GPS, create route directly on the units screen.


Well-Known Member
I want a gps with maps and would like to create routes directly on the unit not having to use acomputer.
Anyone know if this is possible on e.g. Garmin Explore?
When reading review of different gps units I get the impression that computers are always used.
On my phone (and iPad) I have an app called TopoGps. It’s very easy to creste a route in this app - just tap on starting point and the tap again on places or cross roads or whatever you like to pass on you ride.
Would like to do the same on a dedicated gps with a screen that can be easily read in sunlight.
I use Garmin's Montana 680T:


It's 4" screen is easily readable in bright sunlight. It will create point to point routes via the touchscreen but once created, they cannot be modified on the GPS. Like many others, I usually use Garmin's Basecamp or Mapsource PC software to create files and download to the Montana.

At around $500, the Montana isn't cheap but there are other less expensive models that will do the same thing. If you shop around, you can usually find factory reconditioned units with warranty for 30 to 40% less.

Unless you ride mostly on road, consider getting a model with topo maps added. They are handy for off road riding.
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