Just for fun...

This is automotive wrap.


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Handbag ‘smaller than a grain of salt’ sells for over $63,000​

You can't make this stuff up.
Just for fun, I am reading a book about counterfeit handbags called, 'Counterfeit'. Although it centers on handbags, it is really about issues of gender, culture. and social class. The high stakes pre-school audition scene is very funny.
I know. It is subversive. We might be doing one of these with a 95Nm cargo motor by September. No one will know it is electric. Marin is based in my home town and their chief tech loved my idea of placing an air fork on my Specialized gravel bike. It is getting tubeless Byway 47's. It will have a 38-t N/W ring. In the photo they forgot the valve caps. Ops.


I was looking at some vans for sale and thought of an old bycycle joke ...
If we could get 75 percent of citizens to ride a bycycle we would have steady work for the other 25 percent just driving the vans ...
OK, now that we've broached the subject of long, short dogs with tails, here's 2 year-old Roxie putting her razzle-dazzle small-dog moves on a much larger young golden:

Best guess, a kelpie/chihuahua/terrier mix.
You have a Pembroke with a tail?? We do, too! See kebabthecorgi.com.
Yup, she's about 16 months old. Started off on a farm, not too far from where that video was shot so she's used to being around animals. The two live calves in their pens, she didn't care about. The chickens and goats running around, didn't care, but that cow statue, that bothered her. She wouldn't get near it.
In Oklahoma it is a crime to carry brass knuckles because they are a deadly weapon, as a thereat to the liberties of others and their rights to Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of happiness, but an AR-15 is OK.
In Oklahoma it is a crime to carry brass knuckles because they are a deadly weapon, as a thereat to the liberties of others and their rights to Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of happiness, but an AR-15 is OK.
They must not know that gun powder was invented in China.
That is also funny; the 'Chine' in ma-chine, has it's origins. Made in China! Ironically, the Chinese Central Government loves it when American gun nuts go nuts. It proves the major flaw of killer nuts in the system when nuts who kill in the USA go nuts, 25% do at some point.. Mostly killing themselves and family members. There is no Freedom here when gun nuts delimit the freedoms of everyone else as we alter our plans to try to avoid them. 'Maybe I shouldn't go there' because there could be a gun nut. Local grade schools now look like minimum-security prisons with fences and razor wire. If your 'music makes someone else's internal psyche fearful' they can kill you with a gun lawfully with 'Stand your Ground'. Nuts are nuts. A brass knuckle cannot kill 43 'lambs' or 'kids' per minute. And yet bass knuckles are classified as a 'Deadly Weapon' in OK. That is funny. Kids will be kids.
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No it isn't 🤨:

"1540s, "structure of any kind," from Middle French machine "device, contrivance," from Latin machina "machine, engine, military machine; device, trick; instrument" (source also of Spanish maquina, Italian macchina), from Greek makhana, Doric variant of Attic mēkhanē "device, tool, machine;" also "contrivance, cunning," traditionally (Watkins) from PIE *magh-ana- "that which enables," from root *magh- "to be able, have power." But Beekes, on formal grounds, objects to the connection to words in Germanic and Slavic. He finds the Greek word isolated and is convinced that it is Pre-Greek."

Been giving some thought to the term "ground breaking". I'm not sure it means what is commonly thought. It wasn't really that too long ago in history that if you wanted to take a s*it, you broke ground. Even today, we regularly break ground to dig very large holes for s*it. It can mean good things too. We break ground to plant tomatoes and cantaloupes and all kinds of wonderful food. We break ground to bury dead horses and to create new buildings. Overall, I'm not sure how it really applies to much else.
Been giving some thought to the term "ground breaking". I'm not sure it means what is commonly thought. It wasn't really that too long ago in history that if you wanted to take a s*it, you broke ground. Even today, we regularly break ground to dig very large holes for s*it. It can mean good things too. We break ground to plant tomatoes and cantaloupes and all kinds of wonderful food. We break ground to bury dead horses and to create new buildings. Overall, I'm not sure how it really applies to much else.
It can also apply to innovative discoveries in the arts, technology, and sciences. David Burn, Talking Heads, composes for a ground breaking musical which explores dictatorship with disco.

Riddle: What happens every hour and six-minutes?
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OK, so at first this was difficult to watch, because it is heartbreaking to see this poor doggie whose hind legs have been crushed by a vehicle, but stick with it. This is the story of a young man who was bicycling across China to Tibet, and he picks up this wretched doggie by the side of the road and takes him with him. By the end, you will see a very happy doggie. A story both heartbreaking and inspiring.