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We need a Ukraine thread.

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Love that pictures, Stefan!

Off topic: My name ends in "sky" -- a big part of my family is Czechoslovakian, but, I have been told (and this is apocryphal, though it sounds right) that there is another Polish branch of the family where the last name begins with same five letters, but ends in "ski." In other words, if you go back far enough, it's the same family.

Now I have a mind to call my eldest cousin and ask him if this is actually true, or just something Dad or Grandpa said when they were drunk or having political arguments, which was, apparently, the favorite sport of my family for many generations! One of my more remote cousins, nearly a generation older than me, said that the arguments were so loud and so heated, it would have amounted to child abuse today... she remembers trying to play in the backyard while her parents and uncles and aunts screamed at each other over coffee after church. This could go on for hours, and she said everyone was hysterical and out of control.

Indeed, I only heard this story in 2014, but during the Bush administration, our generation had-- without knowing it-- carried on this tradition as well. We had an argument by email that was so out-of-control that I stopped speaking to my father and his side of the family for a year to the day. The argument started on Easter, and then the following Easter, after a particularly moving sermon at church, I decided, "To hell with this," and called my father. We quickly apologized, and one by one, I called everyone else in the family or they called me. We were all miserable about what had happened.

None of us changed our positions-- not an inch-- and we still argued, but not as frequently or violently. I think we all regretted the year that we lost, and without saying so, resolved to never repeat the experiment. However, I think I'm grateful for that year, because I had so much quality time with my family after that.

Every time I get into a political argument, I remind myself that I'm really just carrying on my family tradition! And THAT is an idea that I would have found appalling as a teenager, when I imagined I was a rebel who followed no traditions.
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No point in getting That mad about ones opinions.. Politics or not its just a matter of opinion. I have had discussions with my Grandpa about politics .. His thinking didnt make any sense but then again it was his opinion.. Still loved him but he had his moments and I am sure I had mine.. He taught me a lot when I was a kid.. How to have fun as a young boy.. After he was old and he lost his mind.. what does it all matter in the end? Life is short and keep the ones you love Closer.

Same with all the discussions.. Take them all with a grain of salt..
Off topic: My name ends in "sky" -- a big part of my family is Czechoslovakian, but, I have been told (and this is apocryphal, though it sounds right) that there is another Polish branch of the family where the last name begins with same five letters, but ends in "ski." In other words, if you go back far enough, it's the same family.
You have reminded me of some historical facts that bear a semblance to what happens today.

There is a small piece of land called Zaolzie in the Cieszyn Silesia, on the Polish-Czech frontier. That small area (900 km2) was inhabited in 90% by Polish population by the end of WW I. In 1920, Czechoslovakia annexed Zaolzie (a historical mistake). In 1938, Hitler's Germany first annexed Austria, and later the Munich Conference allowed Hitler to annex Czech Sudetes. In Autumn 1938, Poland joined Hitler by annexing Zaolzie (that was even bigger mistake!). Less than a year later, Poland got partitioned herself between Nazi Germany and Soviet Union. No need to continue that story: Since the accession of Poland and Czech Republic to the European Union, any internal borders ceased to exist. Often, you are even not aware you have ridden, driven or walked into the other country!

I have read an interesting analysis now. In 2014 (during the Russian annexation of Crimea), Mr. Putin put forward a proposition Russia would have incorporated the East Ukraine including Kiev, Poland would get her former historical lands in Western Ukraine, and Hungary would grab the Transcarpatian Ruthenia (where many Hungarian live). Our PM of that era Mr Donald Tusk and our Foreign Minister Radek Sikorski boldly said they wouldn't even consider that proposition as a joke!

The analyst wrote today that Putin might have considered that plan before the current invasion. If Kiev fell promptly, Putin might have proposed the partition of Ukraine again. That would make his best friend, the Hungarian PM Viktor Orban very happy. Not sure about the current nationalist government of Poland. It makes me scary. Fortunately, Kiev didn't fall, and the Polish society turned out to be the best friend of the Ukrainian people.
You have reminded me of some historical facts that bear a semblance to what happens today.

There is a small piece of land called Zaolzie in the Cieszyn Silesia, on the Polish-Czech frontier. That small area (900 km2) was inhabited in 90% by Polish population by the end of WW I. In 1920, Czechoslovakia annexed Zaolzie (a historical mistake). In 1938, Hitler's Germany first annexed Austria, and later the Munich Conference allowed Hitler to annex Czech Sudetes. In Autumn 1938, Poland joined Hitler by annexing Zaolzie (that was even bigger mistake!). Less than a year later, Poland got partitioned herself between Nazi Germany and Soviet Union. No need to continue that story: Since the accession of Poland and Czech Republic to the European Union, any internal borders ceased to exist. Often, you are even not aware you have ridden, driven or walked into the other country!

I have read an interesting analysis now. In 2014 (during the Russian annexation of Crimea), Mr. Putin put forward a proposition Russia would have incorporated the East Ukraine including Kiev, Poland would get her former historical lands in Western Ukraine, and Hungary would grab the Transcarpatian Ruthenia (where many Hungarian live). Our PM of that era Mr Donald Tusk and our Foreign Minister Radek Sikorski boldly said they wouldn't even consider that proposition as a joke!

The analyst wrote today that Putin might have considered that plan before the current invasion. If Kiev fell promptly, Putin might have proposed the partition of Ukraine again. That would make his best friend, the Hungarian PM Viktor Orban very happy. Not sure about the current nationalist government of Poland. It makes me scary. Fortunately, Kiev didn't fall, and the Polish society turned out to be the best friend of the Ukrainian people.
:cool: Just cool that someone paid attention in history class.
I hear stories how Polish individuals help our Ukrainian guests.

For instance, there are people breeding Bernese Mountain Dogs in Ukraine. Polish breeders help the families of Ukraine to settle in Poland: women, children and their dogs. My close friend lives in a big Warsaw house and owns a Bernese. So her home is a transfer base for Ukrainian guests. For example: Four children, two mothers, seven dogs spending three days with my friend until the transport for them is ready.

Another friend lets a refugee live at her flat, and so on and so on.
I've been gathering funds in my guitar forums. Our company matches the donations and sends the money to friends in Slovakia who gather all needed supplies. The supplies are all sundry clothing/hygiene/food/health related. They are put into vans and driven to the border for direct help with no middleman.
Also helping refugees in Slovakia that have fled.
Hit me up if you're interested.
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