I want a FAST eBike

steve marino

Active Member
This morning, one of those Greg LeMond wanna be guys all decked out in spandex and seated on a carbon fiber racing type bike was behind me at a stop light. I was on my $600 250W eBike. I smoked him on the acceleration, but his higher gearing meant that he passed me pretty quickly after 20MPH was reached.

This is not acceptable! I'm still gonna retain the current eBike because it's great for hauling stuff, but the fun of furiously pedaling and going as fast as I could was a blast.

So how can I build a fast eBike using a kit that will get me 30 to 40 mph quickly for $600? I don't need a ton of range, just something to get me 5 or 10 miles while I troll for yuppies on bikes. Do I need 1000w of power, or 1500? I figure a non geared hub motor on the back would be in that price range w/ a battery. Has anyone built such a bike? Is this the best way to go, or is a geared motor better? I'm a little concerned about a big hub motor fitting into the chain stays back there on a donor bike, along w/ getting the freewheel or cassette to work.

Going to a front hub motor would simplify everything enormously, but is that a good idea w/ a powerful motor? I'm thinking the handling would be sub optimal, and if you powered it on too much in a curve, watch out.
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My wife and I were just a few miles from home on about a 15 mile loop yesterday on our fat tire e-bikes when we passed a group of about 6 older riders on their nice road bikes, all clipped in and wearing their clown underwear (no offense meant - I have dressed that way in my past riding days). We were in a flat residential area and they were chatting more than riding. We went past them at our normal speed (about 18+ mph) and headed on home. Next thing I know is that one of the acoustic riders is on my left trying to ask me a question. I had to turn the music off in my helmet and he was most interested to know if the bike also went that fast up hills. We were on the downwind leg and I was in PAS level 2 on my RipCurrent S but I've still got some pretty strong legs. I told the acoustic rider that I had about 6 levels of motor assist and the bike would give me basically as much power as I ever needed based on the amount of power I put into the ride. We got to a little hill and I just continued my pace right up it and kind of dropped him (who knows, he may have just finished a 60 mile ride?). I've never minded hills much (can't say the same for headwinds) so I usually just power up them to get rid of them - its the way I have always ridden.

In a little bit my wife said over the helmet coms that the guy was seemingly trying to catch me so I slowed my pace in case he wanted to talk some more, but maybe he didn't because he never caught up. She said that she was tempted to put her FLX Gladiator in assist level 5 and blow by him, but she was having too nice a ride at the pace she was going.

In the end I don't know whether the guy hated me because I was on a 'cheater bike' blowing along in my tee shirt, short pants and tennis shoes, or whether he may have had some additional interest in e-bikes after our encounter. He did see that I was pedaling the whole time, and had a bit of a sweat going, and maybe previous to this he thought that all e-bikes just used a throttle?

But I don't feel jealous at all of someone on an acoustic bike who is faster than me. Mostly the opposite - I kind of feel sorry for the folks on acoustic bikes I see struggling into a headwind or up a hill, when I am so fortunate to be out getting my exercise and enjoying every minute of it.

We're all out on 2 wheels after all. Some folks can't afford an e-bike, some don't like what they may think that e-bikes are, and some just don't know about e-bikes. It is always fun to catch another rider going in your direction but I sure don't feel the personal need to go out 'hunting for yuppies' to blow by on my e-bike. But then again I have never had the instinct or mentality of a true racer. I've been on race tracks in cars and motorcycles, but I've never been able to turn off that little blinking mortality light in the corner of my vision like true racers can!:)
Please, no danger granny philosophy. Apparently people do not understand irony and sarcasm here? I'm a 68 year old guy, don't like yuppies and their god awful values (if they even have any), and we're discussing just having a bit of fun w/ a low budget eBike build. Deal w/ it. At my age, yeah, I like a little assistance w/ the speed thang, and an eBike works well.

Going fast occasionally is fun, and this experience today made me realize that I want a fun fast bike. Now this is a free society, sorta, so feel free to get as off topic and PC as you wish, but this is not what I was asking. I do not need anyone to tell me what I need to do, and I don't care what anyone else here does, OK? So if you don't know what I am asking, why are you posting here and getting into my personal business?

I do what I want and when I want to do it. It's my life, and if someone is not putting a roof over my head, keeping me warm in bed at night, or putting food on my table, then they have no business telling me how to live my life. That is just rude behavior.
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and wearing their clown underwear (no offense meant - I have dressed that way in my past riding days)
Taking no offence :D I wear modern cycling clothes myself because these are so comfortable! (Sorry for off-topic).
Steve, I just say if you fall with your e-bike because you wanted to "show them" it might end up bad for you. None of us gets younger. Why not just take the joy from riding.
Stefan Mikes: It appears that we have wandered into a minefield. Some are adept at wit and sarcasm. Others, not so much.

Now we just need to follow our footsteps and back out of this. There are many more pleasant places to be.
yjrtr are always going to be someone faster. I was doing about 26 and had to slow down a bit for a closing and got passed by two guys on road bikes I could not keep up with them at 26 and maybe at 28 I could but it was just not practical. I had one guy drafting my while I was doing 26 too.
Sarcasm does not translate well in typed words. There are plenty of eBikers that detest other cyclists, and vice versa. I weight 250 and wear spandex shorts. Nothing more comfortable with no binding. I don't ride for a fashion statement, nor competition, I ride for fun and recreation. Keep on smilin'
Owners say their $200 Voilamarts exceed 30 mph on 48+ volts. I don't know about off-the-line acceleration, but top speed is there. If you can stand a bike with a 17-20 pound wheel and super cogging, then it's cheap zoom zoom.

