Keyhole location


New Member
I didn't find any posts on the keyhole being a problem apart from being hard to get at. My concern is if it will get mud or sand that will potentially jam the key from getting in or out.
The key has to be in the bike for it to work, so how are you going to get mud or sand on it before putting the key in
I didn't find any posts on the keyhole being a problem apart from being hard to get at. My concern is if it will get mud or sand that will potentially jam the key from getting in or out.
Since the bike comes with fenders and the key is closer to the center of the bike I've had zero issue after 1300 miles of mixed riding. The first few times trying to reinsert the key was slightly frustrating but after realizing the key position is always orientated front to rear it became totally easy to do.
On another thread I mentioned that I was also concerned about contamination on our two SP bikes. I reduced the exposure by putting a small square piece of duct tape over the key frame opening, then slicing an opening fore and aft with a utility knife. With the key in and turned on, much less exposure to the key mechanism from outside crud.

I've also found I can leave the key in and "on" 24/7 without any concern for battery drain as long as the display is turned off. And if you use other security measures the bike is safe.
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