global warming

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yes, i would take the vaccine over contracting covid and taking my chances with cardiac/pulmonary therapies.

$5k offered by who? i don’t believe this statement because i don’t know you and can’t veg the veracity of these unusual remarks.
It was offered to my father in law when they pronounced his wife Dead... It was an option on the paperwork.. BTW im not one of those guys who cares what others think of me or believe me.. I am as real as they come. My wife and myself helped get everything finalized for her passing.. Spent many nights over his house and we lived with him for the first six months to help him cope.. My daught came in from Phoenix for Karens (mother inlaws) last weeks and stayed until she passed.. If you would like details of the symptoms the wheezing and then the labored breath ? I can break it down for you as most will go through the same process when we pass if its not instant.

I try not to get out of what my knowledge is and I never lie... Just a habit of mine.. I am not perfect by any means but I am the one guy my friends can call and I drive anywhere to get them. Honest to a fault they say.. But again I dont care what other think or believe of me.. I always try to do what is right.
And meanwhile, back at the GW (Global Warming) Ranch, New York City had its dck knocked into the dirt by Ida. It seems like it was only a short time ago that folks from these liberal bastions on the west and east coasts were mocking Houston for its hurricane devastation. I guess it’s just karma bringing parity to the table with fires and flooding.
David, 2 ivermectin meta-analyses studies are failing. One influential report from Egypt was garbage, just pack of lies and the metastudy that depends on it is in trouble, and another meta-analysis is in trouble for what looks to be similar problem different doctor. I would not doubt there is some actual data fraud in the reports, though not the studies that used the frauds.

All bets are off on both these evidence bits and my estimation is that the seeming damage is fatal for both.
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It was offered to my father in law
Sorry to hear about the passing of your mother-in-law. I don’t think the hospital meant harm - maybe they were just pushing to make sure everybody gets the benefit of doubt regarding assistance. The $5000 was probably the FEMA burial benefit prepayment.
David, 2 ivermectin meta-analyses studies are failing. One influential report from Egypt was garbage and the metastudy the depends on it is in trouble, and another meta-analysis is in trouble for what looks to be similar problem different doctor.

All bets are off on both these evidence bits and my estimation is that the seeming damage is fatal for both.
Here’s another one that supports Ivermectin’s benefit in regards to Covid:

I’m sure there is a lot of research that’s just as rushed as the vaccine development, and gets invalidated in the peer review process. However there is a lot of supporting evidence for Ivermectin to the point that other governments (like Japan) that are seriously considering it for widespread use. The problem in America is somehow it became politicized as much as the vaccines. Now everyone is stuck in their own corner with no way out, hating on each other. As an American it’s very sad to see. I’m really at a loss for words when other people ask me “why did your country lose 625,000 lives ?” And then I have to tell them the truth, America is full of idiots pointing the finger at each other while the house burns down. It’s a simple as that. it’s a real pity to see.
Here’s another one that supports Ivermectin’s benefit in regards to Covid:

I’m sure there is a lot of research that’s just as rushed as the vaccine development, and gets invalidated in the peer review process. However there is a lot of supporting evidence for Ivermectin to the point that other governments (like Japan) that are seriously considering it for widespread use. The problem in America is somehow it became politicized as much as the vaccines. Now everyone is stuck in their own corner with no way out, hating on each other. As an American it’s very sad to see. I’m really at a loss for words when other people ask me “why did your country lose 625,000 lives ?” And then I have to tell them the truth, America is full of idiots pointing the finger at each other while the house burns down. It’s a simple as that. it’s a real pity to see.
For sure, but it is a black eye for the 2 studies that used the bad reports. Both will never be good.
For sure, but it is a black eye for the 2 studies that used the bad reports. Both will never be good.
Yes but that doesn’t justify the administration’s aggressive messaging mocking it’s use for political posturing. Not to mention they’ve painted themselves into a corner and will have a hard time backing out if needed. Not to mention things are obviously getting a bit frayed over at the FDA already..
I'm seeing info that says both data sets caused trouble but it was ony 1 meta analysis study that had both troubles, they did a reset first for one, then the other..with both taken out, waiting to see. These things happen with meta-analyses more easily because the data comes from many other people. As long as the meta analysis authors are honest, it's not real trouble, but it is unfortunately careless and I don't think they can still produce the same kind of result.
Something I ran into today and We have ran into the same problem in this conversation This DR Tyson summed it up perfectly

<blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">The same people who want you to take an Experimental gene therapy and experimental medications, cannot decipher the difference between human and horse medication. I would think twice about what they are telling you.</p>&mdash; Dr. Brian Tyson, MD 🇺🇸 (@btysonmd) <a href=" ">September 2, 2021</a></blockquote> <script async src="" charset="utf-8"></script>




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Doc should complain that they are treating them like chattel, giving them cattle meds. And PRAZI! they treat them like pond fish, too!!! ready to send them to school, no doubt.

good find, David
Good post David. The nay sayers won’t be satisfied with a media post so here’s the underlying CDC guidelines which they probably won’t read but whatever.

