Help Needed - Carerra Impel 1.1


New Member
United Kingdom
Hi All,

So I've had my impel since August, had no issues apart from the battery charger deciding when it wants to charge, Halfords have said nothing wrong... but (my bro in law has same bike had 7 new chargers in 12 months) but anyway last few days I've cycled to work and the control unit has been flashing red whilst - cycling - losing power (even though I know sufficient battery - had to reboot bike for motor to kick in) checked the hyena app and I had error codes for battery firmware update, I have done the update last night and all seemed fine... until this morning... I know have attached pic of error code

Has anyone had same or similar issues? If it's knackered surely it's covered by the 12 month warranty??
The warrenty should cover this for 12 months.
Buying a bike with a computer in the battery that must communicate with the controller or battery is asking for trouble. There was a Canadian vendor Bionx? that went bankrupt over this problem.
Disconnect the battery and spray off the contacts of battery and dock with contact cleaner. For sale in electrical department at some home improvement stores. Warning, contact cleaner is flammable, use outside 2 m away from any flame, sparks or switches. Use safety glasses.
If you can't get contact cleaner brake cleaner from auto supply will work. Also extremely flammable.
Then reinstall and retry.
No luck, follow instructions, take to dealer. When you get tired of burning money to solve flaky electrical problems, scrap the bike. Or ditch the OEM power system and replace with a motor+controller+throttle+brakehandles+PASpickup+battery kit from a kit vendor. About $1000 these days.
I will not buy a car nearing the 11 year boundary because of flaky electrical problems with the computer & sensors. My brother just flogged off a 8 year old Chevy diesel pickup that sometimes would not start. Of course it never happened at the dealer.
Never buy an ebike with more than 4 contacts on the battery. 2 for load, 2 for charge. Tiny contacts for a voltmeter (not installed) do not count.
When refineries want electrical sensor circuits to work reliably they operate them at 48 v and 20 milliamps. Old reliable telephone circuits were 48 v. The Army in vehicles uses 24 v and gold plated contacts.
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