Instead of banning certain members...

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We should
Not enough single malt to numb my brain enough to swallow the bilge water served by a few. Iā€™m all for controlling whoā€™s on my screen. Itā€™s the only way I can stomach FB. Far more ignored then friended. Iā€™m there to have news and share stories with friends. Friends donā€™t impose religion and politics on friends. Usenet had the ability to PLONK 30 years ago.
back to back. she would get well and catch something else because all the things masks prevented from going around are now flourishing. all the kids have to play catchup with their immune systems.
Which is exactly what a kid with sinus infection would display, along with a small tender spot below cheek bone if probed with fingertip.
So what could explain the boosterized normies having a disease rate that is 2.35 times the rate of the fully vaccinated?
AND the "fully vaccinated" running "neck and neck" with the "not fully vaccinated" (which is the unvaccinated group pumped up with some disease cases from the other groups) ?
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I find it interesting how our society was primed to believe kooky conspiracy theories about this pandemic.

Every bad movie, tv show, and book about a pandemic included tropes which were common in the kookosphere these last few years. Honestly I'd be more impressed with the kooks if they could come up with new material.

One of those tropes is a shadowy conspiracy amongst the world's super-rich and powerful (often represented as some unimaginable megacorporation) to kill off large portions of the population. Why this is a good idea is never made clear, either in conspiracy theories or the bad media.

Another is that the vaccines and treatments are fake and are part of that shadowy conspiracy.

There are also various unlikely intersections between high-tech gadgetry and biological disease, probably best represented in S.M. Stirlings "The Stone Dogs", where a deadly virus causing insanity is latent until triggered by radio signals.

My favorite trope, though, is that right-wingers Do The Right Thing, even though it is hard, and mostly survive. Liberals die like flies.
Doctor Kook #1
ABC News Senior Medical Contributor Dr. Jennifer Ashton subtly admitted vaccine-induced AIDS exists during a recent edition of ā€œGood Morning America.ā€
Discussing a new study published by the peer-reviewed journal The Lancet,
Dr. Ashton explained the fourth dose of both Pfizer and Moderna Covid jabs is causing surges in antibodies which can lead to a disruption of the immune system.
Claiming there has yet to be ā€œany evidence of thisā€ actually happening,
Dr. Ashton went on to describe ā€œan immune phenomenon known as tolerance where, if you already have high antibody levels and you get another booster, that your immune system can start to say, ā€˜What am I needed for?ā€™ and kind of start to shut down.ā€
Oh good lord. Suspending disbelief may help you enjoy a bad movie, but it isn't a very good strategy in real life.

AIDS is caused by the HIV virus. Typically it takes years after an HIV infection before AIDS develops, which begs the question of how we could even know if a vaccine widely introduced a year ago was causing AIDS.

Also, "disruption of the immune system" and auto-immune disorders, which these kooks are kind of talking about, is not AIDS. Just no.
Just look at Mr Coffee dispense the disinfo. He paints a very false picture when there is a well known NOT SECRET very real conspiracy of the World Economic Forum, the Davos crew of billionaires and politicians who tell us what global population needs to be less than, and what they aim for by 2030.

People like Prince Phillip,who wished to be reincarnated as a virus that kills huge numbers of people
In the event that I am reincarnated, I would like to return as a deadly virus, to contribute something to solving overpopulation."

People like Justin Trudeau's guru, leader of the WEF, Klaus boasted they had penetrated Trudeau's cabinet to over 50% with their cult
You'll own nothing and you'll be happy

They don't say who will own everything and rent you every item you need, from toothbrush to eyeglasses to shoes.

Said straight out to the world by Trudeau from the UN gathering, that the pandemic will afford them the opportunity to usher in The Reset and BuildBackBetter.

"The Great Reset"
also known as
"Build Back Better" by the Biden team and Trudeau and
also know as
"BuildBackBetter" by the Boris Johnson team
and echoed around the globe.

Klaus Schwab boasts that they have penetrated nations' cabinets

Mr Coffee gaslights the forum with untruths:
I find it interesting how our society was primed to believe kooky conspiracy theories about this pandemic.

Every bad movie, tv show, and book about a pandemic included tropes which were common in the kookosphere these last few years. Honestly I'd be more impressed with the kooks if they could come up with new material.

One of those tropes is a shadowy conspiracy amongst the world's super-rich and powerful (often represented as some unimaginable megacorporation) to kill off large portions of the population. Why this is a good idea is never made clear, either in conspiracy theories or the bad media.
Here is Klaus recent book "COVID-19 The Great Reset

Here is Justin Trudeau gaslighting Canadians after his speech spelling it out set off some alarm bells.

He paints it as a nutty conspiracy theory, just like Mr Coffee tries to gaslight the forum members. What you just saw and read is all in your kooky imagination.

The gaslighters mock you

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You might find this channel interesting, Rome. He gives very frequent map updates on the strikes and movements. He is just using info from news sources and tries to piece together the names
of villages and towns and so on from the varying names and spellings they have in the different languages. He is low grade jokey but he is doing a job which offers a visual picture of the battlegrounds

Since I was posting the last one another update already appeared

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Giving over to the WHO and monkeypox. What a coincidence. They did tell us. All power because, you know, pandemics. For the squeeze play.

Fetus-powered street lamps? Republicans ramp up outrageous anti-abortion lies ahead of Roe's demise​

This reminds me of Progressive goons, the likes of Joe Romm et al, whose site promulgated the scare story that streetlamps were melting from climate change.
Only not stupid or unbelievable as a Progressive brainworm usually is.

If they burn medical waste, why not? Many waste disposal companies are run by biker gangs who dispose of the medical waste the cheapest way they can, so it's certainly not out of the realm of possibility. A container of medical waste is unbelievably expensive to dispose of and so criminals are very very eager to do that business. Tens of thousands $ per bin.
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