Has anyone received the new XP 2.0 yet?


New Member
I ordered mine on May 18, and have order # 74,004, and was wondering if anyone has received the new bikes yet. My 6 week delivery time is coming up next week. I am not very confident that it will be delivered next week. I am getting excited like a little kid on Christmas morning.
I ordered mine on May 18, and have order # 74,004, and was wondering if anyone has received the new bikes yet. My 6 week delivery time is coming up next week. I am not very confident that it will be delivered next week. I am getting excited like a little kid on Christmas morning.
We received ours last Friday. Took three weeks from the time I placed the order to upgrade to the 2.0. We originally placed our order in the middle of March for the 1.0. Glad we upgraded, the bikes are great. Looking forward to doing a long ride this weekend. Hope you get yours soon.
I ordered mine on May 18, and have order # 74,004, and was wondering if anyone has received the new bikes yet. My 6 week delivery time is coming up next week. I am not very confident that it will be delivered next week. I am getting excited like a little kid on Christmas morning.
They are shipping 2.0 for those that did the upgrade from 1.0, in the order of original PO#. They sent an general email about 2-3 weeks additional delay in shipment last week to everyone waiting for their bikes.

I am order 730xx, they told me last week they expect to issue shipping label in mid July, so I don't expect to receive mine till early August. Heck, I will be happy/surprised if it gets here by mid Aug
Thanks for the updates. I received the same letter about the 2-3 week extra delay. Not so patiently waiting.