Kiox Upgrade & Aero Handlebar Challenge - Control Unit Question

El Wray

New Member
Bay Area
Hi All,

Hoping I can get some input on Kiox control unit mounting options. I picked up a Cannondale Topstone Neo lefty that came originally with a Purion display. After the first ride and being unable to have my left hand on much of the bar tops, decided that the placement of the unit was frustrating and that I would much rather prefer a battery percentage as opposed to the 5 bars.

Started with:

Ended up with:

I purchased the Kiox via Bosch "Retrofit kit". I'm not entirely sure if it came with the 31.8mm to 25.x adapter, or if it was reused from the Purion, but appears to be some sort of "Supernova" mount that moves the control unit below the bars. This is super helpful in that it frees up space from the bar tops. I'd like to replace my bars for something with larger width. The issue I have now is that the new bars I want to use have a slightly aero top and the control unit without the adapter won't fit and the adapter itself seems to be fixed at 31.8. There's no way to start at the bar end and move it all the way to the stem.

Anyone familiar with the Supernova mount / any other control unit mounting options? (Preferably ones that open all the way up so it can be mounted directly to the bartop nearest the stem without having to start at the bar ends.)
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I'm about to get a Kiox (it arrives today!) and was looking around for accessories for it and came across this stem mount on ebay:

Avoids the bars altogether. I'm not affiliated with this seller and haven't purchased this myself but if it helps, it's here.
The Kiox retrofit comes with a mount similar to the above. My issue was more with the control unit than display. (Purion control and display are a single unit; where Kiox control and display are separate.)

After about a week and a half of taking things apart, looking at the "Supernova" mount and measuring/fitting, etc. It turns out that Cannondale appears to be using primarily Supernova mounts and lights for their ebikes. I wasn't sure if the Kiox had come with a separate mount adapter but after several reviews and looking at some before & after Kiox install pics I can confirm that REI re-used the Purion mount. (And that the Purion mount is simply a Supernova 31.8mm to 25.4mm accessory adapter - somewhat similar to this Problem Solvers accessory mount.

Edit: It's essentially this mount for the control unit, but using a 25.4mm extension instead of having the light there.
2022-09-07 09_18_04-Supernova_multimount.png

I bought a couple different options off of Amazon and plan on doing the bar swap soon. Will post pics when complete.
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I completely misunderstood your post. My Kiox arrived after I made that post above and I now see very clearly what you mean. Good luck finding a solution!
Swap complete. Bike came with a Cannondale 3 40cm. Replaced with an FSA K-wing AGX carbon 44cm.

Top mount is what came with the bike when it had a Purion display.
2022-09-07 18_07_59-PXL_20220907_203420065_rsz.png

Another pic for reference.
2022-09-07 18_09_02-PXL_20220907_203608202_rsz.png

The vinqliq mount wasn't tight enough by itself around the bars and needed a thin rubber shim (from another extra mount I had) to help torque it tight enough. A simple thin wrap of black tape would have worked fine. Pic after swap
2022-09-07 18_12_27-PXL_20220907_235524567_rsz.png

Everything torqued to spec. A little too blazing out in the CA sun. Hopefully get a good ride in tomorrow to test things out.
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