How was your 2017? Mileage? Significant events?


Well-Known Member
We have a week to go but given SE Michigan is about to hit the deep freeze, I figure my 2017 riding days came to an end today. I put in 20 miles today just running errands on a gorgeous sunny 35F day.

I'll finish 2017 with just under 3,300 miles. 800+ on the Haibike, 1,900+ on the R&M and 550+ on my human powered bikes. I commuted 61 days in my first year commuting (initial goal was 50 days). I had two significant road rage events but glad I didn't let them discourage me. Both seemed to be triggered by me sitting in a left hand turn lane in order to make a left at a red light. Way more people were courteous and even out-of-their-way nice than were mean or aggressive. I recall passing through a tough neighborhood and a woman waved me through the intersection and yelled "you stay safe baby". It made my day. I also had some great conversations with other folks along the commute route. E-bikes tend to be conversation starters.

I probably lost about 10 pounds and dropped an inch off the waistline. I've had some knee pain that I hope doesn't derail things for next year as I hope to surpass 2017's accomplishments.

61 days commuting is probably pretty weak for you full time commuters but I discovered with a 35 mile commute it takes some time, planning and discipline to pull off on a regular basis. I found it challenging to commute on back to back days. On commute days I had to get up an hour earlier and I'd get home an hour later. It isn't that the commute took me that much longer (just a bit longer than commuting by car) but rather that I had to alter my hours to avoid traffic. I'd generally leave the house at 5:30 a.m. and leave the office at 6:30 pm (getting home before 8 pm). Those are some long days.

I consider 2017 a big e-bike success (for me personally). I hope it was for everyone else and hope to hear your year end recaps in this thread. I think 2018 will be a good year. I'll be buying the Tern GSD for sure (deposit already paid) and with it I hope to get the wife riding e-bikes. Later in the year I'll be looking at a dual battery and/or maybe full suspension bike to replace one of my commuters. Leading candidates are the R&M New Charger, the R&M Delite GT with Rohloff, the Bulls Six50 TR Street and the Haibike SDuro Trekking 9.0. Best of luck in 2018 everyone.
Just over 2,900 miles for me. 1,400 on each of my 2016 Haibikes (XDURO Full Seven S RX, and XDURO Trekking S RX), and about 100 on my Sondors fat bike. But will be taking my fat bike out in the fresh snow we are supposed to get tomorrow morning. Rode today in 30 degree weather, with a nasty northwest wind. Wasn't a lot of fun coming home into that headwind! Rode 2,000 last year, and started thinking about 3,000 this year. Came pretty close. Don't think I'll be able to increase by 1,000 for many more years.
3001 miles on my Trek xm700+ since I bought it in late May, another 200 or so on the bike it replaced before that. The Trek was sitting at 2987 until the other day when we got a nice little weather window of about 20 degrees and some sun, so I got to break that 3000 mile mark.

All pleasure riding only, including my Erie Canal transit trip back in October. Love the bike, wondering if I can do 4000 next year.

To Over 50, just a note re my experiences getting my wife interested. We made the mistake of getting too heavy a bike for her, a Pedego City Commuter at 62 pounds. While she liked it in theory, in practice it is just too much and intimidates her, especially after it tipped over on her when she tried to dismount on a small uphill. When I can actually get her out on it, she enjoys it after a few miles, but after almost a year and a half, it still has less than 300 miles on it. I’m thinking about finding her the lightest, most maneuverable bike I can come up with next spring and seeing if she likes that... I’d love to ride more with her.

Best to all, especially the regulars that have been my virtual biking group companions the past year and a half.
Got to ride yesterday, 1st time since falling off my bike and breaking my leg on Aug. 26th!

Mileage this year is probably under 4000 since I have been off for 4 months

Bought new van with the main purpose is to carry our bikes inside instead of on a rack. Bought a week before I broke my leg so only carried them once so far .

Bought an ST2-s for my wife , taking delivery in spring , 1/2 price!!! This will give us 3 Stromers for 2 people

Happy Holidays
Got to ride yesterday, 1st time since falling off my bike and breaking my leg on Aug. 26th!

Mileage this year is probably und...

Great stuff reading about how fellow ebikers have fared for the calendar year. No close calls in the accident department for me this year and no road rage incidents either. A few super courteous car drivers can be remembered and those are always welcomed with a big wave and a smile. I am still trying to wear out my Yamaha Super Easy Pas. It is old as the hills, but still runs great. It is dated with the older and what some would consider tepid 24 volt 250 watt mid drive, but it gets the job done for me year after year. I have 3,112 miles on it to this point this calendar year. Only two non-routine repairs on it these twelve months despite it being over a decade old. Those being having the chain break...first time ever on that bike. Happened pretty far from home and I was loaded down with 40 pounds of groceries and remember well walking the bike up the hills and on the flat stretches. Was grateful for the downhill sections where I could hop on and coast. Also replaced both my Schwalbe Marathon Plus tires after four years of flawless performance from the prior pair.

Not so many miles on my Raleigh Tekoa purchased this year at a nice discount when a dealer was clearing it out after eighteen months unsold in the store. A much more capable bike in terms of power and speed than the Yamaha, the Tekoa being a speed pedalec and running at double the voltage of the Yamaha and having a higher wattage motor. 483 miles on it as I guess I am saving it for when the Yamaha finally says 'no more'.
...I've commuted 117 days out of 155 possible days since April. I use the e-bike to commute frequently since it's part of my financial plan to recoup the cost of the bike. Over a period of 4 years, the worst case scenario I project is that the e-bike will end up costing a couple of hundred dollars more than public transportation. My scenario factors in the cost for insurance, wear and tear of parts, and the replacement of a battery and drive unit outside the warranty period...

