Juiced ODK U500 V3 32AH Range

Marc V

Hey All!

After owning the Juiced ODK U500 V3 for a few weeks and really liking it, I finally got around to doing a full range test.

Long story short I got about 50 miles with the 32ah battery on a single full charge.

Long story even longer see below lol

I chose to ride it in an almost worst case scenario for my "real world" conditions. I live in a city with mostly flat riding a few minor hills here and there and windy days etc.

I finally found a nice enough day where I was free to put it to the test.

I road the bike pretty hard, meaning I did little to no pedaling, using throttle even from dead stop. I know that is a lot to ask of from your motor and battery, but wanted to test it, like I said, in an almost worse case scenario where maybe there might be some days where I am injured and have a hard time pedaling. Bike is pretty heavy so even on normal everyday commuting I need to do a standing pedal down to get going if I don't use the throttle to deal with the weight. Good time to give bike and personal info...

Some info on my setup:
I have the heavier MoPed tires
Rear passenger seat kit from Juiced Bikes (works great! but be aware rpassenger will feel bumps etc so make sure to warn them if possible of upcoming bumps, we learned that the hard way hehe)
Milk Crate mounted on rear rack as well
Some basic accessories (couple of Ulocks with cables, Headlights, speed/odometer, phone mount)

Some info on me:
Around 185 pounds, 190ish with clothing give or take

So that being said i was asking a lot out of the motor and battery hauling that much weight with no assistance from me, but it hauls like a champ as I have ridden it with myself and another adult!

Took it all around northside chicago, down to the lake up to navy pier for those who are familiar with the area and back, I had so much juice left from that 30 mile trip was just cruising around the neighborhoods going down streets I've never been down, trying to remember which are the bad ones to stay away from haha :)

So dealt with traffic, people, stop signs, stop lights, so a lot of stop and goes and again riding it hard with throttle from dead stop and little pedaling. By the lakefront dealt with a lot of front winds so, motor was fighting with that as well. But never needed to pedal because the motor couldn't handle the job, I ended up catching myself pedaling out of pure habit! Had to tell myself, "remember you are doing a no pedal range test!" lol

There was still juice left when I had ridden it for some time on one battery dot/light, I considered the range test done and bike was still moving with this riding style but I did notice reduced performance so I called it then because at that point if I was out and about not in a semi controlled environment, I would be thinking I need to find a place to charge haha. So I might have squeezed more miles, but ~50miles covers almost all, if not all of my possible commutes (round trip! and if this wasn't a range test and I decided to charge in between here and there with the fast charger, forget about it! haha)

So had a great time as I have never seen the city from this perspective, I was an avid city bicycle rider before, but it was mostly point A to B and limited by my endurance/stamina lol. No joke, eBikes has gotten me out more and wanting to go cruise around weather permitting as I stopped riding bicycles for years for whatever reason :)

The ODK U500 V3 handled Chicago like a champ, but if you have researched or even ridden the bike, you will already know there is no suspension, so flats are great but you feel the bumps and if you have a passenger they REALLY feel the bumps lol.

Built in/standard taillight is bright at night and can be seen pretty far away, I added reflector stickers to my milk crate as well as my helmet hehe. Just mounted a LED flashlight DIY style to handle bars and works well at night both for my own visibility and being visible to others.

Oh also, it took me even longer to do the range test because eBikes are not as popular here in Chicago as compared to other big cities in Cali or NY, etc. I've only seen a handful on the road where I ride, so I kept getting flagged down and getting asked questions about the bike, which was fun lol

So conclusion, for real world city commuting for sub 200lb rider, expect 50+ range on a single charge with the 32ah batt if you ride it like a scooter/moped for days you are injured, tired, or plain LAZY lmao. I can easily see 80-100 mile range on a single charge that others have been reporting if you are lighter, pedal, and have great riding conditions (flat, downhills, tailwinds, etc).

Hope they keep going with this bike with V4, V5, etc!

Take care, ride safe!
Marc V