Here’s the CDC’s own summary:

Summary of Recommendations
These guidelines are recommendations for the International Organization for Migration (IOM) physicians and other panel physicians who administer overseas predeparture presumptive treatment for intestinal parasites. While most recommendations have been implemented, not all refugee populations listed in this document are receiving all recommended pre-departure medications, due to funding restrictions and logistical challenges. For current implementation status in specific populations, see the Treatment Schedules for Presumptive Parasitic Infections for U.S.-Bound Refugees, administered by IOM. The recommendations in these guidelines may also be referenced by U.S. medical providers caring for refugees who will be receiving presumptive treatment after they arrive in the United States.
• All Middle Eastern, Asian, North African, Latin American, and Caribbean refugees, with exceptions noted in this document, should receive presumptive therapy with:
o Albendazole, single dose of 400 mg (200 mg for children 12-23 months) AND
o Ivermectin, two doses 200 mcg/Kg orally once a day for 2 days before departure to the United States.
• All African refugees who did not originate from or reside in countries where Loa loa infection is endemic (Box 1), with exceptions noted in this document, should receive presumptive therapy with:
o Albendazole, single dose of 400 mg (200 mg for children 12-23 months) AND
o Ivermectin, two doses 200 mcg/Kg orally once a day for 2 days AND
o Praziquantel, 40 mg/kg, which may be divided in two doses before refugees depart for the United States.
• All sub-Saharan African refugees who originated from or resided in countries where Loa loa infection is endemic (Box 1), with exceptions noted in this document, should receive presumptive therapy with:
o Albendazole, single dose of 400 mg (200 mg for children 12-23 months) AND
o Praziquantel, 40 mg/kg, which may be divided in two doses before departure to the United States.
o Refugees from Loa loa-endemic countries (Box 1) in Africa should not receive presumptive ivermectin for strongyloidiasis prior to departure. Management of Strongyloides should be deferred until arrival in the United States, unless Loa loa is excluded by reviewing a daytime (10 AM to 2 PM) Giemsa-stained blood smear. Deferral of treatment for Strongyloides until after the refugee arrives in the United States is acceptable. Guidance is available for management of Strongyloides following arrival in the United States in the Domestic Intestinal Parasite Screening Guidelines.

With the flooding events over the last few days in New York and New Jersey and Pennsylvania, they’ll need to start worrying about tropical diseases up there as well going forwards. Good luck convincing those folks after the propaganda blitz against ivermectin that they’ve drowned people’s thinking in.
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so how does an anit-parasitic kill a virus?
Well, they have evidence that it does, but they don’t know the exact mechanism. Why, are you against research into that ?

Here’s a good article from an objective source on the status of Ivermectin research in regards to Covid:

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Did you hear about the Stanford study conducted by Catherine Axfors and John Ioannidis that showed extremely high recovery rates for anyone under the age of 70? No? Then you’re probably still getting your news from Google, Facebook, Twitter, or mainstream media. They have ignored or even censored the study.

Say it aint so?
Did you hear about the Stanford study conducted by Catherine Axfors and John Ioannidis that showed extremely high recovery rates for anyone under the age of 70? No? Then you’re probably still getting your news from Google, Facebook, Twitter, or mainstream media. They have ignored or even censored the study.

Say it aint so?
David, I really think it’s helpful if you post the underlying study versus the media outlet. I don’t know anything about blaze media for example, but I do know JAMA is a familiar authority for most folks. As an example here’s the underlying article for the blaze media article:

I can understand why people doubt media posts, because you have to be very careful about what sources they are using. So what I do is a dig down into it to find the actual source, and they make judgments about that versus the article that reported it. For example Los Angeles times has an article running that says Ivermectin was developed for animals, which is completely wrong. It was actually developed in Japan for tropical diseases in humans.
so how does an anit-parasitic kill a virus?
Who said that killing the virus is how it is effective against the disease? Chemicals and molecules and compounds can have many effects, not just one effect. To give you an easy understanding of this, have you ever heard of medicines having "side effects"?
Using a medicine for that kind of purpose is called "off-label use".
Aspirin use is against pain, inflammation, and fever. Off-label use can be for preventing heart attacks or strokes.
Covid as a disease has phases where effective medicines or treatments are only effective at a certain phase and could even be harmful at a different phase- for example, treatment to reduce the body's defense response would only be helpful after the virus is not the problem, and when the body's later over-reaction is the problem.

