Help Needed


New Member
I have a SW900 lcd screen on my e/bike that is showing Error Code 10,I would be most grateful if anyone can help me fix this problem.
@ConfusedDonald, I found this manufacturer's user manual with error codes and it seems that Error Code 10 has to do with a Communication Receiving Problem. That might indicate a loose connection coming from the controller to the console, so look around at the connectors in that area or right at the console. Check for any bent or sunken pins which could also cause the console to not receive info.
Hello Ann, Thank you so much for all the info. especially the sw900 details,as my kit came from China without any instructions . Yes it could be lose wire as I had been riding off road over very bumpy terrain just before bike deceided to give up the ghost.
Thanks again, Donald
Hello, i have the same problem. Error 10 but all my wires seem to connect. We have checked this. Is it possible tge control unit is broke, it is new. Can anybody help me?