Good Day eh?


New Member
New (but old) member from Canada's capital. Never thought I'd do it but once I installed a new controller for my 2016 Rad City (4,000 km) and a new battery (52 volt) and felt that small rush as I accelerated to 40 km an hour faster than ever..I say to myself what next. Hopefully get a few ideas here.


Clouxles (not totally)

I have other hobbies too...
Welcome to the forum!

Have you had your Rad City since 2016 or is it something you just got? 40kph!!!! Good stuff! Did YOU put on those 4,000 km on the bike?

My bike, as per Federal law here, will only give power assist up to 32kph and I wish it would go faster. I often find I'm pedaling faster than the assist especially on the flat without a head wind. (I'm a long-time - and old - cyclist.)

When's the tulip festival?
Yes purchased late 2016 (black Friday sale). I have added a new controller. I put the 4000 clicks all by myself ;). also a few hundred km on my wifes just so it gets used. I still have my road but only on a sunny day with no wind. Tulip festival has been sort of on for last week and a bit ...big time this weekend.

Have you tried this? This may help when going down hill.
