Known Issues & Problems with Addmotor Products + Help, Solutions & Fixes

I am glad you are finding the problems. I put the Mr. Tuffy tire liners in and have not had a leak since. We have goatheads around here. I used Slime first and while that helped it is not as good as Mr. Tuffy since the liners actually keep things from getting to the tubes. There is a newer liner by Tannus Armour that looks like it could stop almost anything from reaching the tube. It is quite expensive at $40.00 per liner and the ones for 4" fat tire bikes should be available soon.
Thank you. Got the bike running after a lot of trial and error, repositioned the switches. Lubed all the connections with Dielectric to keep the water and humidity out. Gears shift ok, nothing to write home about but will need to ride for a while and re- adjust after getting broken in after a 100+ miles. Not sure if Addmotor dealers have any spare parts near by. We have one dealer about 60 miles away and they said they do have had the M-560 on their showroom floor, said they would do work on the bike. So all hope is not lost if the motor goes or one of the switches. As soon as I get the Mr. Tuffy liners I will put them in and then the slime because of so much trash on the sidewalks and roads because of construction in the area. Again, thanks for the advice. Take care.
Have a great weekend. BMW
I have been getting Error Code #30 and have checked all the connectors they are all tight. I get the code then the display (LCD) times out, and it lasts for about a minute then the code goes out.
What could be the issue if everything works when I ride, and I still get the code at the end of the ride?

Wiggled all the wires and there does not seem to be any broken, exposed or crushed wires, there is no unusual noises, and the bike has not been ridden in the rain and it garaged. I followed Addmotor's instruction to disconnect the throttle cable and I still get the code with it plugged in or disconnected since I thought it may be the throttle. The code remains connected or disconnected. They said it is probably not the throttle if that occurs.
I was thinking it could be the display having a malfunction at the end, since it does not happen (can't see the code) while riding and goes away when after the display times out.
Any ideas on what more to check? Thanks.
I have been getting Error Code #30 and have checked all the connectors they are all tight. I get the code then the display (LCD) times out, and it lasts for about a minute then the code goes out.
What could be the issue if everything works when I ride, and I still get the code at the end of the ride?

Wiggled all the wires and there does not seem to be any broken, exposed or crushed wires, there is no unusual noises, and the bike has not been ridden in the rain and it garaged. I followed Addmotor's instruction to disconnect the throttle cable and I still get the code with it plugged in or disconnected since I thought it may be the throttle. The code remains connected or disconnected. They said it is probably not the throttle if that occurs.
I was thinking it could be the display having a malfunction at the end, since it does not happen (can't see the code) while riding and goes away when after the display times out.
Any ideas on what more to check? Thanks.
Made contact with Addmotor and they said they were going to get back to me with a fix. So far I have heard nothing since last week. One person at their company said it was either the display, battery or controller. I did all the diagnostic tests they requested sent them a video and they said initially it was probably a display issue but no word yet on what they are doing or sending to me. It is very frustrating when you can't ride, you cannot get a concrete answer on a problem and cannot seem to make sense of their convoluted process with parts and getting responses to customers. I think if there were dealers that could do warranty work that was needed they could authorize that vs. trying to fix something from 3000 miles away.
Not sure if anyone else has run into this problem with Error #30 after disconnecting everything except the main line to the display from the controller, battery /controller. It seems strange to me if this is happening there should be a clear cause and effect that the company could figure out and get fixed or address. I am sure I am not the only person who has gone thru this but it is frustrating when things take weeks to get addressed.
I have an addmotor motan m60-r7 bought in 2019 and have already bought 2 displays and my current one stipped working. Customer service waa no help, Addmotor actually removed my purchase of the bike from my account. Is anyone else having problems with their addmotor display?
I have an addmotor motan m60-r7 bought in 2019 and have already bought 2 displays and my current one stipped working. Customer service waa no help, Addmotor actually removed my purchase of the bike from my account. Is anyone else having problems with their addmotor display?
Not with the display but I've dealt with Addmotor Customer Service and its not a very pleasant experience.. At least most of the time trying to get your point across to Addmotor is like trying to pull a tooth out of a tiger. Pretty much impossible. Now I've owned two Addmotor M70s. One in Vintage Green and Black. The Vintage Green bike I purchased first and the Tektro Rear breaks came apart while I was riding and failed to work while I was going about 20mph causing me to crash. They recalled that bike and sent me a black one. Rode it for three months was a ton of fun till the rear brake rotor rubbed into the shielding of the motor cable causing the motor to short out and die. So I contacted Addmotor , sent them pictures and , exchanged several emails . They requested for my battery w/keys , controller, both front and rear wheels w/motor and my headlight be recalled for warranty testing. The parts arrived and Addmotor in El Monte and where tested. The response I got back is what I already had told them two weeks prior before I sent the parts back that the motor was compromised by having the rear break rotor cutting into the motor cable. So Addmotor did what Addmotor does best and that's quickly through the blame in my face . Saying that they wont cover it under warranty because I caused the motor to blow due to my riding habits. That's what they said. So I told them to just send me my parts back and I will deal with the repairs myself. I told them this on a dozen emails and they refuse to send me my parts back to me . Instead they are trying to blackmail me into just reimbursing me back for what they have already taken based on the current condition. That's not happening so I contacted my attorneys and a criminal theft complaint was filed last Friday the day after Thanksgiving. So I imagine after some proper Investigating there will be arrest warrants issued to those deemed responsible for taking and not returning my property. So that leads me to also say my account with Addmotor has been deleted as well good thing I have screenshots of when it was still active for personal records. So as of October 20th 2021 my bikes been out of service and I haven't been right since. I hope you got your screen issue fixed and all the best...


