Intuvia switching off on bumping downhills


New Member
I own a Fuji Ambient 1.3 year 2018. It uses a Bosch Performance Line CX with Intuvia display. The issue I have is that the system is switching off when the bike faces bumping terrain. After turning It on again It takes several seconds to accept assit level command.
I have cleaned contacts but problem remains.
Any help?
Erratic problems can be a nightmare to find. I had a similar bump related power down issue. I could jiggle wires and get it to come back on the first couple of times. Eventually though, it quit completely. That allowed some simple troubleshooting with a volt meter and the problem was quickly found and eliminated. My problem turned out to be the on/off switch located on the battery. Even though it was nearly new when it failed, it was junk, and replacing it was an easy task.

Point being, if you can get it to quit, troubleshooting will be easy. While working, not so much....
Tx, I Will investigate the on/off switch...
Oh no, didn't mean to suggest that was YOUR issue! Only that the problem is likely simple, and just as likely, it's only going to be found when the bike quits completely! -Al