Just for fun...

After your kids reach a certain age, your main duty as a parent is to embarrass them as much as possible. Turns out, this is one of my centers of excellence.
The other day she left her phone lay in the kitchen and was in the bathroom. I picked it up and saw she was listening to music on her buds. I spent the next couple of minutes, pausing and unpausing it until she came and caught me.

Coming up soon will be the hidden bluetooth speaker under her bed.
I know the feeling. I tell people that I don't play golf. I play "whack f**k. I set up my shot then--whack--f**k. In the woods again.
Gave up on that kind of golf — just lack the frustration tolerance.

But I do play Home Depot golf against my will. The goal is to get that stupid project that should've taken 15 minutes finished in the fewest trips back. The return desk has given me a 5-trip handicap.
It looks like un-woke Sleepy would rather bully queer kids than stand up to oligarchs.

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A blob twice the width of the US is heading towards Florida's coast! It is rotten seaweed.
My neighbor asked me to look after their cat while on a week long trip. Daily care included giving the cat a pill. My neighbor said I may only get 2 or 3 pills in the cat before it will resist. When he returned I explained that after the 3rd day the cat avoided me. His face went blank with astonishment when I remarked how the cat may have been more accommodating if the pill was not a suppository. Turns out they were not suppositories.
The top half of the photo reminded me of a favorite Enterprise scene: The captain's beagle is near death from a strange infection and nothing's working. The non-human ship's doctor sympathizes but insinuates that it's just a dog. The captain explodes.

The doc says something like, "I don't understand the human devotion to these subservient quadrupeds, but I'll do everything in my power."

I share that devotion but thought "subservient quadruped" funny enough to try on Roxie. She was not amused.
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Bullying little queer kids on the playground is the FL flaccid bully 'Sleepy's' response to invasive dictators and oligarchs in the real world. It would be very funny if not so entirely screwed up, misdirected, and sad. What a wimpy stance. With no moral backbone or resolve, misdirected from the international scope of reality. He is more threatened by some little queer kids on the playground? Really? What about the real tough guys, the gangster killers? The massive stinking blob will take all summer to clean up with bulldozers when it hits Maro Lago and all of East Fl. Carma in action.
Good idea, poor execution department:
Have to cross Avenida Encinas as I head down busy 6-lane Poinsettia Lane to my beach-adjacent rides. Drivers turning right onto Avenida Encinas here have to cross the bike lane in a confusing way.

Out of concern for our well-being, the City of Carlsbad often parks a big flashing portable "WATCH FOR CYCLISTS" sign at the entrance to the right turn lane.

Problem is, the guy who drops off the sign usually puts it right across the bike lane, forcing me to veer left into traffic. At which point I'm really counting on drivers to "WATCH FOR CYCLISTS"!

After the 3rd time, called the City of Carlsbad Streets Department. To their credit, they understood the problem right away, apologized, and said they'd move the sign immediately. And sure enough, it was in a safe spot on the median the next day.

Only now it just said, "SLOW DOWN". Not a word about cyclists. Oh well. 🙄
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