Hunt For Men Wanted in E-Bike Robbery Spree. Police are searching for 2 men accused of throwing people off their bikes.


Well-Known Member

Your thoughts?

OK, looks like the thread went from a news article on assholes stealing ebikes to gun rights and shooting people.

Let's try to get it back on topic please.

I would recommend everyone have a good U lock and cable and an alarm for your ebikes.

You can get both on Amazon and this alarm comes highly rated and is what I have:

Wsdcam 113dB Bike Alarm Wireless Vibration Motion Sensor Waterproof Motorcycle Alarm with Remote​

That alarm would also work if someone throws you off your bike and you can hit the remote button and set off the alarm which might scare a thief in to dropping the ebike.

I recommend not riding at night in areas with high crime rates or unfamiliar territory. Same rules for not walking in those areas.

These criminals are targeting more expensive ebikes so keep that in mind.

My personal opinion, no ebike is worth getting killed or killing someone over. If they are trying to do you physical harm then you have the right to defend yourself any way you can but I would not recommend pulling a weapon over an ebike. You will shoot your eye out.

You can also get theft and accident insurance for ebikes and most plans are about $100 a year:

The 5 Best Electric Bike (EBike) Insurance Companies of 2021
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The police are clear, "get these men off the streets." Price of bikes puts it in felony $$ category.

Make sure prisons are funded so they have space.
Get this LOW LIFE off the streets.....
The police are clear, "get these men off the streets." Price of bikes puts it in felony $$ category.

Make sure prisons are funded so they have space.

I don't have much sympathy for people that steal a person's work tools.

These ebikes are how these people make a living.
I don't watch news video online, will search for a print version of the story.

Absent firearms for the perpetrator or disability for the victim, you can usually avoid being removed from your bike if you're prepared for that kind of crime and anticipate the worst. A lot of it is simply avoiding choke points. I had one acoustic bike stolen out from under me, but I was able to easily escape the next two attempts.

Wasn't even that hard. I laughed while I rode away.
We have a greenway path through the city. It's a known place to get assaulted on your bike.
It's one more reason I don't commute to work. I'd have to ride most of the length of it.
There's this really relevant word that seems to have gone out of style recently. It might seem foriegn to some, so I'll spell it: A-C-C-O-U-N-T-A-B-I-L-I-T-Y
Get a clue. NY just voted an ex-cop into the mayor's mansion. 🤡🤡🤡
Working on clues and yes, the new Mayor is probably an upgrade from Deblasio, however he has a tough hill to climb overcoming the political agendas of the current powerbase in NY politics...
I DON'T want to turn this thread into a discussion on the use of firearms but the subject is somewhat personal.

Years ago, one of my favorite bike trails ran through a seedy section of town and it became a hangout for thugs. Numerous assaults & bike thefts resulted, including one on a close female friend & coworker. I felt partially responsible since I told her the trail was a nice place to ride. Due to the somewhat secluded location, law enforcement was not able to do much. Even though I was never personally attacked, I was young and foolish back then and got a concealed carry permit for my pistol. I rode with it on that trail for a couple of years but thankfully, never had to use it. I eventually came to my senses when I read statistics on the number of people killed or injured with their own gun. I stopped the practice and now ride elsewhere.

I'm not a "Rambo" type and have no professional training in the use of firearms under these conditions. Those that have this training may feel differently and more power to you! The fact remains though, you could be in serious legal & civil trouble if you actually shot someone.

