Idiot drivers!

That is a terrible idea.

I have heard of some countries in Asia or somewhere made it so that it is drivers' responsibility to protect cyclists and pedestrians.
Which initially made sense. Car drivers have license, and cyclists and pedestrians don't, therefore, car drivers should know better.

And what ended up happening was that, because car driver was automatically being blamed, numbers of people trying to make quick cash, or desperate people about to file bankruptcy were getting hit by a car intentionally and getting a huge insurance compensation.
That has not happened in the Netherlands. The rates of injury are much lower there than they are here, and there has been no rash of lawsuits. Of course, the Netherlands is a much less litigious society, and they have ALSO invested heavily in cycle infrastructure designed specifically to ensure cycle safety. We're could certainly learn a thing or two from them!
It is a constant issue dealing with cars and the drivers in their cocoons. We as a nation drive distracted. Phone, music,GPS and roadside advertising give the american driver too much to process. Because of this I was t boned in a large heavy van. Because of that accident I dont drive a car. Ebiking everywhere you will come across many drivers that do not see you because they did not look for you. It is easy to blame the semiaware driver, BUT IT'S YOUR LIFE ON THE LINE NOT THEIRS! I will always be the one to direct traffic if it is my choice (and it is) I always let or force the automobile to go first. Keep your eyes moving, 1/2 mile ahead and behind at all times. Look side to side, up and down side streets. I can not count the amount of close calls with cars, trucks, buses and the like. My life is at stake and I take that very seriously. Please be focused and alert out there. Remember it's your butt on the line. Ride Far, Ride Free.
Interesting article on the Dutch system:
It's not as simple as "always blame the driver".

Meanwhile in NY, cops ticket unconscious cyclist that has just been doored.
I've been tempted to get one of those air horn canisters they use for sail boat races to attach to my ebike, since there's no way a driver would hear the ting-ting of my bell🤣 I like the paint gun idea, with a note attached- 'this is my brain on your car'
This just happened recently. Story was run on all the local TV stations. I'm posting it because it's proof that you can be badly hurt even if you're in the right. This rider survived with a broken arm and a bunch of bruises, though you can see clearly he was still pedaling when hit. Who knows what he was thinking. Yes, that's him letting go of the handlebars and throwing both arms up in the air as if to ask "WTF, do you see me now?". Police are still looking for the car and driver. The driver stopped long enough to pull the bike out from in front of his car and left.

This just happened recently. Story was run on all the local TV stations. I'm posting it because it's proof that you can be badly hurt even if you're in the right. This rider survived with a broken arm and a bunch of bruises, though you can see clearly he was still pedaling when hit. Who knows what he was thinking. Yes, that's him letting go of the handlebars and throwing both arms up in the air as if to ask "WTF, do you see me now?". Police are still looking for the car and driver. The driver stopped long enough to pull the bike out from in front of his car and left.

that was one idiot cyclist. I saw one of those idiots last night. I watched him fly through a stopping and passing other cyclings like crazy. well lI had fun I passed him like a old fart going uphill (Thank you e bike) and then ext stopping I stop he blows through and so I pass his ass again. I tired onto another road and after a bit there he is ahead of me. well this time he went through two red lights on busy streets. I was going to pass this dumbs again but too many cars going past us and just as I was going to do it he blew another red light and then turned.
that was one idiot cyclist. I saw one of those idiots last night. I watched him fly through a stopping and passing other cyclings like crazy. well lI had fun I passed him like a old fart going uphill (Thank you e bike) and then ext stopping I stop he blows through and so I pass his ass again. I tired onto another road and after a bit there he is ahead of me. well this time he went through two red lights on busy streets. I was going to pass this dumbs again but too many cars going past us and just as I was going to do it he blew another red light and then turned.

This is when I call 911 and report a 'drunk driver that is going to kill someone'. Let the cops deal with them. Dear god.