Is my motor dead?


I have a BPM Imports 500 watt trike. The Bafang front hub motor does not show any signs of life. I have checked all components with a Chinese tester and/or a multimeter. Everything seems to test ok. I've tried 3 or 4 different controllers with little luck. With one controller though, the motor showed weak signs of life. It turned a few times using the assist mode but then stopped and I couldn't get it to spin again. I installed a new controller from BPM today. The motor doesn't spin. With all connectors hooked up, my display (KT LCD3) does not show battery voltage in the icon at the top and I get a error 3 when I activate the throttle. If I unplug the throttle connector, the display looks good. The walk icon shows and there is no error unless I activate the throttle but its not connected??? I tested the throttle earlier today and it passed. I have tested the motor for continuity and shorts and found no errors. I'm ready to buy a new motor but I wish I could definitely pinpoint it as the problem. Does anyone know of a definitive test to show the motor is good or bad besides trying another motor. I'm going in circles here and I need to get off this merry-go-round. If anyone has any other advice, I would be glad to hear it.
KT LCD3 Error codes
01 = throttle
03 = Hall Signals

You're getting a Hall sensor error, not throttle error. Means the controller cannot see one of the sensors when you applied throttle.

You say the Hall sensors passed the motor tester? All three LED's flash when you rotate the wheel. How do the controllers connect to the motor? Since you were able to plug the chinese tester into the motor, I figure it uses the six pin rectangular plug for the sensors, and three bullets to for the motor phases? Must be something in that cable that isn't meshing with the various controllers your tried out, but worked OK with the motor tester.
I will check the hall sensors again and let you know what I find. The motor plugs into the controller with a flat plug. I made an adaptor.
I will check the hall sensors again and let you know what I find. The motor plugs into the controller with a flat plug. I made an adaptor.
Maybe something similar to this is happening on that flat plug.,
bad_jst copy.jpg
Maybe something similar to this is happening on that flat plug.,
View attachment 180714
I checked the connectors and everything looks good. When I spin the wheel, the Ha blue and the Hc yellow lights flash. The Hb green light does not. The XA blue, the XB green and the XC yellow all light up when I spin the wheel a little faster. So the windings are good but I have a bad hall sensor? Next step is to get into the motor, test the wires, connectors and hall sensor then replace the sensor it if its bad? Thanks for your help. I feel like I'm finally making progress.
Good luck. Bafang motors usually use screws to hold down the motor covers. Find a youtube video, and they'll show you how it's done.