How to determine battery % charge off-bike

Did you turn on the key first?

Step Thru batteries not correctly/clearly marked for + and -.

I finally got an accurate meter reading of my Step-Thru battery.
The correct reading is only gotten when the meter probes are in the end connections, with the red(positive) lead in the end-most contact ( ...the one nearest the long/pointed end of the battery), and the black(negative) lead in the contact at the other end-most of the 5 contacts.

The reading is only available with the key turned "ON". The "off" or "unlocked" positions of the key give no reading!

In short, the battery has + and - indicators (molded into the black end-cap)in the WRONG positions, seeming to indicate contacts that are 1 contact removed from either end of the row.
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What should it read to maintain 75%?
It depends of course on your battery's nominal voltage. Take a look at the chart in @jaizon post #2 above for expected voltage levels at 75% charge for the most common battery voltages.