Well-Known Member
Whatever your display is telling you, I see no way of exceeding the 360W limit of the charger. They would not be selling it as a 360W charger if it could do 600W or more, and very likely if they could their high-voltage model would not have a current limit lower than their standard one. I doubt even great cooling would allow their device to reach 600W output. (ps. I have their high voltage one).
The example you show is only doing 342W, so that does not exceed the specs of the charger and does not invalidate anything Grin or Stefan has said about their Charger. It just disproves your statement of 180Wh in 18min.
At least you also have it and know how to use it. I know how to use it a little better
The 360 watts stays the same , it's just the ah remaining constant at a higher battery voltage b/c as you know it can do 24/36/48/52v. And if it's set at higher voltage with the necessary precautions, it will pull higher amps....if that's not simple for you to understand then i can't help.
Ps- It does 160watts in xactly 31minutes at 6.2ah. That was a small error from one of my internal drives

And that 6.2amp rate stays constant up to 95%. A large coffee, croissant, post something on ebr and 30min. go fast.. on a 2nd break i can have lunch. On the 3rd break get another drink...That way can do a 50-70mile ride. For over 70miles , both are needed.
But i'm upping up my amps in the battery soon with higher capacity cells to 16.8ah and then can charge as high as 8ah , the max. that the satiator allows it. Is possible it can do 10-14amps if i change a few parts inside of it.
The ideal would be a 10-12amps charging rate. With that , there's no need for a spare pack.
Still for now, it is better using this one ,then lugging around a 12lb battery. Probably riding 25miles with an xtra 25lb(pack+backpack+protector foam+rear rack) consumes significant wattage , maybe 100-200wh ??
I can easily take the rear rack off when i do long ride and slide the Grin in the front handlebar bag.
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