Here's a story in a regular poop-filled science journal. It contains false information ( this is not the first time someone survived without vaccine), but it is illustrative of how treatments may help without directly attacking the virus or bacteria or whatever and without really knowing what works, out of a bunch of possibly good things being done.

By the time Giese began displaying signs of rabies three weeks later—fatigue, double vision, vomiting and tingling in her left arm—it was too late for the antirabies vaccine cocktail.

Instead of giving her up for dead, the doctors decided to "shut the brain down and wait for the cavalry to come" by inducing a coma to give her own immune system time to build up antibodies against the virus,
And sometimes things work and they don't know why (how, in what manner) they worked until later.
The first widely known case of survival through rabies infection was treated with cold baths and supplementary support more than 50 years ago.

Here is more truthful information:
Rare natural human survivors have been documented and are also known to occur more frequently among other mammals

The child reported in their study experienced a cat bite and was infected with a vampire bat rabies virus variant. She exhibited an unusual hopeful sign: neutralizing antibodies against rabies in serum and CSF shortly after admission. Management was aggressive, initially applying most components of the so-called “Milwaukee protocol” including deep coma induction using high-dose anesthesia with barbiturates, midazolam and ketamine. This had previously been proven not beneficial using in vitro and in vivo models and has resulted in severe complications; presumably due to physiological dysregulation above what may be due to rabies encephalomyelitis alone.2 Furthermore, it complicates normal intensive care unit treatment and does not add any benefits. Many treatment failures at institutions with adequate facilities have also documented this.3 The last modification of the “Milwaukee protocol” eliminated the use of barbiturates and ribavarin. It also added a statement that the use of sedation should be held temporarily if the electroencephalogram appears suppressed.4 Katamine and midazolam are the only remaining elements of the original ‘Milwaukee protocol”; thus making it similar, if not identical, to the current routine intensive care practices worldwide. The 2013 WHO expert consultation conference on rabies made it very clear that there is no proven therapy for human rabies. Any new procedures or drugs should be proven that it does not add potentially harmful risks for an already seriously ill patient.5 There is now a consensus opinion among rabies-experienced clinicians that rabies can no longer be considered as an invariably fatal disease. Rare natural human survivors have been documented and are also known to occur more frequently among other mammals. There are no evidence-based rabies treatment guidelines; and the term “Milwaukee protocol” should not be used instead of “provision of appropriate supportive care in an intensive care setting.” Once new drugs and clinical procedures that are promising become available, they should only be applied after appropriate institutional ethical committee approval.
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I think its best to back up.. Everyone back up.... Lets learn about a condition that affectively hits 70 years and older very hard.

There is no doubt in my mind this was altered in a lab and created to do mass harm to the elderly and those with medical conditions..

Overweight, Diabetes, heart disease and so on is what this virus preys on. I had read (again this os what I read and you can beieve it or not.. I really dont mind if you dont as you might not find it anyways (blocked and removed). It was actually made in Canada and to scientist *(husband and wife stole it) and took it to wuhan. (this was early reports). After getting to Wuhan or during, Somehow they were infected. As a result both died from a mysterious flu like bug... THis is where they say Patient zero comes in. He worked in the same lab and carried it into the wet market ( part is speculation on my end about him).

They removed the content from the internet and just last week I read an article of the husband and wife who (they say was in wuhan ) worked on this (gain of function or whatever)... Didnt see where they say she or he died but made it read like all of this happened in China... Sorry to say but (I am assuming on my end from early reports).. Canada had this thing and the married couple moved it (stole it) and was exposed... and 2 years later here we are.. Bet none of you have no idea what I am talking about...

Most of the links came from a conservative site... I wouldnt worry to much about the site but More into the content...

One foot in front of the other and you will be amazed at what you will find lurking under the topics ..

After Oklahoma city bombing I worked in construction with a guy who helped me ( I was under 30 at the time) with critical thinking ... Look at whats being told and question how and why ( for the basics) ... I have a WHo, what? why, When and where on everything just about ( if I am getting into a problem at work)( customer service per se) I have found that people are not the same people as of 20 years ago... I used to give a handshake and do business and now I have a 2 page contract and the they still try to lie about everything..

I run about 65 employees and love everyone of them as my own kids.. Most have worked for me for 5-25 years ( family business... I am as honest as they come and some people do not like me because I say I cant or its a NO.

