Hi William, I have warm memories of Lund having worked on a project with Tetrapak for two years. Fun times and great people there. But I never drove an EPA tractor . Here are some thoughts for your project.
1) Multiple.locking mechanisms. Thieves can defeat any lock, but two or more requires more time and having different tools. Cafe lock is helpful for quick stops. Movement alarm also activated.
2) Fixed seat post, quick release seat. Like a click lock. Once my seat post is set, I dont change it. Often seats on posts are stolen, I think only to vandalize the bike. I never understood quick release post clamps unless transporting the bike inside a car. I don't change seats once set up. But a removable seat has smaller profile to put in backpack that a seat with post.
3) Battery portability probably depends on commuting distance. Longer suggests charging at place of work for return trip. If shorter I'd prefer to leave the battery on the bike but high cost and theft is worrisome. A secure battery would help but thieves or vandals need deterrents. Chipping the battery to only work on my bike would be helpful. A high voltage discharge when tampered by vandals would be satisfying except for liability. Perhaps a permanent tamper dye released on vandal's hands, like some fire alarm switches, would deter or identify the culprit. Defeated by gloves. Oh well. Maybe a handlebar spray?
4) GPS tracking is a nice feature but adds monthly fees. I like Tile product, but it requires critical mass of users. Maybe a bike industry standard to help build the network.
5) Bike lockers. If I mostly ride to same work location, then bike lockers make a lot of sense since the bike is totally enclosed. These already exist, but requires big investment on site. Perhaps a better locking rack can be designed for universal ebike compatibility. Similar to bike share racks but capable of locking multiple types of bikes. Your bike design might provide the compatibility feature. I seem to recall a bike rack design already made like this.
6) Northern climates with early darkness means better visibility. Not sure you're looking at Safety of rider with your project but ebike come with USB connectors. New lighting systems like Nori Lights would be great. If hard wired, they could use different LED color, or visual alarm that bike is stolen.
Hope this helps. Bike thieves are so immoral. Unfortunately the legal system goes easy on them. I think I will write to Trump!