Have you seen a U.F.O while biking?

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Every couple of days, there is a news report about UFOs. I've never seen it on myself. And it's odd to me that the pictures are always grainy and out of focus, even Military Photos. How could this be?
When I was a kid, a friend showed me how to use a skillet pan lid and fake a picture with a fishing line, tie the lid between trees or street lights. Get your camera (No cell phone back then), a flashlight, different angles, and time of day, and if you get things right, you'll become heroes on-campus showing off your "Real Pictures.". So I asked the community who is on the roads around the world. -- Do You Have Any UFO Pictures?

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Think of the quality of photos the military can produce, even during battles, then look at ' the best photos' of UFOs.
Yes, I have. I was riding my trike down a steep road near my home.
I was going faster than I ever could have pedaled on the flat and watching for cars as my speed was impressive.
Then there it was, I turned my head to the right very fast and heard it deflect off my helmet.
Maybe a bee or cicada I could not identify it for sure, but I did see it. Lol
UFO = Unidentified Flying Object.

Could be anything from a bird to a plane to a frisbee. A UFO is just something that can’t be identified at the point and time it is seen.

I do believe life elsewhere in the universe does exist, one would be a fool to think that of over 100 billion galaxies we are alone. But I doubt we will ever know the truth, be it because of government and controlling powers secrecy or because they are too far away to ever make contact.
I AM the UFO when I am biking!

No. And whatever they have photographs of, it is not aliens and it is not someone's super secret high technology.

If you observe the night sky a few hours before sunrise or a few hours after sunset, you will sometimes see very bright (sometimes extremely bright) flashes in the sky (always in the west a few after sunset, and always in the east before sunrise). What is happening is that objects very high up (usually satellites and sometimes aircraft) are reflecting the sunlight (the sun is still up at their altitude) and producing that flash. If you don't know what you are looking at they can be hard to explain and pretty freaky.


I get dive-bombed by Red-Winged Blackbirds protecting their nest on a regular basis along my normal workout route. Another great reason to wear a helmet!
I get dive-bombed by Red-Winged Blackbirds protecting their nest on a regular basis along my normal workout route. Another great reason to wear a helmet!
That is an "Identified Flying Object" ... an IFO .
I get dive-bombed by Red-Winged Blackbirds protecting their nest on a regular basis along my normal workout route. Another great reason to wear a helmet!
I’ve been attacked by California Blue Jays myself. Also had a pigeon fly dead on into my chest once.
About 1966, in Houston, I about dusk I rode up to Spring Branch High School which had 30 acres of raw land besides football field, tennis courts, FFA clubhouse/edu center, etc. I saw a flickering thing about 30' in the air, floating off south. My way home was south, Fries Rd, so I followed it. It was floating about 2 mph, as was the wind. Houston is in the horse lattitudes, not much wind in June. Followed it a mile and a half until my turn off east at Bace road. ??
I've read since that you can hang a dry cleaning plastic bag over a coat hanger, glue a candle to the coat hanger, and it will float. Was that what I saw? ?? Has anybody made that work? It certainly is too windy here to try that. Wind was about 15 mph in my face all the way home today. I used boucoups electricity, but not as much as the guys that passed me motors humming downhill! I pedal downhill, typically.
About 1966, in Houston, I about dusk I rode up to Spring Branch High School which had 30 acres of raw land besides football field, tennis courts, FFA clubhouse/edu center, etc. I saw a flickering thing about 30' in the air, floating off south. My way home was south, Fries Rd, so I followed it. It was floating about 2 mph, as was the wind. Houston is in the horse lattitudes, not much wind in June. Followed it a mile and a half until my turn off east at Bace road. ??
I've read since that you can hang a dry cleaning plastic bag over a coat hanger, glue a candle to the coat hanger, and it will float. Was that what I saw? ?? Has anybody made that work? It certainly is too windy here to try that. Wind was about 15 mph in my face all the way home today. I used boucoups electricity, but not as much as the guys that passed me motors humming downhill! I pedal downhill, typically.
Sounds like a Chinese lantern.

And apparently you can make one with a dry cleaning bag:

Also - 1966, on an e bike? Or maybe I just read it wrong.
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Brian Walton blew by me once on a climb up Cypress Mtn . I only got my first real look when he flew by me on his return descent. I was still crawling my way up. Does that count? CN
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I’ve been attacked by California Blue Jays myself. Also had a pigeon fly dead on into my chest once.
OMG! That reminds me of the time I was doing about 40 on a quad going down a 2 track at dusk. A partridge jumped up out of the grass between the tire tracks right in front of me and I hit that thing nearly immediately, with my chest. Not having any clue what happened for several seconds (I didn't see it until it was in my lap flailing trying to get away from me) I thought I was a goner! Talk about a heart pounding experience. I had to stop to collect my composure! Pat flew off like nothing happened... -Al
Just this thing I thought was from outer space:

I also saw a ghost train once when riding a rail trail:

Then there was the flying glow in the dark bike:

Sorry to poke fun at what is actually a very good question. My guess is, most UFO pictures are taken at night from a great distance. They are often just a moving point of light which is difficult for the eye or a camera to accurately focus on. This is the reason so many astronomical photographs are fuzzy and seem out of focus even though they are taken with highly sophisticated equipment.
OMG! That reminds me of the time I was doing about 40 on a quad going down a 2 track at dusk. A partridge jumped up out of the grass between the tire tracks right in front of me and I hit that thing nearly immediately, with my chest. Not having any clue what happened for several seconds (I didn't see it until it was in my lap flailing trying to get away from me) I thought I was a goner! Talk about a heart pounding experience. I had to stop to collect my composure! Pat flew off like nothing happened... -Al

so yesterday wife and I are on the tandem, humming along the San Gabriel bike path in south L.A. at about 15-16mph near the seal beach area, a flock of pigeons decided they didn't care we were coming up on them at a good clip, they did not get out of the way or even attempt to fly away. ended up clipping one with my foot as it walked (strolled) out of the path.
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