on its odometer and check the speedo app and it showed 1.3 MI. So for every 1 mile on my bile odo im actually doing 1.3. Just good to know when your estimating a trip. It also made my 25 mile full charge first run a more respectable 33 miles. Happy trails. Not complaining just fyi
Hey guys took my bike out tonight, I cannot change the tire size, I'm one of the guys that just got theirs this week. I rode to my father-in-law's house. On my phone I turned on "map my ride" it showed 4.9 miles. The bike showed 3.7 miles. I immediately downloaded a new speedo app and reset the trip odometer. Set off again. Stopped when bike odo showed 3.7 miles and checked my new app. Guess what 4.9 miles. I live in an area where the main roads are exactly 1 mile apart so I checked my new speedo app and it was correct. So then rode the bike for one mile on its odometer and check the speedo app and it showed 1.3 MI. So for every 1 mile on my bile odo im actually doing 1.3. Just good to know when your estimating a trip. It also made my 25 mile full charge first run a more respectable 33 miles. Happy trails. Not complaining just fyi
I imagine I will always be using a phone GPS or tracker app of some sort to supplement the info coming from the display. I don't think this is unusual, actually. In the world of ICE scooters made in Asia, it's common knowledge that speedometers and odometers are generally 5% off to the high side. Perhaps this same situation applies to ebikes as well. I should check this out on my Surface 604 Rook for comparison. Thanks for the info.
I imagine I will always be using a phone GPS or tracker app of some sort to supplement the info coming from the display. I don't think this is unusual, actually. In the world of ICE scooters made in Asia, it's common knowledge that speedometers and odometers are generally 5% off to the high side. Perhaps this same situation applies to ebikes as well. I should check this out on my Surface 604 Rook for comparison. Thanks for the info.
Dude i hadnt heard of the surface 604 rook until you just mentioned it. Nice lookin bike congrats!