Instead of banning certain members...

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A little far away the continental U.S. though :)
(And the pizza is Canadian!)
Right. Those Canadian pineapple plantations are huge!
Wellll, technically, and we young uns were taught that America includes Canada, and Mexico, if you reeeeaaalllly want to get picky. North America. So Canadian Bacon is 'Murican. But is it really made in Canada??? Perhaps it is.....another....conspiracy? :eek: You put da bacon and da pineapple on top of da cheese. Almost sounds like a yooper pizza.
Traveling to Mexico to murder Dorado the first time when we checked in with Mexican officials. The USA educated official asked “country of origin?” We answered “American “. The official flipped a wig and sternly corrected us. “I’m an American, everyone here is American, YOU are a United States Citizen”. WE WONDERED WHY HE ASKED IF HE ALREADY KNEW. But we STFU
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I’d starve if living with yoopers. Except for Cudighi and pasties!
Traveling to Mexico to murder Dorado the first time when we checked in with Mexican officials. The USA educated official asked “country of origin?” We answered “American “. The official flipped a wig and sternly corrected us. “I’m an American, everyone here is American, YOU are a United States Citizen”. WE WONDERED WHY HE ASKED IF HE ALREADY KNEW. But we STFU
I've always said, U.S. to that question. It makes it easy.
People have such short memories. They're beating up Biden over saying Putin has to go. They say America is not about regime change. That's what we did in Iraq.
If Russia invaded Canada, you might not be saying "just let it play out". This is happening right on the doorstep of the NATO bloc and the EU. Touch one, you touch them all. That's how it works.

Or another analogy: a raccoon attacks a cat sitting at your feet. So far, it hasn't attacked you. Do you let it play out, or do you protect your cat to protect your toes?

It would be nice if somebody attacked Russia at the other end of the country, like in the 'stans or in Siberia. Not the US, but some other country. A second front. Maybe we could pay North Korea to make a mistake with one of their missile tests... No, I take that back. Sh!t ricochets.
The last independent newspaper in Russia has suspended operations, both paper and online. Till the end of the "special operation". You can still read the last issue at (use Google translate). I knew they would be shut down sooner or later. Deutsche Welle, the German news service, has just been banned, too, joining the ranks of BBC, etc. Dark times for the Russian people. Vlad must be taking North Korean pills.
And created the monsters in Iran.
Ah, the Jimmy Carter times. Some say Shouty Whispers is on track to far outdo those great days. Time Magazine Man of the Year was The Ayatolla. Zellinsky's gotta be it this time around.
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I think I saw that Russia has lost 7 or 8 Generals in this "situation ". That sounds serous...grunts have been known to shoot at the "wrong side" if they are pushed too hard.
Why aren't they negotiating a cease fire yet?
I think I saw that Russia has lost 7 or 8 Generals in this "situation ". That sounds serous...grunts have been known to shoot at the "wrong side" if they are pushed too hard.
Why aren't they negotiating a cease fire yet?
I think the Russian plan is to relocate the Army trans River Dniepr. Pres. Zelensky has already declared Ukraine won't fight for Crimea. However, Donbas that is trans-Dniepr holds the main industrial wealth of Ukraine.
The Generals are using cellphones and revealing their presence. Their encrypted communication system doesn’t work (like it didn’t in Georgia)…

’I think the Russian plan is to relocate the Army trans River Dniepr. Pres. Zelensky has already declared Ukraine won't fight for Crimea. However, Donbas that is trans-Dniepr holds the main industrial wealth of Ukraine.’
This is likely the revised objective…autocrats cannot lose wars or its the blindfold for them
I think the Russian plan is to relocate the Army trans River Dniepr. Pres. Zelensky has already declared Ukraine won't fight for Crimea. However, Donbas that is trans-Dniepr holds the main industrial wealth of Ukraine.
Are those buildings and machinery still intact ? 🤔
Hopefully not pay-walled…
a quote: One vignette from the fighting near Kyiv illustrates the Ukrainian advantage. “The Ukrainians have put up a drone video armed with thermal imaging,” writes a British war correspondent in New Line Magazine. “It’s so chilly out there that the Russian tank crews sit with their engines running through the night. As the Ukrainian drone hovers over the woods in the blackness, it picks out the Russian tanks hiding in the cold. Each Russian exhaust spills its presence, white on black. Then Ukrainian artillery, pinpointed by the drone, moves in for the kill and takes out each white dot, one by one.”
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