TT - there were indeed multiple complaints about spokes in RAD Wagon. Alright, cargo bike, a lot of stress...
Other than that, complaints on RAD include nearly all components that might fail and anything that might have gone wrong during assembling. Mike's posted his observations on this, and I tend to agree - when you operate with narrow margins, selling cheap, there is a lot of pressure on assembling quality. And then, buying cheap from Chinese suppliers means there is also a higher risk to get a faulty part or something that will fail, to put it mildly, a little sooner than a Swiss watch. I also agree with observations that this forum represents a small segment of RAD owners and complaints are likely accumulating en mass long before somebody posts it here.
One other aspect (of complaints) is people who are not ready to DIY troubleshooting even with RAD phone/email support. They expect it to work as if it were a toaster - not much to break, nothing to adjust and nearly impossible to mess it up on assembly line. With store-sold brands they would go to a dealer and tell him to fix it but with RAD more involvement is needed on the user's end.