Please, small quiet generators are a non-issue. The honda and Yamaha ones are just outstanding, and versatile for a multiple of uses, including lighting, charging, heating, or even running small appliances.
1. Add some Stabil 360 to the fuel, stays fresh for a year. Fuel lines don't get dirty.
2. The quiet ones operate at 50db - about the same as a conversation.
3. This is not a generac industrial 5kw gen. Those are noisy AF. Out desert camping we've seen them dig a 6' hole a hundred feet away and put a plywood cover over them. Then they're quiet. LOL
4. there is no smell, they're very efficient, and unless you're operating it in a closed environment, you would never smell exhaust.
They are even popular for fairs and events, with an EZup, you probly didn't even realize there was one running in the background.