Disconnected brakes, PAS and throttle and motor. No 5v to throttle, PAS (with external 5v applied, working - puts out ~4v intermittently when spun) and no B+ to motor.
That's not right.
The controller "makes" and sends +5 Volts to the PAS sensor, the throttle, the brake switches, and the display.
If you aren't getting +5 Volts at those sensors, then the controller is at fault.
The controller should always be putting out +5 volts, unless there's something with ANCHEER programming that is shutting it down. (But I doubt that. The +5 Volt circuit in the controller is probably fried.

Ready to take Harry's advice and purchase controller (mounted on downtube) and display package.
I think that is your best option.
@harryS 's link, there are a bunch of options available,..
This is the cheapest option at ~$62 USD,..
It should work for you but it needs to connect to your battery.
@harryS can help you pick the right one.
You might need cables and a display too??
Can anyone tell me how to check the motor? I think to mimic the controller with external B+ source and then recheck sensors and phase wires (no continuity for all three pairs and have read that this indicates "internal issue with motor"). Need to know proper Voltage from controller to mimic (test sensors) or is this motor toast? Any thoughts are welcome and thanks to all for your great past advice.
You can buy a motor checker tool for around ten bucks,..
Lots of fun figuring it out,..
You can also test your motor with your multimeter, but the little tool with the blinky lights makes it a lot easier.
(And it's kinda cool too.)
,.. Usually the controller goes out before the motor does.
I agree, and the controller is cheaper and easier to replace.
A new motor, including the rim and spokes is a lot more time money and effort, and I'm guessing that you have an over 90% chance that your controller is at fault and not the motor.
I think $62 USD isn't too much to gamble compared to the cost of a new wheel/hub motor.