Instead of banning certain members...

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Did I miss the part of Ontario's data where they quantify how the 'not fully vaccinated' are being flooded by recent vaccinees? Or is that just your own supposition and editorializing...

BTW, did nobody read Walgeens notes about that raw data?

Not here. They are about even - unless I look at my age bracket, then I see that the rate for 'not fully vaccinated' is about 3.2x the rate the boostered.
What vaxx status groups are contained in that group "not fully vaccinated"? It seems many agencies suddenly got rid of the group "unvaccinated" for the purpose of comparing cases rates.
This is Group think with no discussions

Not here. They are about even - unless I look at my age bracket, then I see that the rate for 'not fully vaccinated' is about 3.2x the rate the boostered.
You do understand what happens to the minority % cases when a huge majority of the population gets a % skimmed off and added to the minority, right?

So take an example of 90% vaxxed to some extent and they are having breakthrough cases at a very high rate. You skim off various sections of that great majority, those who recently got vaxxed or got another vaxx or had only one vaxx, and add their cases to the small minority of unvaccinated cases and you have a huge spike produced solely though the fiddling of the data.
Why ban? Discussions isnt liked? Maybe the topic needs to go? Not sure why anyone responds if they dont like something .. I try not to complain about people as I am not petty.
Noted that Mr Coffee engaged when he thought he had you.
Then promoted not engaging right quickly after being shown up.
Not here. They are about even - unless I look at my age bracket, then I see that the rate for 'not fully vaccinated' is about 3.2x the rate the boostered.
Ah, yes. Cheat by defining away a problem:
"Criteria for SARS-CoV-2 vaccine breakthrough cases
The criteria for identifying vaccine breakthrough cases include a positive lab test (either a PCR test or an antigen test) at least 14 days after a person received their last recommended dose of an authorized COVID-19 vaccine. "

So they are considered not vaccinated if they haven't had their second dose and a further 2 weeks after that second dose. And same 2 weeks again with boosters no doubt. These agency people are desperate cheaters and we've seen how blatantly and hugely the CDC does the data cheating .... for the public good. Only for your good, do they lie and cheat the stupid public that might get the "wrong" idea if they saw the real numbers.
Bertrand got me booted from a philosophy class. We were assigned a history of philosophy by Copleston a Jesuit. Ten minutes in as a 16 year old and I knew Russell made more sense.
Somehow I survived 14 years of crazy parochial schools.

“War does not determine who is right - only who is left.”

“Beware the man of the single book”

“We may define "faith" as the firm belief in something for which there is no evidence. Where there is evidence, no one speaks of "faith." We do not speak of faith that two and two are four or that the earth is round. We only speak of faith when we wish to substitute emotion for evidence. The substitution of emotion for evidence is apt to lead to strife, since different groups, substitute different emotions.”

Bertrand Russell
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“We may define "faith" as the firm belief in something for which there is no evidence. Where there is evidence, no one speaks of "faith." We do not speak of faith that two and two are four or that the earth is round. We only speak of faith when we wish to substitute emotion for evidence. The substitution of emotion for evidence is apt to lead to strife, since different groups, substitute different emotions.”

Bertrand Russell
That is only an example of defining something so that we cannot be wrong. Faith can be - and most often is - transferred from experiences where the supporting evidence existed, or at least you believed it existed, thus is an extension; you received your paycheck previously for years, so you have a great deal of faith you will get it this week as well, even in the complete absence of exact knowledge that it is being prepared, accounted, and ten thousand other things necessarily happening or existing, for you to receive your check.
So Bert just defined the word so that the statement which follows always exhibits correctness, which is a trick dupes will fall for. His evidenced record of being smart and correct in many ways gave you faith and so you were easily duped by a quite basic manipulation of language.

Larry Moran explains how Richard Dawkins uses the same trick:
"I said that I preferred to think of the gene as the fundamental unit of natural selection, and therefore the fundamental unit of self-interest. What I have now done is to *define* the gene in such a way that I cannot really help being right!"
....The Selfish Gene (1989) p.32

The fact that Dawkins uses the word "gene" in such a non-standard way is not an issue as long as one recognizes that the Dawkins "gene" has nothing to do with the genes that molecular biologists and geneticists talk about. It's not an issue as long as one doesn't try and pretend that Dawkins has avoided handwaving and "clearly" refuted the problems raised by his critics.
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Careful with the masks.. again they are only good for Robbing Banks...This is peered reviewed also.
They were immediately on the phone to warn the Bat Lady Of Wuhan that investigations were coming. She was savvy enough to not talk on the phone about their dirty laundry.

Fauci-Funded Lab Director Alerted Wuhan Officials Ahead Of Potential COVID-19 Origins Investigation.​

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