I hate wearing a helmet on ebikes and I found articles online saying helmets do more harm?


So I personally hate wearing a helmet on ebikes. I feel that thing on my head all the time and I hate all the straps and everything. It just feels wrong. There is only one shop in town with bicycle helmets and I can't find any that I like. Everything looks like there is a weird starfish attached to the top of my head. I thought I would like a half faced motorcycle helmet instead and that turned out to be wrong. They were all so huge. I would look like a dork wearing those on a bicycle.

So I digging the internet rabbit hole on the issue and I see it's a topic that many people can't agree on. There is a British brain surgeon that says helmets cause more harm than help. On the same article, "Mikael Colville-Andersen, cycling ambassador for Copenhagen, insisted that some research found that cycle helmets actually cause more brain damage."

So what do you guys think? Do they help? Or are you just doing it because that's how it's been done?
I believe that helmets are way more likely to help than hurt, and I believe everyone should wear one, but I don't believe people who refuse to wear them are crazy. We all need to choose our own level of acceptable risk. I pretty much always wear my helmet, but the one time I forgot mine, I rode anyway.

I've seen people hit their helmets on the ground when falling off bikes. Hitting your head on the pavement can be messy, even if you avoid brain damage. I haven't done it on a bicycle, but I've touched my helmet to the ground a couple times when laying down motorcycles. The chance of bonking your head on any given ride is slim, but the potential downside is huge! That makes it worth the minor inconvenience to me.
Last time I hit the ground, Bambi came from the left and pushed the front wheel to the right. I was going down hill on my bike that does 28 on flats. Imagine going 30mph and jerking your handle bars 90degrees to the right. If I wasn't wearing a helmet I think the initial impact would have been enough but the sliding on the ground icing on the cake.

I did buy a new helmet since the foam inside the helmet had many cracks in it.

I have fallen at 0 mph, I had managed to stop but didn't have time or space to put my leg down, went over sideways, new helmet the next day too

Both of these examples I would consider not my fault there are more that are.

If you ride a bike it's not if you will fall its when

I got used to a helmet in about 2 weeks of use.

It is your choice but I would say make a good choice
Some good statistics and info on the website of the Bicycle Helmet Safety Institute with the pros and cons weighed up. As a teenager I fell off a BMX at 0mph on the road on loose gravel under a nearly bald tire, I wasn't wearing a helmet and my head hit the curb stone - hurt like hell at the time and I still have the scars from the road rash on my elbow. Nowadays I sometimes commute into work on a Class 1 ebike wearing a helmet, but sometimes when I take the DC Metro and it craps out I bail and take Capital Bikeshare the rest of the way into work and don't wear a helmet. I've been thinking about carrying a folding helmet but most of the designs I've seen are relatively expensive (>$100) or too bulky to fit in my backpack with my work gear. I like the concept of a disposable folding helmet for bikeshare systems, but cardboard doesn't work when it gets wet.
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The danish man, if I have read one article correctly (and it's correctly translated) is not against bike helmets.
The problem he sees with it is that the talk and focus on helmets makes people stop using the bikes, and don't get the exercise they would get. Plus, when using helmets, people take bigger risks.

I won't stop using my helmet.
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It's a low probability but high stakes situation. I used to wear my helmet only occasionally, and was lucky enough to have it on when I fell and smacked my head on the pavement. I was so happy to be able to get up and continue on my ride rather than wait for an ambulance. Needless to say, I got religion that day (as far as bike helmets go).

Like most forms of insurance, we pay a relatively small premium for enhanced protection. Most people who buy fire insurance for their homes will not have their dwelling burn down, but few of us can afford to take the chance. I feel the same way about my brain. I can't afford to be among the unfortunate few who lost their gamble.

There's a saying (reportedly of Irish origin) that one can get used to anything--even hanging. I got used to wearing my helmet all the time to the point that I feel exposed and vulnerable if I ride without it now.
Skull alone is not enough protection for the brain against concrete, curbs, sidewalks or hitting objects. Wearing a helmet is not really that big of a deal
I wear a helmet to protect what little brains I have left.
okay. you guys have all convinced me to invest in a good ebike helmet. I have a custom hacked bike that goes 35mph easily and more depending or riding conditions. Should I invest in a full face helmet? or a regular bike helmet good enough?

I have never seen anyone riding on the road with a full face helmet but their bikes don't go 35mph either. All full face helmets I manage to find looks really OFF for a bicycle. Any suggestions? recommendations?
I am old(er), dont give a crap any more if i look funny, I want to be safe!! PAIN SUCKS! I use wind blocks too, foam pieces on your helmet straps , extra dorky looking , saves my ears , dont care!! :) :)

Buy a helmet that you're willing to wear. A full-face helmet would likely be extremely hot and uncomfortable. I'd also strongly recommend getting something that keeps you alive and healthy no matter how dorky it looks. You might look funny, but nowhere near as funny as you'd look with a dent in your skull.

For me, I wear a Giro Montaro and goggles.
I've got into the habit of wearing a helmet and eye protection (ski googles in winter to help with fog up, polarized for summer, clear glasses for night rides). The sustained higher speeds and longer distances of my ebike makes the increase % of accidents or even just road/bug debris encounters problematic. I also trail ride and wear elbow and knee pads because I was getting tired of scratching up my arms and legs on single track trails just wearing short sleeve shirts and shorts. I also invested into the Cat-Ears to help with wind noise at +20 mph.

One of my biggest worries is not if I'm going to have an accident; BUT, how do I protect myself when someone runs into me by accident. I had a few close calls work commuting or fun rides from distracted drivers/walkers/joggers (nearly all involve a smartphone distraction by them).

I have a Fox Flux MTB helmet with sun visor. Very light and cool to wear in the summer (expecting to be +100 degrees next week). I like the larger holes for air ventilation, attaching lights, no issues with sun glasses or googles, and side view mirrors attaches to helmet visor. I just add a skull cap and/or full face baklava in winter if it starts to get cold.

fox helmet side.jpg
fox helmet front.jpg
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You can get well ventilated full face mountain bike helmets--and some are convertible to a regular helmet.
If you really go 35 mph and more most of the time, you might want to think about getting a motorcycle helmet.

okay. you guys have all convinced me to invest in a good ebike helmet. I have a custom hacked bike that goes 35mph easily and more depending or riding conditions. Should I invest in a full face helmet? or a regular bike helmet good enough? I have never seen anyone riding on the road with a full face helmet but their bikes don't go 35mph either. All full face helmets I manage to find looks really OFF for a bicycle. Any suggestions? recommendations?
If you really go 35 mph and more most of the time, you might want to think about getting a motorcycle helmet.

And the motorcycle to go with it.

Outside of the EU Speed Pedelec law there is nothing on the books that says you must wear a type approved helmet or any type of helmet while riding a bicycle that is legally classified as a bicycle. Heck some states don't even require them for motorcycle use, So if you don't want to wear one don't.

Personally I do and don't care what it looks like as long it fits properly. I see so many people with their helmets perched on top of their heads that unless they landed a perfect 90degree angle to the ground the helmet would not do much good.
I am trying to think of another word other than STUPID for not wearing a helmet...................Ahh! I've got it. Not wearing a helmet is Trumpian.