Homage Frame Size

The Vario is probably a good choice given the topography around Bologna and your riding circumstances. There is nothing quite like a Nuvinci/Envolio/Vario when accelerating on a bike. Just a smooth continual slow twisting of the ratio selector as you accelerate for seamless transition. With the CX motor and its peppier assist, no need to go over 25kmph and no hills it should be a very good choice.

The stem that I fitted on my Homage is an Ergotec, same brand that came with the bike but with a higher strength rating. It allows you to change out the angle with higher being closer to your body and lower further away. Every so often I will change it just for variety. I bought it from Starbike in Germany for $51.

I know,
I had seen your posts. And it's definitely a great choice. I'll probably do it too. But, I will do it for a more comfortable position (brake cable permitting). Even more upright. To me the priority is the comfort.

The point is: take a size 58 and then bring the handle closer or just a 54 is fine? we have the same size (more or less). In the end, I'm reconsidering my choice. I will probably go with a 54. one or two centimetres more or less ... it is not worth taking the larger size.
Hi Alaskan
I saw you upgraded your Homage with Fox suspension. In your opinion, is it really better compared to the original one? Or you did just for having a remote control?

another idea could be to take the culture GT and then upgrade the spring with a fox suspension.
Hi Alaskan
I saw you upgraded your Homage with Fox suspension. In your opinion, is it really better compared to the original one? Or you did just for having a remote control?

another idea could be to take the culture GT and then upgrade the spring with a fox suspension.
My wife and I both ride Homage Rohloff HS bikes. Her's is a 2018 that I rode for six months in which I opted for the Fox suspension upgrade. She took an interest in riding with me occasionally so I then ordered a 2019 with dual batteries that did not have the Fox upgrade available. As I ride nearly every day and she rides once a week or so plus I have 90 lbs. on her, I decided to swap out the suspension parts to get the Fox components on my 2019 bike. There is a subtle but appreciable difference, mostly in the Fox rear shock which can be stiffened up and locked out with the remote while the X-Fusion rear shock has no lockout function.

There is some risk of this voiding the warranty as R&M is very peculiar about significant or structural modifications to their bikes. If you read the warranty fine print it would seem that even replacing a saddle or pedal would void the warranty...pretty ridiculous IMO. Germans are such rule followers while we Yanks are a bunch of scoffllaws ;)
I see.
I'll take it in size 54 and I'm not going to change anything (for now) ... I'll see how I find myself and then I evaluate.
Also because I intend to lease it. After 2 years I can decide to change it with a new model or keep it.

thank you very much for the valuable information.