How much does display backlight brightness affect battery life?


New Member
I have an Aventon Pace 500 with the BC280 color display. I find that it's easier to see the display in bright sunlight when the screen brightness is all the way up to 5. My question is, how much does having the brightness up affect battery life? I'd assume it's just a couple of low power LEDs in the screen, so it shouldn't be much, but I want to get the most range I can out of a charge.
Heading into the lightest breeze will affect your battery's life more than anything you do with the display. A total non event.

For max charge mileage, suggest you avoid anything over PAS 1 and learn to coordinate the gear you are using to your riding conditions. I aim for 10-12mph (while under power) and it works pretty good. Anything over maybe 15mph and there's so much wind drag to overcome, you might just as well throw out an anchor to drag behind you....
Heading into the lightest breeze will affect your battery's life more than anything you do with the display. A total non event.

For max charge mileage, suggest you avoid anything over PAS 1 and learn to coordinate the gear you are using to your riding conditions. I aim for 10-12mph (while under power) and it works pretty good. Anything over maybe 15mph and there's so much wind drag to overcome, you might just as well throw out an anchor to drag behind you....
That's kind of what I was thinking. I didn't think it would be much of a drain.
I have a color display set on high brightness on my Ride1Up LMTD, and despite riding at mid-range PAS settings most of the time, my (48V 14Ah) battery life seems to be around 45 miles (if I were to ride until it drained, which I don't). I don't worry about the display brightness one bit.
Yesterday I put only one sock on. My left foot, it looks lighter than my right.

I got the most battery range I ever had ever!!!!
A display is measured in thousands of an Amp. It is nothing. You cannot even detect a measurable heat difference, so it does not matter. The type of gloves you have on matters more. Removing an ankle sock will have more impact on battery life. I rode across the Golden Gate with 40 mile per-hour headwinds today on a seven-foot-long bike with huge panniers like sails. That is the kind of stuff that matters. Big SF hills too.
A display is measured in thousands of an Amp. It is nothing. You cannot even detect a measurable heat difference, so it does not matter. The type of gloves you have on matters more. Removing an ankle sock will have more impact on battery life. I rode across the Golden Gate with 40 mile per-hour headwinds today on a seven-foot-long bike with huge panniers like sails. That is the kind of stuff that matters. Big SF hills too.
One sock, or both? 😁
mA that's milliamps! It barely sips anything. Adding 160z of weight to your bike draws more.