Known Issues & Problems with Serial 1 Products + Help, Solutions & Fixes

I have read that Serial 1 will be creating their own app (replacing the Enviolo App) and that it will be available at some point this year. There were several reasons I ordered the Serial 1 Rush Cty Sport less than 24 hours after I was even aware of it's existence.

1. They were in stock in the size I needed at a very good local bike shop with several stores in the area with good customer service.
2. I was able to test ride the bike before purchasing and the speed version was capable of assist to 28 mph.
3. It was incredibly quiet ... even quieter than my Specialized Turbo Creo Brose motor equipped bike.
4. 2 year warranty.
5. It was discounted $1000 for Black Friday and that discount was due to expire the day after my purchase.

Although I downloaded the Enviolo App to my Android phone, the bikes controller allowed me to adjust the power levels without using the Enviolo App. I had read a few accounts about issues with the Enviolo App (mostly pairing issues) and so I have never actually used it. At this point, I'm very happy with the bikes performance and have no need to use the Enviolo App. I think @rudym described himself as a "Harley Guy" and it appears that many HD dealers sell the bike and are required by their dealer agreement and just good customer service policy they should supply warranty service. As a customer, you have a right to demand such.

I have viewed the Serial 1 website and they clearly have put some effort into creating videos that deal with basic setup and diagnostic procedures on the bike. If following those procedures exactly causes problems, then you have a very good customer service complaint against Serial 1. If you can't get your bike to operate within spec, then you should demand they give you the support you need or, at your option, be able to return the bike.

At this point, it appears buying the bike direct from Serial 1 (e.g. not from a dealer) puts you squarely in the drivers seat in terms of support. It is a newish company and is still relatively small so some bumps in the road should be expected. If the HD dealers step up and support this new product they decided to sell, and/or a few more bike shops take on the brand, this may self heal.

At this point, it is not helpful (bordering irresponsible) that any owner recommend the use of the Enviolo App with the Serial 1 bikes. IMHO
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i agree with a lot of what you said @RMK! and have personally never had any problems using and configuring my bike using the Eviolo app (iOS user BTW, not that i think it makes a difference). That doesn't invalidate @rudym's experience either.

Keep in mind they sell their CVT to other bike manufacturers, not just serial 1.

Like most technology, i always recommend a reboot/restart. If you can, reset both app and the CVT hub (ask them how to do this?) and attempt to pair then update the hub using the app. After that is done, calibrate. I would then also reset the settings on the brose controller to default as well.

I would then move it to sport / 60 cadence on the app and see if you can get to 28 mph. I have found, I can consistently cruise at 25/26 mph, but if i want to hit 28, i really have to be spinning them, for what its worth.

I agree that there isn't a clear defined path of buying direct from serial 1 or the harley dealership poses any benefit over the other.
I'm at 500 miles now on the RCS using the factory default cadence. I too can cruise at 25 mph on the flats (Sport mode) and hit the max assist 28mph using Boost mode with just about the same cadence. I don't think the significant energy loss in Boost mode justifies using it in any but extreme conditions. I have never felt the Enviolo App was "necessary" and based upon some reported issues, I won't be using it.

Again, Serial 1 has indicated they will have their own dedicated smartphone app this year and that will be something I might give a tryout. The old adage, if it ain't broke, don't fix it applies.
Lost my 2nd charge port cover yesterday. Great bike but this is an annoying issue and they need to come up with a better solution. And no' I'm not going to tape it on as I use the charger after every ride.
Lost my 2nd charge port cover yesterday. Great bike but this is an annoying issue and they need to come up with a better solution. And no' I'm not going to tape it on as I use the charger after every ride.
I have re-used the blue tape on mine for months. Costs like $5 a roll and makes sure I will have my port.
@RMK! silicone glue an o-ring to the frame by the charge port; then silicone glue the other end to the charging port cover..... or something simple like that - i intend to try this this weekend. Velcro is our friend.
Thanks but the problem is properly seating the charge port cover. It seems to be fully attached but then pops out on it's own when riding. Using an external attachment like your o-ring idea only increases the target size and with big feet (size 14 US) and a fast cadence it is right in the path so it's a goner and I never know it happened. I'm a bit OCD and like a clean bike so I at least rinse it if not wash it after each ride. It is such a small thing and should be easy to resolve.

