This shop just keeps on taking care of us. They borrowed my bike for a large Stromer demo. They said Stromer would give us 1/2 off the City kit for the wife's bike. They did and some how an additional new battery is coming too!
Ordered a replacement lock assembly for my bike since it has gotten very stubborn after interference from my city kit installation, cleaned both bikes and agreed mine is not as peppy as hers. They said they will check/revise the programming when their equipment arrives.
They do this w/a smile and apologetic rather than blaming, just a super pleasure to deal with in general!
Ordered a replacement lock assembly for my bike since it has gotten very stubborn after interference from my city kit installation, cleaned both bikes and agreed mine is not as peppy as hers. They said they will check/revise the programming when their equipment arrives.
They do this w/a smile and apologetic rather than blaming, just a super pleasure to deal with in general!