Not easy to quantify but the health benefits of more frequent exercise (and less stress) of riding the bike vs driving or using public transit I would think
should factor into your calculation. Unless, like me, you had to buy several new pairs of pants due to weight loss in which case the bike is squarely to be blamed for increasing clothing costs.
All pleasure riding only, including my Erie Canal transit trip back in October. Love the bike, wondering if I can do 4000 next year...To Over 50, just a note re my experiences getting my wife interested. We made the mistake of getting too heavy a bike for her, a Pedego City Commuter at 62 pounds. While she liked it in theory, in practice it is just too much and intimidates her, especially after it tipped over on her when she tried to dismount on a small uphill...

I forgot to add that one of my 2018 goals is to try some weekend bike touring perhaps in Ontario.

I get what you're saying on the bike weight. Maybe me buying the GSD is kind of like Homer Simpson buying Marge a bowling ball for Christmas but: I figure that is a big plus of the GSD (one size fits all). And I'll definitely be using if for grocery and Home Depot runs. Yes, the GSD is really heavy at about 70 pounds but I'm hoping with small wheels that she wont have any tipping or dismount issues. One of our weekend routines is to ride our bikes somewhere for lunch and then on the way home load them up with groceries. She currently rides a Tern with 24 inch wheels. So I'll definitely have to carry the bike in/out for use but I'm hoping she takes to it for the usual weekend riding we do and as well provide a good option for a weekend tour. If she doesn't like it I was previously considering a Faraday for her which I would reconsider.
I took a two month leave from work this year, but I still managed to clock in about 3800 miles . It’s about 110 commute days for me. The majority of these miles was done in my 2016 Haibike Trekking S. In 2017, I must have had two close calls for potential accidents, low speed stuff with drivers almost gave me the right hook. And there was was one road ragey incident where a guy in a pickup wasn’t keen on me taking the lane.

Maintenance wise I had four flats, three due to road debris and one due to my own stupidity not applying a patch correctly. I ended up replacing the chain and cassette after 2500 miles. Those components went quicker than expected, but I figured due to riding in Trubo most of the time they lasted a decent number of miles. For the end of this year I’ll rotate the tires and give it a good clean before returning to work.

My goal next year is to split my miles inbetween my Haibike and my Juiced Bike HyperFat. Hopefully I’ll be able to hit 4500 miles by the end of 2018.
I gained almost 25lbs since breaking my leg. Certainly can’t blame it all on the lack of bike riding, it’s not like the bike got mad at me for not riding it and forced food in my mouth but I am hoping getting back on will help make it go the other way...
I live in sunny California and ride for pleasure all year, started riding E-Bikes when I picked up the XM 700+ in November 2016.

Trek Super Commuter
105 Activities Since Jul 11, 2017
Default for Cycling
6,234.8 mi
Total Distance

Trek XM 700+
143 Activities Since Nov 1, 2016
7,291.3 mi
Total Distance

Count:219 Activities 2017
Distance:12,012.13 mi
Avg Distance:54.85 mi
Time:718:49:08 h:m:s
Avg Time:3:16:56 h:m:s
Max Time:5:40:00 h:m:s
Avg Speed:16.7 mph
Max Speed:44.9 mph
Elevation Gain:435,030 ft
Avg Elevation Gain:1,986 ft
Max Elevation Gain:7,057 ft
Avg HR:106 bpm
Calories:807,671 C
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I have around 3800 miles between my two Radrovers after a year. The wife doesn't like to ride and she only put around 300 out of the 3800 miles. I end up using and switching off both Radrovers for fun/work commutes to keep the wear/tear/mileage the same. I've had 3 flats caused by road debris from metal car parts, screws, and broken glass that put a large enough slit in the tire/tube to cause me to stop in less than 20 feet. It is amazing how much road debris are in the bike lanes when you have to share the road with vehicles.

I've had a few controller issues, loose pedal crank bolt, and a replacement battery pack that was covered 100% by Rad. I only had to purchase new tires because the Kenda only lasted around 800 miles (switched to Vee8 26X4 120tpi).
1570 miles on ebikes. 108 miles on regular bike. I'm retired and don't commute. No real ebike issues came up. Learned about pinch flats (two of them) this year.

After shovelling snow off the driveway, I took my electric fatbike out yesterday in the Xmas Eve snow, in summer mode with Veeco slicks. Rode 100 yards, realized it was foolish, didn't fall over, and packed it in. Need to change back to knobby tires . Not going to happen. Caught the sniffles just from clearing the snow.
Have about 1500 miles of singletrack on Trek Powerfly and a few hundred greenway on regular bike for lunchtime fun.
I had over 121 rides for roughly 1800 miles on various bicycles from hybrid to touring to road to fat bike.
I got my bike on December 2nd so do not have much to write about the year. But I did get 380 miles on it for the month. I am retired and no longer bike commute to work (which I did), but lots of fun riding and errand running by bike. I’m a newcomer here and am enjoying the forum and the variety of topics. I hope to be a regular and continue to enjoy. 5D71DBD4-88E7-4C92-B96E-A3A7CF08D851.jpeg