Juiced Support - No more chat?

Juiced took my $2000 and no shipping status update yet, probably July. A deposit would be a better solution and if Juiced is going to take the full amount of the purchase price than the delivery should be within a 4 week period. My opinion. Juiced is using out money to support their business to build the bikes ? Where are the banks to back Juiced Bikes ? Instead of the customers being the bank.

I don't mean to sound like a jerk, but you wrote ...."Juiced took my $2000 and no shipping status update yet" I'm
assuming there was no listed ship date on the website prior to placing the order? If that is correct, in my view Juiced
didn't take your $2000, you voluntarily gave them your money....There are places where e-bikes are available with
extremely short delivery schedule, including many LBS.

My LBS has a number of fine bikes in the low $2000 range sitting on the floor. My Trek e-MTB
was ordered and it took 5 days to arrive at my LBS. I knew that in advance... I'm not knocking Juiced Bikes nor
comparing Trek to JB, but buying on the Internet with possible shipping delays etc foreseen or not comes with the Internet territory,
as does a ' better deal' ( usually ) but there is a 'price' to pay for the better deal.

John from CT
I don't mean to sound like a jerk, but you wrote ...."Juiced took my $2000 and no shipping status update yet" I'm
assuming there was no listed ship date on the website prior to placing the order? If that is correct, in my view Juiced
didn't take your $2000, you voluntarily gave them your money....There are places where e-bikes are available with
extremely short delivery schedule, including many LBS.

My LBS has a number of fine bikes in the low $2000 range sitting on the floor. My Trek e-MTB
was ordered and it took 5 days to arrive at my LBS. I knew that in advance... I'm not knocking Juiced Bikes nor
comparing Trek to JB, but buying on the Internet with possible shipping delays etc foreseen or not comes with the Internet territory,
as does a ' better deal' ( usually ) but there is a 'price' to pay for the better deal.

John from CT

The shipping date has long past. It appears that Juiced Bikes is a Crowd Funding Company as I read from someone else’s comment.
I used the word took , of course I gave them the full payment but it would be better for Juiced to ask for a non refundable $200 deposit when taking orders.
This is a great opportunity for any other company to up their sales of e bikes only if they could offer a rear hub motor with torque sensor and hydraulic brakes at the same price as juiced or a bit lower.
If you're referring to how delivery times don't match with advertised expectations, I don't see dishonesty coming into play. Ineptness, maybe. Over-optimism, certainly.

I may as well add that for a forum of this sort, making charges of dishonesty seems out of line to me. If you really believe that, then you need a lawyer.
Bruce - you need to stop defending Juiced at every turn when you don't have any specific knowledge and details on other peoples experience dealing with Juiced Support. Just because YOU haven't had a problem doesn't mean your are right and everyone that reports something negative here is a whiner with an axe to grind. I don't believe you have any more insight into Juiced's operation than I have, so your opinion is just that - an opinion, not a fact.

As for honesty - I wasn't referring to delivery times whatsoever. I feel like most other folks on this forum do in that Juiced should be much more transparent and proactive in communicating with their customers to avoid frustrations. Everyone is understandably anxious to get their bike, but on the other hand most are mature enough to understand that managing a supply chain is not that easy and that delays can happen. Communication is key and IMHO Juiced is not doing a good job in that respect.

When I said honesty, I was referring to specific interactions I had with support where I was told things that were flat out wrong and where promises were made that were never followed through. In a pre-Trump world those things were referred to as lies and I refuse to call them alternative facts. Given that I have all email and chat transcripts, It is maybe Juiced that needs a lawyer...

I am not here to bash anyone - far from it. My co-workers asked jokingly the other day if I had stock in the company because I kept on raving about the my ebike. My take on the whole situation is that Juiced is not very liquid and when a support situation arises that actually costs them money (not Asher's $21 reimbursement, not your ebike being held at their location for 6 weeks because you are unavailable), then they drag their feet.
Bruce - you need to stop defending Juiced at every turn when you don't have any specific knowledge and details on other peoples experience dealing with Juiced Support. Just because YOU haven't had a problem doesn't mean your are right and everyone that reports something negative here is a whiner with an axe to grind. I don't believe you have any more insight into Juiced's operation than I have, so your opinion is just that - an opinion, not a fact.

As for honesty - I wasn't referring to delivery times whatsoever. I feel like most other folks on this forum do in that Juiced should be much more transparent and proactive in communicating with their customers to avoid frustrations. Everyone is understandably anxious to get their bike, but on the other hand most are mature enough to understand that managing a supply chain is not that easy and that delays can happen. Communication is key and IMHO Juiced is not doing a good job in that respect.

When I said honesty, I was referring to specific interactions I had with support where I was told things that were flat out wrong and where promises were made that were never followed through. In a pre-Trump world those things were referred to as lies and I refuse to call them alternative facts. Given that I have all email and chat transcripts, It is maybe Juiced that needs a lawyer...

I am not here to bash anyone - far from it. My co-workers asked jokingly the other day if I had stock in the company because I kept on raving about the my ebike. My take on the whole situation is that Juiced is not very liquid and when a support situation arises that actually costs them money (not Asher's $21 reimbursement, not your ebike being held at their location for 6 weeks because you are unavailable), then they drag their feet.