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I completely understand the frustration of the customers above. However, I don't think AddMotor is making customers jump through hoops just to jump through hoops. I think there is a language barrier between U.S. customers to Addmotor HQ/support(German?) to the factory in China. I'll explain through my own personal experience....

I purchased an AddMotor HitHot H1 through Amazon back in Feb. It did not work when it arrived. I emailed the support email that is listed above. They responded and I could tell there was a language barrier. They asked for a video so I shot a quick video and uploaded it to youtube and sent it to them. Once they saw the video, they quickly said my controller was bad and that they would send me another one.

Once the new controller came in, it looked the same... but was the wrong controller. It didn't have headlight wires coming out of it and it caused my display to read incorrectly(battery dead when it was fully charged, for example). More importantly, the bike still didn't work. I emailed them again. Again, the response was misunderstood and asked for a video. I sent another video and pictures of the original controller and the new one. They quickly responded and sent me the correct controller.

The new controller arrived and I installed it last night. I took the bike for a test ride and everything works great now. I'm looking forward to hopefully riding down to Seoul and back this weekend(70 miles round trip).

Would I have loved to have the bike functional upon arrival? Absolutely, as I bought it while I'm deployed to Korea to zip around all the mountains and hills daily, but a little patience(and walking in the meantime) and I've finally reached the desired endstate.

Like the saying goes, "A picture is worth a thousand words." It's a great world we live in where we can so easily send pictures and videos to resolve problems. Otherwise, the market would be confined to our local areas.

I would suggest that Addmotor get a more fluent English-speaking customer service rep if they are going to continue to market and sell their product in the U.S. as I think that would help them minimize the confusion with the customers and ultimately help them in the long run.
Customers: "Please no more hoops." Addmotor: " You're wrong. No matter what you think, we don't make you jump through hoops." Addmotor CEO, have a native English speaker read the last 25 emails and the replies; you'll get how misleading and unhelpful your unfriendly, unsigned, replies have been. "Unsigned" makes it difficult for a customer to report an incorrect reply. "Unsigned" emails don't create friendly supportive relationships. Better yet. Send us owners a survey as to whether we get complete accurate replies. It needs to be anonymous else a complainer could be unconsciously placed on "the list." this, is because you haven't valued, owned, and used the feedback so far (name calling, defensiveness, and denial). Another option is for us to post our emails and your replies here for everyone to see the lack of knowledge and the absence of an intent to be supportive. I.e. Addmotor email replier to fellow employee: "Here, check this out; did I answer all their questions completely?" BTW: It's not the fault of Addmotor employees, they just aren't being supervised correctly. Employees have no choice other than to mirror the integrity of the CEO. Daily the CEO opts for more "incomplete" make-work replies because it would cost too much to train them to know their product. I'm guessing few Addmotor email repliers own an etrike.
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I’ve head a controller fail lately on a bike I owned for one month.also the rear tail light shorted out from wet road spray.and the front shock was very stiff/trash.customer support was not great but not the worst.what was the worst was they had no replacement controllers on hand so the wait to replace my controller on a brand new 2022 m140 took 2-3 weeks.I’ll never buy another Addmotor when there is soooooooo many other companies making e-bikes these days.I’ll run this one one into the ground and then give lectric my money
I completely understand the frustration of the customers above. However, I don't think AddMotor is making customers jump through hoops just to jump through hoops. I think there is a language barrier between U.S. customers to Addmotor HQ/support(German?) to the factory in China. I'll explain through my own personal experience....

