It's fire season again

We've had 2 local arson fires in the last week, both quickly extinguished by the FDs, but yeah, what kind of a nut job does that?

Easy answer: the same kind of nut job that insists on having a camp fire during a total fire ban, and when the temperature is pushing 80 by 8am. There are a large number of popular camping areas within a few miles of my home, and I spent Monday chewing my fingernails right up to my elbow convinced that with the strong winds out of the northwest (where most of the camping is) I was about to be incinerated.

People are terrifyingly stupid.
Burning cities. Burning forests. Same areas. Makes ya wonder.

Only if you have no clue what you are talking about.

Point 1: The Cold Springs Fire/Pearl Hill Fire, currently the largest in Washington, started to the east of Omak, WA. Omak is 235 driving miles from Seattle, which doesn't sound like the "same area" in my book.

Point 2: The Beachie Creek Fire started approximately six miles North of Detroit, OR on August 16th. Prior to the Monday wind event the fire was roughly 500 acres and burning slowly in remote and inaccessible country.

I can keep going...

All of the fire starts I know of so far are consistent with accidental human-caused ignition. They tended to start in popular camping or hiking areas in most cases, and sometimes along highways where the ignition pattern was consistent with sparks from a moving vehicle (e.g. from dragging trailer safety chains or a blown tire).
I saw three burned patches in portland along the bike path. we had serious wind that day one was a camp fire out of control the others who knows? but the homeless live on that path.
Only if you have no clue what you are talking about.

Point 1: The Cold Springs Fire/Pearl Hill Fire, currently the largest in Washington, started to the east of Omak, WA. Omak is 235 driving miles from Seattle, which doesn't sound like the "same area" in my book.

Point 2: The Beachie Creek Fire started approximately six miles North of Detroit, OR on August 16th. Prior to the Monday wind event the fire was roughly 500 acres and burning slowly in remote and inaccessible country.

I can keep going...

All of the fire starts I know of so far are consistent with accidental human-caused ignition. They tended to start in popular camping or hiking areas in most cases, and sometimes along highways where the ignition pattern was consistent with sparks from a moving vehicle (e.g. from dragging trailer safety chains or a blown tire).

I can post a lot of these if you have the time.
If someone is behind these fires, I would think they´d have to be a very vindictive sort, know what I mean.

Ashland, OR is over 280 miles from Portland. So again not "nearby".

Also, to quote the article:

“One thing I can say is that the rumor it was set by Antifa is 100% false information,” the police chief said by email. “We have some leads, and none of it points in that direction.”

Now, since we are beating this dead horse to burgers, I will continue:
  1. None of the over 75 fire starts in Washington on September 8th were within 100 miles of Seattle.
  2. The large fire starts in Oregon that were close to Portland were all to the southeast. Prevailing winds for this time of year are out of the northwest, and so these fires are generally being blown away from urban areas and further into the Cascades. If someone really wanted to cause chaos and harm they would have set their fires in the ample forestlands to the northwest of Portland. Under the conditions prevailing on September 8th such efforts would likely have destroyed half of Portland and many of the wealthy suburbs on the west side of the Willamette River.
  3. As I said before, nearly all of the fire starts are consistent with losing control of campfires. Since many areas have total campfire bans at this time, if your illegal campfire started a wildfire that destroyed other buildings you might well be charged with arson, depending on local laws and the aggressiveness of local prosecuting attorneys.
Malevolent individuals are circulating half-baked conspiracy theories at this time. The intent is to cause good people to harm one another by chasing an imaginary enemy. Please don't continue this harm by propagated such garbage. Under normal circumstances people distributing such silly crap wouldn't be of concern to me, but since the intent is obviously to cause harm on a large scale as a good citizen I am obliged to call BS.
There are definite instances of arson, & itś not being done by the good guys.

Some of them are intentionally set, but the vast majority of fire starts this week were human caused and unintentional. Several of them originated in public parks and campgrounds, again consistent with idiot humans making campfires during a total fire ban.

There is no evidence, zero, zilch, nada, that there is any organized (or even disorganized) group behind all of these fires. Any such talk in the absence of such evidence is insane and ignorant.
Some of them are intentionally set, but the vast majority of fire starts this week were human caused and unintentional. Several of them originated in public parks and campgrounds, again consistent with idiot humans making campfires during a total fire ban.

There is no evidence, zero, zilch, nada, that there is any organized (or even disorganized) group behind all of these fires. Any such talk in the absence of such evidence is insane and ignorant.
But any conspiracy theory is so much more interesting than plain old fashioned stupidity ...

As of today the fire has burned more than 13K acres and is only 31% contained. All because a couple though it was a great idea to use a colored smoke bomb in a grass area to let the world know what gender their baby is.
the wind was crazy when the fires started gusts to 60 mph pretty much unheard of here in Oregon this time of year it was crazy and to made the fires go crazy.

As of today the fire has burned more than 13K acres and is only 31% contained. All because a couple though it was a great idea to use a colored smoke bomb in a grass area to let the world know what gender their baby is.
Whose dumb idea was this in the first place? If itś not my baby, why would I give a damn? I know it´s hard in these times to
find reason to party , but....patriotism aside, fireworks of any kind destroy millions in property every year. I tired of tranqing
my dogs & having my windows shaken by an artillery barrage every year. I can love my country without having to burn it down.
One punk with fireworks decimated miles of the Historic Columbia River Trail. It will be decades before it recovers.
I think I figured out where to move to avoid the fires in the Western U.S.;


Central and Northern Nevada are looking pretty good right now!