CCP's are next to impossible to get in NYC unless you are in law enforcement. Unfortunately, this approach won't help these poor delivery people anyway..
You brought it so I feel compelled to comment, one of things the mainstream media has pushed for years is the idea that a firearm is more likely to harm yourself or a family member. That’s just not true.
My friend has his auto cut-out up and working on his ebike. If the bike goes out of the fobs range, clipped on his body, it shuts itself down. Forgot what range its set at but its a pretty cool concept. And he carries a dummy fob on his belt loop, the real fob is stashed much better. So if you bike jack him you'll only go so far before it shuts itself down. If you demand the fob, or see it and take it, the same will happen because its the fake fob you'll have. But the real reason he did this? He always forgets to turn the ebike off. I told him his ebike has an auto off but he says "Someone can just turn it back on, now nothing works till my fob is in range.". Next time I see him I'll ask better questions and get some pictures.
I'm not a "Rambo" type and have no professional training in the use of firearms under these conditions. Those that have this training may feel differently and more power to you! The fact remains though, you could be in serious legal & civil trouble if you actually shot someone.
You don’t need to be a Rambo to defend yourself. There are tons of well established courses for self-defense with a handgun - they even include refresher training on current laws and regulations. Of course some people are panicky and not well suited to carry a firearm- a course will vett those out. Your listed state of Pennsylvania is a stand your ground state, it even has a provision for self-defense of “tangible movable property” - like a bike.

Nothing says you have to kill another human over a bicycle - and obviously you wouldn’t want to shoot the perpetrator in the back, but certainly people should feel free to stand up for their defense and security of their property. That’s why there’s laws to regulate firearms.
You brought it so I feel compelled to comment, one of things the mainstream media has pushed for years is the idea that a firearm is more likely to harm yourself or a family member. That’s just not true.
Harming yourself or family member may not be true but the civil and legal ramifications will certainly haunt you for years. Google Bernie Goetz and the atmosphere is way worse now!! As bad as it is to say it sometimes it just easier to give it up, call 911 let the police handle it and remain unharmed.
Free of lawsuits , attorneys fees and years of court appearances
You don’t need to be a Rambo to defend yourself. There are tons of well established courses for self-defense with a handgun - they even include refresher training on current laws and regulations. Of course some people are panicky and not well suited to carry a firearm- a course will vett those out. Your listed state of Pennsylvania is a stand your ground state, it even has a provision for self-defense of “tangible movable property” - like a bike.

Nothing says you have to kill another human over a bicycle - and obviously you wouldn’t want to shoot the perpetrator in the back, but certainly people should feel free to stand up for their defense and security of their property. That’s why there’s laws to regulate firearms.
Too many people are willing to arm themselves that have no intention of ever pulling the trigger. Those people do not do well in a gunfight. Seems to me if you show somebody you have a gun, you had better be in the process of pulling the trigger.....

That's pretty much why I don't/won't carry. I would WAY rather avoid the chance of any potential conflict. Bear spray or something similar may be a different story....
Let’s be clear, no bicycle is worth dying for. On the other hand I’d like it better if my family attended my trial instead of my funeral. I once read every bullet has a lawyers name on it.
You don’t need to be a Rambo to defend yourself. There are tons of well established courses for self-defense with a handgun - they even include refresher training on current laws and regulations. Of course some people are panicky and not well suited to carry a firearm- a course will vett those out. Your listed state of Pennsylvania is a stand your ground state, it even has a provision for self-defense of “tangible movable property” - like a bike.

Nothing says you have to kill another human over a bicycle - and obviously you wouldn’t want to shoot the perpetrator in the back, but certainly people should feel free to stand up for their defense and security of their property. That’s why there’s laws to regulate firearms.
Here we go. I really didn't want to start this.

That being said, I agree with you 100%. I fully support those who choose to fight to protect themselves as well as the laws designed to shield them.

Although I still maintain my CCP, I'm just not that sure of myself anymore. 20 or 30 years ago, it was a different story. Just pulling a gun on a perp or showing that you're carrying may or may not have the desired effect. Who knows, he may pull his own. At 75, with my reluctance to harm someone, it wouldn't take much effort to take a gun away from me and I'm not likely to shoot first.

I'm not criticizing anyone for wanting to protect themselves or their property. I'm just saying that I have my limits at this stage of my life.