Or put 58 volts on the Ancheer. I used a DC booster to crank my 36V battery up to 60.0 volts on my 500W Ecotric last week. Approaching 28 mph when everything shut down. Don't know why yet, but I put it back to 36V and it restarted. (Whew) Went home. I love science.

derestricted e-mtb takes on a serious road bike rider in three sprint type events. I think the e-mtb was
still restricted to 52kmh though. The road bike rider was actually the overall winner. I was on a long hill this
afternoon and hit 40 mph. It was bit too fast for me to feel safe. Many years ago, I did go something like 56 mph
on a touring bike down a hill in New Mexico near Crown Point. Once was enough. I don't have the skill to either stop or
turn at that speed if I had to do either of those things. In the meantime, guys on racing bikes fly by me pretty regularly.

derestricted e-mtb takes on a serious road bike rider in three sprint type events. I think the e-mtb was
still restricted to 52kmh though. The road bike rider was actually the overall winner. I was on a long hill this
afternoon and hit 40 mph. It was bit too fast for me to feel safe. Many years ago, I did go something like 56 mph
on a touring bike down a hill in New Mexico near Crown Point. Once was enough. I don't have the skill to either stop or
turn at that speed if I had to do either of those things. In the meantime, guys on racing bikes fly by me pretty regularly.
The pain with the EMBN channel is these guys are comparing pears to apples. Chris Smith should have used a regular Class 3 e-bike and he could have won.
My view is I ride my bike, you ride your bike and we can all enjoy ourselves. If someone has a problem with my e bike, it is their problem, not mine. Most “serious” road bikers may ignore me but many may say “ hey that’s one of those e bikes”. Beyond that have never seen much hostility. Then again, I am not racing anyone so no harm no foul.
For top speed done on a budget, I would go with a 1500w direct drive kit, preferably one using a 35a KT controller and LCD combo. They're inexpensive and can be purchased as a kit with everything you need for a conversion, minus the battery. A 1500w direct drive is just starting to get warmed up at 20mph.....

For the battery, I would want 52v minimum. Let your wallet be your guide here. Just make sure it's able to produce at least 1500w! 2 or 3 times that would be nice, but they start getting expensive pretty quickly....


Maybe just change the gearing on your $600. special. If you're geared the same as the younger brat, you're going to have a 250w advantage over him right from the get go......
Steve, let me ask you a question:
Will it be your virtue if you overrun such guy?

Personally, I don't race with strong healthy athletes anymore. Just imagine you fall at high speed. I was racing on my e-bike, fell, got wiser.
I was thinking the same thing here after reading Steve's post. Is this guy looking to compete with spandex clad athletes to challenges on his high powered E-bike? Nothing good will come out of this if that is the case. Sounds like it could be bad intentions all the way through to the finish line. 🧐 🤔
Please, no danger granny philosophy. Apparently people do not understand irony and sarcasm here? I'm a 68 year old guy, don't like yuppies and their god awful values (if they even have any), and we're discussing just having a bit of fun w/ a low budget eBike build. Deal w/ it. At my age, yeah, I like a little assistance w/ the speed thang, and an eBike works well.

Going fast occasionally is fun, and this experience today made me realize that I want a fun fast bike. Now this is a free society, sorta, so feel free to get as off topic and PC as you wish, but this is not what I was asking. I do not need anyone to tell me what I need to do, and I don't care what anyone else here does, OK? So if you don't know what I am asking, why are you posting here and getting into my personal business?

I do what I want and when I want to do it. It's my life, and if someone is not putting a roof over my head, keeping me warm in bed at night, or putting food on my table, then they have no business telling me how to live my life. That is just rude behavior.
Hey calm down dude and take a chill pill mate. Ease up on the sarcasm. This is no place to vent frustration. We are simply here to get along, be friendly and exchange valuable info pertaining to E-bikes. We are (for the most part) cool headed people looking to make friends and not enemies. Have an awesome day and be well! ;);)
I have a modified road bike converted to e-bike with a BBS02 kit. With a 52t front chainring and 14t in the rear, I can reach 35 mph with not much effort. You can probably stay within budget if you use a small battery.

Its was an interesting exercise to try on the road, but I wouldn't ride those speeds on MUPs. I upgraded the tires to Schwalbe Marathon Plus, installed stronger aero wheels with flat spokes, upgraded brakes to Shimano 105s with Kool Stop Dura-Ace style brake pads. No disc option for my old steel frame.

These days, I use that bike with a trailer and only average 16 mph on the MUPs. I get passed all the time by cyclists on their carbon road bikes. I could easily catch up and pass but I rather save all those extra watts to ride farther.
I ride an old Raleigh mtn bike that I converted to a 500W bafang with a 36v battery. I do like to pedal but the throttle is nice. I was riding up a slight hill behind some suited up road riders. I finally got tired of the slow pace and blew by them A few minutes latter one caught up to me and said with an accent "Your really strong" and before I could tell him the truth he took off, I tried to catch him but my turn came up before I could. All I could do was laugh. I think I am strong enough for an old guy and I have ridden for a long time, 50+ years I am sure but there was no way I could have ridden with the silk crowd and stayed in the pack at least not for the last 25 yrs. BUt it was fun letting them think I was strong:)
If you want speed, it is going to cost you. You need more battery power and a higher power motor. I have a deal with a factory in China that makes ebikes. They are making a prototype for me. It is capable of 35+ mph
but it will cost you $3500. It sounds like a lot of money but in the ebike world that is a lot cheaper than any ebike sold in the USA with lesser capabilities. All ebikes sold in the USA are restricted to a maximum speed of 28mph (class3) depending on the state, some only allow 20mph (class 2).
A second option and the most economical is to do get a do it yourself ebike kit. Just google ebike kits and you'll see tons.