You are spot on SlowRider and I agree with your comment. I think Juiced is having problems in my opinion and if they want to survive they need to fix every part of their operation or end the business.
Thanks for asking.
We are experiencing very high demand for our new products and are directing all resources toward fulfilling orders, resolving customer support tickets, and scaling up the operation/web services to cope with the significant increase in volume. We are getting bikes out the door and out to you. Thank you for your patience.

Juiced , you say the same “blanking ” statement every time. I read this statement from you months ago. Get it together already. Myself and other customers have bought and have current orders that been undelivered for an unreasonable amount of time from payment.
My LBS has a number of fine bikes in the low $2000 range sitting on the floor. My Trek e-MTB
was ordered and it took 5 days to arrive at my LBS. I knew that in advance... I'm not knocking Juiced Bikes nor
comparing Trek to JB, but buying on the Internet with possible shipping delays etc foreseen or not comes with the Internet territory,
as does a ' better deal' ( usually ) but there is a 'price' to pay for the better deal.

I disagree that internet ordering is the cause and/or makes the issue different from LBS. The central issue is JB (apparently) keeps no stock except that which is already paid for by the customer. I have seen no reason here to believe that JB cannot behave like an LBS -- except "L" would stand for Long distance and the only difference in turnaround would be due to shipping and handling (generally speaking). Not complaining, just observing.
Bruce - you need to stop defending Juiced at every turn when you don't have any specific knowledge and details on other peoples experience dealing with Juiced Support. Just because YOU haven't had a problem doesn't mean your are right and everyone that reports something negative here is a whiner with an axe to grind. I don't believe you have any more insight into Juiced's operation than I have, so your opinion is just that - an opinion, not a fact.

As for honesty - I wasn't referring to delivery times whatsoever. I feel like most other folks on this forum do in that Juiced should be much more transparent and proactive in communicating with their customers to avoid frustrations. Everyone is understandably anxious to get their bike, but on the other hand most are mature enough to understand that managing a supply chain is not that easy and that delays can happen. Communication is key and IMHO Juiced is not doing a good job in that respect.

When I said honesty, I was referring to specific interactions I had with support where I was told things that were flat out wrong and where promises were made that were never followed through. In a pre-Trump world those things were referred to as lies and I refuse to call them alternative facts. Given that I have all email and chat transcripts, It is maybe Juiced that needs a lawyer...

I am not here to bash anyone - far from it. My co-workers asked jokingly the other day if I had stock in the company because I kept on raving about the my ebike. My take on the whole situation is that Juiced is not very liquid and when a support situation arises that actually costs them money (not Asher's $21 reimbursement, not your ebike being held at their location for 6 weeks because you are unavailable), then they drag their feet.
If you see me as defending Juiced than your perceptions need re-calibrating.

I've said many times that there are things they need to improve. I also am certain that the available information supports the idea that Juiced is proceeding according to a plan that causes inconvenience for a few while meeting the needs of the many. I believe they could alter that plan in the direction of improving some aspects of distribution and customer service without making a major change in the overall plan. I think they should do that before introducing any new products.

These are all valid interpretations of the information that is available. There are other valid interpretations. I don't have a problem with that. You don't see all the times that I don't engage with them, and when I do, we have a respectful exchange of ideas.

There are also invalid interpretations, based on wild guesses, unfounded assumptions, rationalizations of frustration, etc. You might be surprised how often I think about replying to those and don't. When I do reply, it's not because I'm defending Juiced, but because those expressions have a negative effect on the quality of the forum.

I have to say that I have a lot of respect for @Tora Harris and what he is doing, and if that is evident, great.

As to your remark about honesty: thanks for providing the context that you didn't give when you made the remark. Doesn't change my response, though. Accusing Juiced of dishonesty doesn't have a place on this forum, IMO, regardless of context. I don't set the rules; Court does.
If you see me as defending Juiced than your perceptions need re-calibrating.

I've said many times that there are things they need to improve. I also am certain that the available information supports the idea that Juiced is proceeding according to a plan that causes inconvenience for a few while meeting the needs of the many. I believe they could alter that plan in the direction of improving some aspects of distribution and customer service without making a major change in the overall plan. I think they should do that before introducing any new products.

These are all valid interpretations of the information that is available. There are other valid interpretations. I don't have a problem with that. You don't see all the times that I don't engage with them, and when I do, we have a respectful exchange of ideas.

There are also invalid interpretations, based on wild guesses, unfounded assumptions, rationalizations of frustration, etc. You might be surprised how often I think about replying to those and don't. When I do reply, it's not because I'm defending Juiced, but because those expressions have a negative effect on the quality of the forum.

I have to say that I have a lot of respect for @Tora Harris and what he is doing, and if that is evident, great.

