Inclement Weather E-Biking


Active Member
I know that the topic of weather has come up a bit in the past, but when I searched I didn't find quite what I was looking for.

At what point will weather stop you from e-biking?

I live in Minnesota and I realize full well that I won't be e-biking at some point, due to weather.

However, if there is no snow on the road/trail, will you still e-bike, regardless of what the surface air temperature is?
Yep, I have been in 20* weather with 3+" of snow on the ground, riding around on my FT Wart Hog, I love tracking where all the critters go............LOL cause there ain't another blasted soul out here..........LOL I love the cold weather, once I am properly dressed for it.
The only weather I won't travel in when the POGO NIP (White Death) sets in,
that is some killer weather, regardless how you are dressed, I stay home and Read Louie along with a hot cup of Jo. YMMV,
I guess at my age I'm rather partial to staying relatively warm and dry. My bike gets parked around the end of Nov. and comes out again mid April. As to the rest of the time, weather reports are pretty accurate these days. So far I've only been caught in one unexpected rain storm and it was not pleasant.
I live quite a bit south of you in Western Illinois. Last winter I figured out 40 degrees is no problem. 30 to 40 degrees is getting a little rough, and 20 degrees just doesn’t work for me. I’m sure I could bundle up and ride in colder weather but it stops being fun and is a chore. Wind chill becomes meaningless since you are riding and making your own wind chill even on a calm day.
The bike doesn’t care so it is all about proper clothing. Then last December in Wisconsin I couldn’t get my bike bell to ring because the spring and rubber were too stiff meaning it actually was was too cold for my bike so I took it to Arizona for the winter.
The bike doesn’t care so it is all about proper clothing. Then last December in Wisconsin I couldn’t get my bike bell to ring because the spring and rubber were too stiff meaning it actually was was too cold for my bike so I took it to Arizona for the winter.
The bike doesn't care? I seriously doubt that.
I ride year-round. Here are the winter tires. I have heated grips, saddle and batteries I don't care to bike below about 10 deg F -12C
I know that the topic of weather has come up a bit in the past, but when I searched I didn't find quite what I was looking for.

At what point will weather stop you from e-biking?

I live in Minnesota and I realize full well that I won't be e-biking at some point, due to weather.

However, if there is no snow on the road/trail, will you still e-bike, regardless of what the surface air temperature is?
Everyday the streets are ice free all winter in SE MN. NEW electric trike will mean icy days too. It just winter, and no more brutal than those guys on snow maggots. All the right gear and it’s fun!
If the road is wet, I won’t ride. My commute to work is along busy side streets. Yes, busy side streets. The highway is fucked. Many drivers don’t know/care to drive with caution when it’s wet out. No blinkers, no headlights. Also, not to mention the other bicycles on the wrong side of the road. They aren’t much safer.
Living in the Pacific Northwest there is some common wisdom - "there is no such thing as bad weather, just bad clothing choices"

If you are determined to ride, there are good insulated bike boots, layers of fleece and gortex and sub zero gloves, balaclavas and googles as well as studded tires for bikes.

Then again we do not often get the brutal sub zero temps and deep snow here at sea level, that are all too common in Minnesota.
In my case, I ride mostly for fun & a bit of exercise. Below 32F and above 90F, it ceases to be so. Likewise under wet or icy conditions.

Luckily for commuters or die hard cyclists, many of the ideas posted above make cycling during inclement weather possible.
I broke my collarbone on black ice. I was on a fat tire eBike, the streets were wet, and the sun was getting low. I turned a corner that was shaded by a couple of pine trees and went down. So no riding with winter precipitation on the streets.
I broke my collarbone on black ice. I was on a fat tire eBike, the streets were wet, and the sun was getting low. I turned a corner that was shaded by a couple of pine trees and went down. So no riding with winter precipitation on the streets.
ya I have to watch close because temps very so much I have slid on ice a couple of times so Now I just don't chance it.