But I tell them what I can and cant do... I dont mislead them. Been in this business for 28 years and took it over about 15 yers ago.. Its a multi million dollar company... I can read people very well typically ( not always right but usually close).. I have a feel for a lot of things that come with life... Love people and Spiritual things have always been a part of my life ( church).

Its not that I dont trust anyone or anything but I have learned through the years that people (some) are just not Honest and are out to get something... Sometimes they just lie and that what they do.

Anyways this guy from work who talked to me about the bombing and then starting asking me the many questions that didnt make sense but supposedly happened... That is what taught me to start thinking outside the box.

Again for some on here who get stuck with what they think people read or get their content from (you are very closed minded without an argument and deflect the discussion all because you have nothing of content).. Yeah I jab and rib as I am a person in life that will pick on you if I like you.. Not very many people I really dont like but just a couple.

I am not always right but I am usually on the right track (dont take that the wrong way and my bro inlaw called my sister the walking encyclopedia). We have common sense on a life. (again dont take that the wrong way.. I am not conceded but I am pationate)... I like helping people and it is an trait I give no apologies for ... I work with a democrat who refuses to see how bad this country has gotten and wont give the guy who was known for his bad tweets any credit for anything good that came from what he did and if this guy in office does something that I think is good I will give him Kudos for it... I am or at least I try to be fair ( I run a business and my guys will tell you.. He is always fair.. Always).. I am not run on emotion even though I get pationate about some subjects... Lastly... I have a real dislike for stupid people... Who try to play like everyone is dumb (not saying anyone here, just in general). Arguments are weak when talking points are used and repeated..

Wake up and do your own research... if you are new to searches on these subjects use DuckDuckgo or Brave or any other search engine for a few to get some of the stuff that is being blocked.. reread the posts above and see.. Its true and they ( govt and big tech and walking you down the road they want you to be). I really dont understand why they are pushing this jab so hard but my thoughts? (besides control, maybe at the end you wont be able to survive without it?) Dot know and just talking here... Could there be a lt of end games here so not sure but sometimes you ponder the extremes just to have an end point to a problem ( I guess)..

Ok back to the links I use.. I have a few sites I use.. the best .. it will get you looking past the weeds and have you thinking .. Its not a lot of content but enough.. I have been part of that site for about 5 years and he is rarely wrong on what he sees and what he thinks .. He is. the one that helped me so much to understand what is going on behind the scenes and what some of the end goals (Dem or repub ..same bird different wing)..

Iam busy during the day so I like to read the headlines then click

Those are the basics... or whatever it is .. COnservative site but I dont go their much.. I dont like some of the content but every now and then even cnn has something of value..

Its hard to teach or learn if the person repeats the talking points ... Horse dewormer is one of them.. makes them sound ignorant and closed minded.. so why join the conversation?

ANyways.. I had neck surgery and been driving the RV so a little tired and sore adn will be finishing my trip.. 3 hrs drive is playing hardball with my neck and shoulders.. So I try to hit the conversation hard with facts as I see them but sometimes I am a little fast to hit enter.
It is abusive to describe the "horse dewormer" narrative as some kind of liberal media bias plot. I live in an area where a lot of people have animals and nearly all of the hardware stores and the like carry those products. Well, they normally do. I made a run for pet supplies and some parts yesterday and had to hit two different hardware stores, a farm supply store, and a store that kind of defies description but mostly sells irrigation supplies. All of them normally carry veterinary-grade ivermectin. All of them were sold out. All of them had prominent notices that the ivermectin they sold was not for human consumption.

It isn't like all of the horses here suddenly got wormy.

You are a complete loon if you choose to self-medicate with a veterinary product rather than take a free vaccine that is proven safe and effective. Unfortunately the loons are in the house.

I have no opposition to legitimate and well-designed research into whether ivermectin can help people infected with covid. However, the fact that the study showing the most effectiveness on the largest population was retracted due to serious integrity problems (with evidence of plagiarism and data falsification) makes me extremely skeptical: you wouldn't have those problems in a study if the medication being studied worked.
... the fact that the study showing the most effectiveness on the largest population was retracted due to serious integrity problems (with evidence of plagiarism and data falsification) makes me extremely skeptical: you wouldn't have those problems in a study if the medication being studied worked.
Your conclusion is nonsense. The problem existed in one of the many reports used. Another one is suspect and so was removed. People cheat on school homework but that does not have any bearing on other kids' work or any bearing on the truth of the matter. Removing that kid's high mark may reduce the class average.
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