Just for fun...

Ive smoked one joint my whole life, some skunky stuff from Amsterdam, laughed my head off at some crappy tv comedy.
I dont drink beer either, Ive got a super sweet pallate and beer just tastes like liquid grass to me.
When I go out drinking in a noisy bar, I ask for a rum and coke, 90% of the time the bartender replies..
' a pint of what?'.
I am that nightmare fussy eater, take me for a fancy meal and I always end up with chicken and chips/fries, I get so many snooty waiters giving me that look, I just ask them for tomato sauce to complete the class snobbery deal.
, . after a few puffs the magic dragon will say "Let it be,let it be." wait a minute maybe it was Momma Mary,doesn't matter, peace! "Vehi in tepete magico"(close your eyes)

You've got the wrong dragon and song in mind,..


So you think the song says little boys soon lose interest in marijuana?

The song is based on Ogden Nash's 1936 "The Tale of Custard Dragon." A little girl had a dog, a kitten, a mouse, and a dragon. The dog, the kitten, and the mouse boasted that they were brave and ridiculed the dragon, who considered himself cowardly. When a pirate with six guns burst in, everyone but the dragon panicked. The dragon became fierce and ate the pirate. The danger past, he again became timid and the others boastful. It's like the way John Wayne, notorious draft dodger, became America's fighting man through movies designed to denigrate those who actually fought.

Leonard Lipton, a college student born in 1940, revised the poem to "Puff the Magic Dragon" in 1959. He promptly forgot about it, but Peter Yarrow, born in 1938, came across it, wrote a tune, and recorded it with Paul and Mary. It was a hit, and he set out to find out who Lipton was so he could share royalties.

Both denied that the lyrics had anything to do with drugs. Indeed, they don't make sense that way. Both were small children in WWII, when America was in danger. As "Jackie Paper," they could read about heroic Americans in the newspaper. Puff: gone in a cloud of smoke: by 1959, college students were indifferent to the heroes who had saved America. Their interest focused on personal advantage.

Then came the Boomers, lacking the attention span to listen to the whole song before asserting what it was about.
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gummies don't work for me either,now I see I can get purple vados after a few puffs the magic dragon will say "Let it be,let it be." wait a minute maybe it was Momma Mary,doesn't matter, peace! "Vehi in tepete magico"(close your eyes)
Paul's mom was Mary and she died when he was fourteen. She came vividly to him in a dream, saying 'Let It Be'. In other words have acceptance; it is okay. The dream had a major effect and was comforting.

The Autumn mist from the sea here smells of harvest time skunk weed. Gualala would work in place of Honah Lee. It was originally Valhalla but Spanish speakers couldn't pronounce that. Every September young hippies flock there to work as trimmers.
A guy had seven cars in the neighborhood with street parking. Only two fit in front of his house. My buddy got pissed whenever one or two were parked in front of his house. So he got a box of valve caps and crazy glued a BB inside each and changed the caps whenever that guy parked in front of his house. When tightened they caused a slow leak.
Oh by the way,I got "buzz pack" Vado( smells real and doesn't make me feel like I am losing my mind( what did the "gummy Vado" do? It took me to "Buckingham Palace" looking at the heat registers( if such a thing exist there)
have let em out that could have cooked a meal,farted once for several seconds the squealing finally stopped with a gentle whoosh that actually cooled the old arse( back in the day my back was so knackered the pain in the hips masked other urgencies) so it goes. Back on the subject the old "DR.Killers were fast but not the most stable aircraft and took a lot of skill to master safely,The strange thing is in a lot of videos these planes seemed the least bit unstable,it wouldn't surprise me if the the little Bonanza was a bit overloaded.Where would music have went if it weren't for that fateful night?
Good lord! I haven't a clue what you are saying here.
Ive smoked one joint my whole life, some skunky stuff from Amsterdam, laughed my head off at some crappy tv comedy.
1985 was my "pot year". Hard to believe it now but you could find some wild cannabis grade hemp even in Warsaw. The authorities were unaware of that! Unfortunately for me, I developed some psychosis and (reasonably enough) quit ganja for many years, and have never pursued the old habit (with the exception of having a good joint with my wife in Amsterdam).
I dont drink beer either, Ive got a super sweet pallate and beer just tastes like liquid grass to me.
I had a 15 year long wine time but eventually got bored with wine. I have always hated lager. I discovered craft ales and stouts in 2015 and became a hop-head until 2020, with the insulin resistance developed.
When I go out drinking in a noisy bar, I ask for a rum and coke,
That's what I actually like nowadays. Coke Zero, of course :)
90% of the time the bartender replies..
' a pint of what?'.
A sweet anecdote, haha!
I am that nightmare fussy eater, take me for a fancy meal and I always end up with chicken and chips/fries, I get so many snooty waiters giving me that look, I just ask them for tomato sauce to complete the class snobbery deal.
Even if I don't eat poultry of any kind, I am similar to you with the respect to cuisine :) Give me English sausages, chips and I am happy! Something simple and nourishing, that's it! My England's experience is the best food for me can be got in a small hotel restaurant... :) Or, in a free house sometimes.
Tarrare was mentioned in a novel I am reading. Look him up. The most gross person in history. Tarrare was partially human somehow mixed with carnivorous frog. He smelled so bad that people could not get within twenty paces. He was like a possessed demon, fairytale monster that ate cadavers and a 14-month baby. When challenged to eat a cat he pulled off its head drank the blood and ate it in two bites, then like an owl he coughed up a pellet of its skin and bones. By age 17 he was eating 1/4 of a cow a day and overflowing outhouses.


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Tarrare was mentioned in a novel I am reading. Look him up. The most gross person in history. Tarrare was partially human somehow mixed with carnivorous frog. He smelled so bad that people could not get within twenty paces. He was like a possessed demon, fairytale monster that ate cadavers and a 14-month baby. When challenged to eat a cat he pulled off its head drank the blood and ate it in two bites, then like an owl he coughed up a pellet of its skin and bones. By age 17 he was eating 1/4 of a cow a day and overflowing outhouses.

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at least he used the John.