I have a BPM Imports 500 watt trike. The Bafang front hub motor does not show any signs of life. I have checked all components with a Chinese tester and/or a multimeter. Everything seems to test ok. I've tried 3 or 4 different controllers with little luck. With one controller though, the motor showed weak signs of life. It turned a few times using the assist mode but then stopped and I couldn't get it to spin again. I installed a new controller from BPM today. The motor doesn't spin. With all connectors hooked up, my display (KT LCD3) does not show battery voltage in the icon at the top and I get a error 3 when I activate the throttle. If I unplug the throttle connector, the display looks good. The walk icon shows and there is no error unless I activate the throttle but its not connected??? I tested the throttle earlier today and it passed. I have tested the motor for continuity and shorts and found no errors. I'm ready to buy a new motor but I wish I could definitely pinpoint it as the problem. Does anyone know of a definitive test to show the motor is good or bad besides trying another motor. I'm going in circles here and I need to get off this merry-go-round. If anyone has any other advice, I would be glad to hear it.