I will probably use black electrical tape as a short term solution but Serial 1 needs to address this charge port location and cover issue,

Apparently Serial 1 is listening and will be making a new improved charge port cover. Hopefully that resolves my only problem with this very nice ebike.
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yeah - they have been responsive and open to my feedback, hopefully they are actioning that and others feedback and taking care of us early adopters. Charing port is an obvious miss, I think they could have made the rear racks stronger too. Nit picking because overwhelmingly I LOVE my Serial 1 bikes.
Tape or a nice Velcro wraparound strap are your friends
My new in-route charge cover isn't just a replacement of the original (been there, done that). It is a new, re-designed charge port cover that will I'm told, "not fall off as easily as the original". Really, it is a small thing but keeping moisture out of the charge port is kind of a big deal and I hope Serial 1 has addressed the issue.
My new in-route charge cover isn't just a replacement of the original (been there, done that). It is a new, re-designed charge port cover that will I'm told, "not fall off as easily as the original". Really, it is a small thing but keeping moisture out of the charge port is kind of a big deal and I hope Serial 1 has addressed the issue.
Same, i like to wash off my bike after every ride or so. With it being belt driven and sealed, with minimal things to be concerned with makes giving it a splash and a wipe down too easy. I'll still put tape on my port lol, much rather be safe then sorry as my bike had to go away dirty during the fall, so waiting for a nicer day before taking for her out for a wipe down.
yeah, their dealer footprint hasn't really manifested itself from the service side. Everything is run out of their HQ and its all virtual. Being able to take this to a Harley Davidson dealership and have the service performed there as an option in addition to being able to take it to local bike shops is a must. Just like the automotive industry, the bike industry is going to have to modernize and that means servicing the more complex bikes that are serving the market's needs.
I received the new charge port cover from Serial 1. Looks to be a more robust cover and pics of the cover, installation instructions as well as a close final inspection by my assistant are attached. ;-)


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oh snaps! you have to take apart the bike a little to install it. At first, i thought, it just looks like a bigger nub, didn't realize the installation was different. Hopefully the rubber holds up over time or it looks like we will have to replace it from ripping off.
Its a simple install and I am less worried about it ripping off as opposed to just falling out. The previous retainer was a joke (but not funny). I believe moving the charge port up is a better long term solution but this will do for these 1st gen models. Good job Serial 1 and thanks for listening and acting quickly on this re-design.
I don’t know if moving it up is an option as I believe it is a trade off for how low they placed the battery in the frame. Not complaining as it handles like a dream but it might be the best we can get.
I agree it is very comfortable and handles great. The charge port could be moved anywhere on the down tube and would not require relocating the battery but based upon this new port cover, it should do the job for me. The Serial 1 is my favorite bike to ride and I have done nothing with the Enviolo App. When and if when Serial 1 comes out with an App, I might play with the settings but it won't be out of necessity. The bike auto shifts smoothly and silently as I go up and down hills and/or increase pedal pressure. Really a remarkable game changer transmission/drive train that is perfect for a touring, commuter ebike. Makes my excellent electronic shifting Rohloff E14 IGH on my R&M bike seem primitive.

The only limitation is the 40 mile range and I'd like another 10-20 miles. I have the dual battery R&M (60-80 mile range) so not really a big deal for me.
Yeah, I would love another 20-30 miles on boost. I’m getting about 35 miles (empty) but everyone’s situation is unique.

Why boost? It’s so much fun because I can just spin em and go as fast as possible.

I think it’s funny it has yet to be reviewed on this site, not that it matters, but an odd exception. Price isn’t an issue since they review $10K+ bikes, oh well, I couldn’t care less what they have to say because I’m a happy customer.

Can’t wait to see their eMTB and roadster.