Latest Stromer Omni C update killed my GSM connection - Stromer rolled it back


New Member
Despite my better judgement, I got so annoyed by the constant update prompts that I allowed Stromer to push out to the Omni C on my Stromer ST2. After updating, my GSM connection stopped working and I can no longer remotely contact my bike with the Stromer app. It also won't record mileage etc. The GSM connection was the sole reason I purchased the Stromer over other brands. I often have to park in high crime areas and I am particularly annoyed and concerned. I took the bike back to New Wheel in San Francisco for help since I purchased it from them. They tried connecting to my bike from the service program and were unable to do so despite the bike registering plenty of GSM bars on the Omni C. The service tech told me that I am basically SOL. They are unable to roll back updates and have no way of fixing the issue. According to New Wheel, I will need to wait for Stromer to put out their next Omni C software update and it "may" fix issue the issue. Given that the bike is still under warranty, I was not expecting to hear that I may never again have a properly functioning bike and am not happy that I invested in a Stromer. Does anyone know if there is a way to roll back software updates on the Omni C?
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I hope your problem will be resolved soon. If the shop is telling you to wait for an update and hope that it works that is bad practice. Thanks for letting us know, I will cross them off my list for my future purchase.

If I were you I would get in touch with Stromer directly.

Good luck, I hope you get the functionality back. to the Omni C on my Stromer ST2. After updating, my GSM connection stopped working and I can no longer remotely contact my bike with the Stromer app. It also won't record mileage etc.

When did you upgrade to OMNI C?

As usual, we have several comments about the latest firmware release at None of them is about the GSM data connection. It's a common failure having full 3G or 2G network (bars and 3G/2G symbol) but no connection to the Stromer. But this effect only temporary (no free data channel available from the network provider?).

The mileage between the display at the Stromer and the OMNI app might have differences due to the update interval. Once the Stromer has connection again, the mileage on the app will be synchronized.

AFAIK, there is no possibility for a rollback. Buy Stromer can push a firmware individually to one single bike. Let me know, how the problem was solved.
New Wheel came through for me and got Stromer to push the previous version of the software back to my bike. Everything is now back to normal although it appears that I will never be able to update the Omni.

Service at New Wheel has always been fantastic. When the service tech told me I had to wait for the next update, I believed them. Fortunately, they later checked with Stromer.

Still not sure why the update killed my GSM connection but I don't have a stock configuration. Very soon after I purchased a demo ST2, I paid to update it to the Omni C since 2G service in San Francisco seems to be horrendous. The 2G Omni wouldn't work at my home, work, or even at New Wheel, all within the SF city limits. In comparison, the Omni C works great. Given where I tend to park the bike, I need the peace of mind of the remote connection.
Used OMNI come up on eBay, doesn’t have to be color if you want to save money. User replaceable but dealer will have configure. I thought I heard no 2g omnis work any longer or maybe in the US...not sure about this part
I contacted Stromer after applying the Omni update last week and losing connection to my App for my ST5. Mike at Stromer told me that there was a glitch in the update. Yesterday, Mike tested the fix out and pushed it down to my bike. If you are experiencing this issue, I would suggest contacting Mike at Stromer so he can push the fix down to your bike.
Very soon after I purchased a demo ST2, I paid to update it to the Omni C since 2G service in San Francisco seems to be horrendous.

So I expect this was not the first update your ST"s has received.

To reinstall the previous firmware, did they use the USB (as GSM was dead)?
Having same problem here in Ireland, ST-5 with no connectivity to App for last 19 days, I guess since last firmware update.
A bit disappointed given that bike was at main dealer in Dublin a week ago and no fix has been offered since.
So far I have travelled 2000 miles back and forth to main dealer to resolve recalls, first with the stem and then with the controller advisory.
Also I continue to get error E210208 though not as frequently as before, had hoped this would stop when controller was replaced.
Over the last couple of weeks I haven't been able to connect to Stromer Portal but a firmware update was pushed to my bike last night and all is well now.
Just called Stomer USA support and they queued a firmware update to my ST1X! Hopefully I will connect with my bike again!