As to your remark about honesty: thanks for providing the context that you didn't give when you made the remark. Doesn't change my response, though. Accusing Juiced of dishonesty doesn't have a place on this forum, IMO, regardless of context. I don't set the rules; Court does.
I remember when I was, as everyone called it, "whining "about my ocean current and how I was treated and I have never heard anything from juiced about resolving my problem, they completely blew me off. It still has never been resolved, like they just swept it under the carpet. Karma will get you in the end. You have to treat your customers right or eventually you will have no customers. You have to quit blowing smoke up people's butts sooner or later. They always have some kind of long drawn out excuse. I did buy a bike from juiced and know exactly how they treat you, Tora was very condescending. You guys can think what you want but I don't just make this stuff up. Now others are experiencing what I went thru. Good luck
Chat function was gone when I started this thread. it was just re-enabled the other day.

The chat function doesn't seem to keep regular hours - some times is 9am-4pm pacific, sometimes its 9:30, sometimes 10am.
Sometimes open at 10pm mid week or Saturdays too.

Juiced Phone says Monday-Friday 9am-5pm pacific time, but the website says 9am-4pm pacific time.

From what I have experienced, 9:30am-3:55pm seems to be the most consistent hours.

Opening a ticket on the web is 24hours a day, since the new website went up.
Interesting, I keep getting these notifications in FB like there is only 1 left in stock, yet their site shows that they are still available for ordering.

Having worked a chat line for eBike kit seller, I know it for the nightmare IT IS! You'd be amazed at the number of wasted hours answering questions that some lazy soul could have easily googled or read on the web site. Users come with the most basic questions that really should have been answered with a few searches and a bit of homework. Recently I had a customer call and the fellow spent zero time learning nomenclature and was frustrated with me when I couldn't immediately respond to his convoluted descriptions. Many have given up chat lines do to the incredible amount of time lost in unproductive chats. I like chat line too, but am always well prepared BEFORE beginning. Have you nomenclature, part names, pictures and information about the order at the ready!
You'd be amazed at the number of wasted hours answering questions that some lazy soul could have easily googled or read on the web site. Users come with the most basic questions that really should have been answered with a few searches and a bit of homework.
Welcome to my world of being an "IT Support Specialist", which translates to "Google Search Master." Reading EBR keeps me sane at work.
Interesting, I keep getting these notifications in FB like there is only 1 left in stock, yet their site shows that they are still available for ordering.

Um, how is that related..

Now if you want to start a thread dealing with issues with juiced social media presence, that would be a great item for the "what the heck does this mean" pile

I remember when I was, as everyone called it, "whining "about my ocean current and how I was treated and I have never heard anything from juiced about resolving my problem, they completely blew me off. It still has never been resolved, like they just swept it under the carpet. Karma will get you in the end. You have to treat your customers right or eventually you will have no customers. You have to quit blowing smoke up people's butts sooner or later. They always have some kind of long drawn out excuse. I did buy a bike from juiced and know exactly how they treat you, Tora was very condescending. You guys can think what you want but I don't just make this stuff up. Now others are experiencing what I went thru. Good luck

I fully agree with you and juiced Bikes needs to fix things immediately or pack it in. My order was for a RCS late May delivery but that’s not happening the email I received was when the batteries and bikes arrive than my bike will ship out, That is Such a Pathetic reply from Juiced Bikes. I paid in full with a shipping date of late May and I expect Juiced to keep their promise! No More Excuses. Juiced is a Crowd Funded Company and not operating in a professional manner. The customer is under par and so is the tech support. Juiced can’t delivery paid for bikes to their customers and forget about needing tech support with a bad part ! You won’t get the defective part replaced for months just by the fact that they don’t even have bikes to fill orders. Juiced got in over their head and they don’t treat their customers with respect. Like you said @Rooster juiced bikes won’t have any customers. We need more dissatisfied customers to speak out so Juiced gets their blank together.
I fully agree with you and juiced Bikes needs to fix things immediately or pack it in. My order was for a RCS late May delivery but that’s not happening the email I received was when the batteries and bikes arrive than my bike will ship out, That is Such a Pathetic reply from Juiced Bikes. I paid in full with a shipping date of late May and I expect Juiced to keep their promise! No More Excuses. Juiced is a Crowd Funded Company and not operating in a professional manner. The customer is under par and so is the tech support. Juiced can’t delivery paid for bikes to their customers and forget about needing tech support with a bad part ! You won’t get the defective part replaced for months just by the fact that they don’t even have bikes to fill orders. Juiced got in over their head and they don’t treat their customers with respect. Like you said @Rooster juiced bikes won’t have any customers. We need more dissatisfied customers to speak out so Juiced gets their blank together.

Your points seem valid. The fact that you and others have pre-paid in full and the delivery date is 'uncertain' would trouble me greatly. Depending on one's location, some folks will lose significant nice weather cycling time. That would be a deal breaker for me. What happens
should the bike arrive with a component damaged or not working ?

From what you and others have said Juiced has shown little incentive to retain you as a customer during this difficult period. At this
point I'm assuming you and others still have the option to cancel your credit card payment ? Thus I'd think you still have some leverage. That does not seem to appreciated by Juiced.

Once the deal is done and the bikes are delivered, what incentive is left to provide quality customer/technical service should it be needed based on the pre-sales situation ? Just my two cents.

John from CT