Just got this email from FLX... is it real?


New Member
Hey it's Rob, President of FLX Bike.
Here's the deal -
We got a little excited and built too much inventory this year.
So I'm offering you the chance to buy any FLX Bike on our site at cost price.
You get a ridiculous deal on a new bike.
We get warehouse space and cash to pay the bills.
Sound fair?
To get yours,
1. Go to flx.bike
2. Pick any bike
3. Use code COSTPRICE at checkout
Please keep this between us and lmk if you have any questions.
Thanks for your continued support,
President, FLX Bike
PS: All bikes on our site are available for immediate shipment
PPS: This deal is valid through Sunday 10/30 on new purchases only.
Eh. For fun I checked the Babymaker, discount took it down to the same price as similar Ride1up Roadster v2 which has a smaller capacity battery. OK if that is what someone wants but same price as similar bike from different retailer is not exactly a smoking deal.
I glanced at your prior posts, all seem to promote flx, just saying.
I absolutely NEVER click on a link in an email. That should be your first red flag. Mimicking a company is really easy, even easy to offer a great price on something they have no intention of selling.
I absolutely NEVER click on a link in an email. That should be your first red flag. Mimicking a company is really easy, even easy to offer a great price on something they have no intention of selling.
Agreed, I didn't.
Eh. For fun I checked the Babymaker, discount took it down to the same price as similar Ride1up Roadster v2 which has a smaller capacity battery. OK if that is what someone wants but same price as similar bike from different retailer is not exactly a smoking deal.
I glanced at your prior posts, all seem to promote flx, just saying.
I like to help the little guy. I think FLX is way more interesting than a lot of other brands. They are doing things in a different way than most. Local San Diego company etc etc. I'll likely post more stuff about them too. I like other ebikes too, just picking a team. No big whoop.
It'd be more useful if you post pictures and review of your own FLX bike(s). Everyone likes pics and reading owner reviews and your flx promotions would have more credibility than "I got this email... is it real" (when you apparently already know the answer) or "this flx is a great deal on a great bike" type posts.
Sure. I'll send pics next time. I'm not looking to buy a bike is why I asked... it apparently works for others. Also this is a promo thread so its a promo I guess.

FLX like some other companies is suffering from inventory they can't unload. Not surprising as after a market shortage and increased demand everyone loaded up on their future orders. Now, demand has softened and supplies are arriving and aren't going anywhere. Rad is doing something similar with some big price cuts for the same reason.
FLX like some other companies is suffering from inventory they can't unload. Not surprising as after a market shortage and increased demand everyone loaded up on their future orders. Now, demand has softened and supplies are arriving and aren't going anywhere. Rad is doing something similar with some big price cuts for the same reason.
yep epople will start being their usual lazy selves and they will go back to their not bike riding ways.
That's a heckuva coupon. Brings the FLX blade down to 4,619.30 which is less than the intro pricing (jives with "cost" pricing). Seems legit to me as it takes you to the flx domain. Can't imagine they wanted this coupon public but thanks for sharing, should help someone.