I purchased an AddMotor HitHot H1 through Amazon back in Feb. It did not work when it arrived. I emailed the support email that is listed above. They responded and I could tell there was a language barrier. They asked for a video so I shot a quick video and uploaded it to youtube and sent it to them. Once they saw the video, they quickly said my controller was bad and that they would send me another one.

Once the new controller came in, it looked the same... but was the wrong controller. It didn't have headlight wires coming out of it and it caused my display to read incorrectly(battery dead when it was fully charged, for example). More importantly, the bike still didn't work. I emailed them again. Again, the response was misunderstood and asked for a video. I sent another video and pictures of the original controller and the new one. They quickly responded and sent me the correct controller.

The new controller arrived and I installed it last night. I took the bike for a test ride and everything works great now. I'm looking forward to hopefully riding down to Seoul and back this weekend(70 miles round trip).

Would I have loved to have the bike functional upon arrival? Absolutely, as I bought it while I'm deployed to Korea to zip around all the mountains and hills daily, but a little patience(and walking in the meantime) and I've finally reached the desired endstate.

Like the saying goes, "A picture is worth a thousand words." It's a great world we live in where we can so easily send pictures and videos to resolve problems. Otherwise, the market would be confined to our local areas.

I would suggest that Addmotor get a more fluent English-speaking customer service rep if they are going to continue to market and sell their product in the U.S. as I think that would help them minimize the confusion with the customers and ultimately help them in the long run.
Hi Brent, In the interest of accuracy: They do have a language problem, and, they make us jump through hoops.

The solution? Run posts and a tech's replies past someone who is native tongue English (even if it meant sending both coms to a USA dealer for editing and clarity). That would be proof of an intention to serve.
Thanks for your suggestion.
We have customer service support team in different language,for example,German,Spanish,English customer service.
But they are online in different time.
We will try our best to related customer service to the customers from different country.

Do let your supervisor know that your present policy of, "... online in different time...." show profits are more important than service. Yes? We could even handle: "Our native born English-speaking tech only comes in 2x a week so we have forwarded your concerns and our reply to your local deal for editing and then forwarding it to you.

Hope we can do customer service better and better in the future.
I do get that you're trying. Are your "different country tech's" native English speaking? Mo betta, send a reply: We have referred your concerns to a native Englishspeaking tech."
Do let your supervisor know that your present policy of, "... online in different time...." shows that profits are more important than service. Yes? We could even handle: "Our native born English-speaking tech only comes in 2x a week so we have forwarded your concerns and our reply to your local deal for editing and then forwarding it to you.

I do get that you're trying. Are your "different country tech's, specifically English, native English speaking? Mo betta, send a reply: We have referred your concerns to a native English-speaking tech."
Re: "We will try our best to relate..." Assuming that you have been "trying" to do your best, you can see that "trying" is not working for some customers. To save your reputation you'll have to change your thinking. Service vs. trying.

From what I've been reading most everyone, like myself, like your bikes, it's the "run arounds" that will cause others us and others to look for other brands.
hi everyone. I bought an Addmotor M-81 cargo 10 months ago and I ride it every day to go to school. I noticed last week the brakes were not working well and got worst days after. Now my bike has no breaks at all. I pull the lever all way to the end and there is no grip the brake pads to the disks. To stop the ebike I need to be slow and push the lever many times.

I contacted two bike shops close to my home and they only fix other brands of ebikes.

