Himiway Cruiser battery issue right away from brand new to 49 miles on bike.


New Member
1st off I love this bike which I bought over a yr ago and 22 miles into it battery started shorting out.If I push on outer battery casing 4 to 6 inches below battery check level button go from fully Dead to Charged(Battery) contacted himiway they wanted video I'm at 49 miles on bike never got video but 8n my eyes manufacturing issue due to actions above.So I have to check my last email to them to see what there gonna do about it.Im seriously pissed spent 1500 and can't even use it but time will tell.
1st off I love this bike which I bought over a yr ago and 22 miles into it battery started shorting out.If I push on outer battery casing 4 to 6 inches below battery check level button go from fully Dead to Charged(Battery) contacted himiway they wanted video I'm at 49 miles on bike never got video but 8n my eyes manufacturing issue due to actions above.So I have to check my last email to them to see what there gonna do about it.Im seriously pissed spent 1500 and can't even use it but time will tell.
Some places powered vehicles fall under lemon laws and they have a large obligation to repair or replace. If you have 4 visits to the shop or 30 days where it doesn't work.
You would think bikes sold mail order would be sensitive to online reviews.
My bike took 7 to 9 days to arrive,when it arrived the box was opened looked like someone was going thru it essentially i didnt even have to open the box it was already opened and i should of contacted himiway right away.The fenders were suppose toi come with it i dunno if someone stole them or what so i had to pay to get fenders..Ive sent 5 or 6 emails explaining issue they sent to videos asked me to check the battery with a probe meter whic no problem but 23 miles aint far with a total 49 miles turns on now shiuts right back off.It amazes me i told himiway if i pushed on the battery housing 4 to 6 inches below battery check button light it would read full charge and if i pushed again on housing of battery the battery check level light would be dead push again full charge.To me that says manufacturing issue so now i have to go check with probe meter per himiway the batttery and the bike prongs so im gonna go do it...
When the customer service guy is in China, they like to see a video. Worth a 1000 texts. This shouldn't be hard to choreograph. Just point the camera at the meter and press. Unless you don't have a smart phone with a good camera.....
A YouTuber who travels the country in his RV got a free Himiway Cruiser from the company for promotional purposes. He bought a bike rack for the rear of his motor home to carry it. One day he noticed that the bike was coming on all by itself every 6 or 8 seconds and trying to drive itself off the rack! He had it strapped down, so it could only move an inch or so

He contacted the company and they said the display must have gotten wet, so the sent him a new one with a warning that he needed to make sure the display, controller, battery and motor did not get wet! He installed the new display and demonstrated that the problem was still there - He stood it on it's kickstand and every 6 or 8 seconds, it would lurch forward and fall on it's side

Pretty unusual for something designed to be used out of doors that needs to stay dry! What happens if it starts raining when you're out riding 10 miles from home??

His YouTube channel gets LOTS of views, but evidently the folks at Himiway didn't realize that someone traveling in a motor home just might get their bike wet from time to time. I'll bet they regret giving him that one to evaluate for all the people who watch his channel!
