Do you have any pictures of how you mounted it or was there any directions. I would like to put mine in but I’m clueless.
I wish I took more pictures. But, I'll use some pictures from a scooter forum along with some photoshop to illustrate my process. As always you do this at your own risk.
1. Unplug the throttle
2. Unscrew the throttle.
3. You will see 3 tabs as shown in the first picture. I used an old credit card cut it into 3 pieces to push it into the tabs. Then you can put apart the throttle.
4. Carefully, remove the wire and sensor from the throttle case. It's held on a bit by some rubbery glue. You will also notice the board in fit neatly in a slot.You will get what is on picture 2.
5. Cut the 3 wires holding on to the sensor and circuit board.
6. On your new hall sensor cut some of the extra wiring. Solder the wires in the exact same order as shown on the circuit board. You will get something like picture 3.
7. You need to cut a small peice of plastic like that from an old credit card as the same size as the circuit board. Glue the back of the sensor on the plastic so you get something like picture 4.
8. Put back the sensor in the slot and throttle together and test it out.
Now a few tips and warning. Don't connect the throttle with just the hall sensor by itself. If your bike is on well your bikes is gonna be flying
. Also, the sensor needs to be at a certain distance from the magnet. If it's too far the speed will be reduced. What I had to do was lift the bike off the air, assembled my throttle together without snapping in the tabs and test to see I was getting the same speed as the original sensor on 1st gear, which for me was 12.3 mph.