How can I fix it by myself? How to check the brake fluid level? How to Bleed the brakes?

Thank you in advance

I bought an Addmotor m-340 grandtan with the front motor for the wife after health issues. She rode it a total of two times for about 1 mile each. After that she says she wants to ride it, but never does. I have had it for two years and have put 500 miles on it, mostly grocery getter, hardware, library and runs to the recycling dropoff. I love it. By comparison, my EV Global bike with a Crystalyte set up has 21,000 miles, but cannot carry near the amount of "stuff".

Four issues that I have come across:

1 - If you start off using the throttle even just a little twist, it will sometimes stall or jerk then die. The old computer fix of shutting it off, count to 10 and restart fixes it. I now pedal at least one stroke to get the trike moving and have not had that problem since.

2 - The readout for the battery gauge is way off. When it loses the first bar (80%) with the motor not running, the battery is about 40% or needing 6 hours to recharge. 2 amp charger, 20 amp battery. A volt meter would be so much more accurate.

3 - The output measured in watts on the display is all over the place. When on level ground, holding the throttle steady and at a steady speed, the output will read 100, 250, 350. 200, 400 . . . changing about once a second. It does not seem to affect the usage of the trike. I have sent two emails to [email protected] and have not gotten a reply to either. C'mon guys, a simple yes or no. Anyway is this normal? Has anyone else had a similar experience?

4 - And this one is minor. The flashing light on the tail light, similar to four ways on a car will not work unless the bike has been "on" for a minute or so and the turn signals cycled through a few times. I have to ride on a highway berm on occasion and like to run the flashing lights. (Like nobody can see a big adult trike.) It usually take several attempts but they eventually work.
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I bought an Addmotor m-340 grandtan with the front motor for the wife after health issues. She rode it a total of two times for about 1 mile each. After that she says she wants to ride it, but never does. I have had it for two years and have put 500 miles on it, mostly grocery getter, hardware, library and runs to the recycling dropoff. I love it. By comparison, my EV Global bike with a Crystalyte set up has 21,000 miles, but cannot carry near the amount of "stuff".

Four issues that I have come across:

1 - If you start off using the throttle even just a little twist, it will sometimes stall or jerk then die. The old computer fix of shutting it off, count to 10 and restart fixes it. I now pedal at least one stroke to get the trike moving and have not had that problem since.

2 - The readout for the battery gauge is way off. When it loses the first bar (80%) with the motor not running, the battery is about 40% or needing 6 hours to recharge. 2 amp charger, 20 amp battery. A volt meter would be so much more accurate.

3 - The output measured in watts on the display is all over the place. When on level ground, holding the throttle steady and at a steady speed, the output will read 100, 250, 350. 200, 400 . . . changing about once a second. It does not seem to affect the usage of the trike. I have sent two emails to [email protected] and have not gotten a reply to either. C'mon guys, a simple yes or no. Anyway is this normal? Has anyone else had a similar experience?

4 - And this one is minor. The flashing light on the tail light, similar to four ways on a car will not work unless the bike has been "on" for a minute or so and the turn signals cycled through a few times. I have to ride on a highway berm on occasion and like to run the flashing lights. (Like nobody can see a big adult trike.) It usually take several attempts but they eventually work.
May, 2024 update - 630 miles

After three unreturned emails and a phone call, the tech guy said the wattage-all-over-the-place is normal. So basically useless. Wish they had a voltage readout instead of wattage and the 5-bar gauge.

The motor shutting off has gotten worse. Now it does it randomly during a ride. Error Code 24 pops up. The owner's manual says it is abnormal controller. The online help page from Addmotor says it is the motor cable. The tech guy at Addmotor says it is the motor. So do I replace all three? 'Bought ready to yank the motor off and put on a front Chrystalyte and zip tape a controller to the frame although I would probably need to replace the battery as it is proprietary to Addmotor. Fun, fun, fun.

EDIT #2 Sept, 2024 - 900 miles - I did replace the motor. That was fun to lace into the original rim. Haven't had the motor cut out since. The problem may also be from the controller overheating. It is in a little space within the frame just behind the crank with a cover screwed onto the left side. If it should happen again, I may make a vented cover.
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