Instead of banning certain members...

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You'd think there would be *some* condition that would make support unsupportable. Since they are putting out their own videos of themselves committing atrocities as they do them, it could be time to re-think, ya know?
He added to it on live TV on the Ukraine-24 channel. Time to chill instead of being on the wrong side of that stuff.
I guess it's USA only:(
That happens to us also. Can't watch some Canadian stuff.

To sum it up, this is just a montage of various clips from the pundits that hate Joe Biden. He apparently had trouble speaking after the pizza eating and blamed his trouble on the spice--jalepenos. The pundits call him weak, a terrible representative of the United States, etc. etc. and one even says that the troops hate him.

The Daily Show likes to put this stuff together about all the "scandals" of the Biden administration. It's a tongue in cheek bit about such little things getting blown up, when there were bigger things previously and I'm trying not to get too political and bring out the trolls. They did a great program on Umbrellagate. Obama at one time was outdoors giving a speech, it began to rain, and the Marine that stands near had to hold an umbrella over Obama. He was raked over the coals for that by the usual TV and internet pundits.
That happens to us also. Can't watch some Canadian stuff.

To sum it up, this is just a montage of various clips from the pundits that hate Joe Biden. He apparently had trouble speaking after the pizza eating and blamed his trouble on the spice--jalepenos. The pundits call him weak, a terrible representative of the United States, etc. etc. and one even says that the troops hate him.

The Daily Show likes to put this stuff together about all the "scandals" of the Biden administration. It's a tongue in cheek bit about such little things getting blown up, when there were bigger things previously and I'm trying not to get too political and bring out the trolls. They did a great program on Umbrellagate. Obama at one time was outdoors giving a speech, it began to rain, and the Marine that stands near had to hold an umbrella over Obama. He was raked over the coals for that by the usual TV and internet pundits.
You bring up good points, but isnt the behavior you describe what came out of the left/press from 2016-2020 on pretty much a daily basis?

Failure to acknowledge that seems hypocritical
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This is how Putin falls…one step at a time

KYIV — For more than a decade, Pavel Kulazhanka has sought to overthrow the authoritarian regime of Alexander Lukashenko in his native Belarus.
First, it was simple street protests. Then, sabotaging train lines and bombing military outposts. Eventually, he had to flee — and landed in New York City, where he became a mixed martial arts fighter.
Are you on Telegram? Subscribe to our channel for the latest updates on Russia's war in Ukraine.
But he thinks the best shot yet at toppling Lukashenko — and Russian President Vladimir Putin, without whose support many in Belarus think Lukashenko would quickly fall — has come with the war in Ukraine.
He is one of hundreds of Belarusians who have joined the fight here, inspired by their neighbor’s battlefield successes and determined to carry that momentum back into Belarus to end Lukashenko’s 28-year rule.
Many of them have joined the “Kastus Kalinouski Battalion,” named after the leader of Belarus’s insurrection against Russia in the 1860s. It is made up of Belarusians taking advantage of Ukraine’s wartime decision to allow foreigners to serve in the ranks of its armed forces, though not as officers. A dozen recruits interviewed by The Washington Post described their sense of common cause between Ukraine and Belarus’s pro-democracy movements.
You bring up good points, but isnt the behavior you describe what came out of the left/press from 2016-2020 on pretty much a daily basis?

Failure to acknowledge that seems hypocritical
True but when you had a leader that started his presidency on day one with a big lie and then continued along that vein right up to the present day, it's hard to make a fair comparison.
With respect to Mark Twain ... What was a popular statement about incrementally worse lies - "Lies, damned lies, and statistics" is now better described as "Lies, damned lies, and Russian government statements".
Scary reports of US top NATO command captured vicinity Mariupol and some Frenchies too.
Wait and see time. Supposedly that was the reason for failed daring helicopter rescue attempts.
No way to tell truth from fiction..the only thing known is that Potato is the worst ever.
UK blocks call for quick investigation into the atrocity.
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OK.....I give up. What is this Team Potato?
Also, I cannot find anything regarding the 'reports' of Top NATO command members being captured anywhere, much less in the Ukraine. And what failed rescue attempts?
Could someone define how this Team Potato sold out the US in the Ukraine and China?

OK.....I give up. What is this Team Potato?
Also, I cannot find anything regarding the 'reports' of Top NATO command members being captured anywhere, much less in the Ukraine. And what failed rescue attempts?
Could someone define how this Team Potato sold out the US in the Ukraine and China?

Biden is The Potato. 2 helicopters were sent to extract some people or things of great importance and were downed, one before landing and one on take-off after landing. Speculation is that they were sent to extract NATO bigshots from US and France.
Biden sold out the US in Ukraine when he was acting as de facto ruler, with widespread corruption, stealing American funding he dispersed, using Hunter and families of Pelosi, Kerry et al.
Here he is bragging about getting a prosecutor (who was looking into Hunter's and Joe's corruption) taken off the job, by withholding a billion USD.

He flew Hunter to China on Airforce 2 and Hunter came out greatly enriched, with money for "the big guy"
I think I listened to the entire broadcast of that, and that clip is not the whole thing. It wasn't about his son, it was about a very corrupt government. But you'll not ever agree so back on ignore for you.
I think I listened to the entire broadcast of that, and that clip is not the whole thing. It wasn't about his son, it was about a very corrupt government. But you'll not ever agree so back on ignore for you.

A prosecutor who was corrupt..and Joe had to withhold a billion USD to have him fired immediately?
The prosecutor was investigating Joe and Hunter. You claim he was very corrupt. Your evidence?
Hard for some to see things.. This isnt a Blue or Red issue.. Its an American Problem.. Get past the politics and you will see both sides are in on it.. the people suffer and the politicians enrich themselves.. Funny how Polosis Son, John Kerry son and Hunter Biden all had jobs in Ukraine... One of the most corrupt places in the world and a place we send money by the billions... Money in and then back into the accounts of the family members of congress and the Senate

Not hard to see if one looks.
Hunter's haul (some of it)
$3,500,000 from wife of Moscow Mayor
$100,000 account with Gonweng Dong
$1,454,000 from Burisma
$4,790,000 for consulting with firm tied to Chinese government
Hard for some to see things.. This isnt a Blue or Red issue.. Its an American Problem.. Get past the politics and you will see both sides are in on it.. the people suffer and the politicians enrich themselves.. Funny how Polosis Son, John Kerry son and Hunter Biden all had jobs in Ukraine... One of the most corrupt places in the world and a place we send money by the billions... Money in and then back into the accounts of the family members of congress and the Senate

Not hard to see if one looks.
It wasn't coincidence that the top politician's families were in Ukraine's business. To believe that it "just happened to be that way" would take quite the credulous mind.
Joe's lies about it are already fallen apart; he shared account with Hunter and Hunter paid his bills, which Joe had denied.
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